树脂镜片缺陷瑕疵图像获取投影照明方案的仿真研究,15400字33页摘要 近几年中国的眼镜产业发展非常迅猛,目前已跻身在世界眼镜产业大国的行列中。目前中国的眼镜生产企业数量较为可观,数据表明已超过4000余家,在江苏丹阳以眼镜产业文明全国甚至是全世界。目前生产的数量是可观的,但是质量如何呢?在镜片生产过程中不可避免地出现各...
此文档由会员 sbsiji00 发布
15400字 33页
摘要 近几年中国的眼镜产业发展非常迅猛,目前已跻身在世界眼镜产业大国的行列中。目前中国的眼镜生产企业数量较为可观,数据表明已超过4000余家,在江苏丹阳以眼镜产业文明全国甚至是全世界。目前生产的数量是可观的,但是质量如何呢?在镜片生产过程中不可避免地出现各种各样的质量问题。镜片缺陷瑕疵检测对于缺陷瑕疵的种类、数量、大小及位置等信息的采集工作一直都是工作重点。目前,我国所有镜片生产商的镜片生产线中缺陷检测部分全部都是由人工检测完成的,但在很多情况下,即使对于训练有素的检测人员往往也是乏味的并且是非常困难的。此外,客户需求是在要生产高质量、低成本的基础上需要有更精确的缺陷检测。这将导致自动表面检测系统的需求不断增加,计算机视觉系统在这个不断发展的领域中扮演着至关重要的角色。
本文需要采用光学仿真软件Light Tools对树脂镜片缺陷瑕疵图像采集系统方案的点光源照明部分进行仿真研究,建立光源投影照明系统模型和镜片缺陷模型,获取并分析照度图谱,对照明系统中的水印缺陷的照度分布采用网孔优化,验证实验结果的准确性,最终获取投影照明方案缺陷图像,并加以分析。
关键词:缺陷检测 光照方式 软件仿真 Light Tools
ABSTRACT In recent years, the development of China's optical industry is very fast, and has been among the ranks of the world's great powers in the optical industry. Present, spectacles manufacturer our country have over 4,000, the formation of a major base in Donguan, AMoy, Wenzhou, Danyang, Shanghai and Peking. Varieties of defects are inevitably in the process of lens production, type, number, size and location of information detection has been the emphasis and difficulty in the lens detection work. At present, China's lens production line defect detection part of all lens manufacturers are all done by hand detection, but, in many cases, the surface inspection tends to be tedious or difficult even for a trained operator. Moreover, the customer demands are well founded on the high no-quality costs in manufacturing and require a more precise defect detection. This causes an increasing demand for automatic surface inspection systems and the computer vision plays a crucial role in this growing field.
Lens automated defect detection equipment plays an important role in lens production process, it can not only improve the quality and degree of automation of the lens, and the lens in terms of energy savings in the production process also contributed. Automated test equipment having a lens defect lenses strictly uniform testing standards, can effectively prevent defects caused by manual identification of the instability of the lens, thereby improving the efficiency and accuracy of detection of the lens. In computer vision applications, the provision of correct and high-quality illumination is absolutely decisive. Choosing the right lighting mode is still a fortress to be overcome because there is no specific guidance on methods to integrate it into machine vision applications. In fact, any effort invested in the selection of the optimum illumination device will increase the system’s inspection performance and will also decrease the complexity of the software. The main purpose of this paper is to study the way light lens image acquisition system, to develop a new image acquisition system defect of various lenses for image acquisition, image acquisition defect processing, and end up with spots, wounds, feathers, watermarks or impurities image defects such as lenses.
Reference herein to existing lighting solutions at home and abroad for analysis, summarized and screening, is now found a total of lighting detection system is divided into: Before illumination, backlighting light coaxial illumination three. There are also scattered and special lighting, etc..
This paper uses simulation software Light Tools optical resin lenses intended for point source lighting solutions flaw defect image acquisition system simulation studies, the establishment of light projection illumination system model and defect model, obtain and analyze patterns of illumination..
15400字 33页
摘要 近几年中国的眼镜产业发展非常迅猛,目前已跻身在世界眼镜产业大国的行列中。目前中国的眼镜生产企业数量较为可观,数据表明已超过4000余家,在江苏丹阳以眼镜产业文明全国甚至是全世界。目前生产的数量是可观的,但是质量如何呢?在镜片生产过程中不可避免地出现各种各样的质量问题。镜片缺陷瑕疵检测对于缺陷瑕疵的种类、数量、大小及位置等信息的采集工作一直都是工作重点。目前,我国所有镜片生产商的镜片生产线中缺陷检测部分全部都是由人工检测完成的,但在很多情况下,即使对于训练有素的检测人员往往也是乏味的并且是非常困难的。此外,客户需求是在要生产高质量、低成本的基础上需要有更精确的缺陷检测。这将导致自动表面检测系统的需求不断增加,计算机视觉系统在这个不断发展的领域中扮演着至关重要的角色。
本文需要采用光学仿真软件Light Tools对树脂镜片缺陷瑕疵图像采集系统方案的点光源照明部分进行仿真研究,建立光源投影照明系统模型和镜片缺陷模型,获取并分析照度图谱,对照明系统中的水印缺陷的照度分布采用网孔优化,验证实验结果的准确性,最终获取投影照明方案缺陷图像,并加以分析。
关键词:缺陷检测 光照方式 软件仿真 Light Tools
ABSTRACT In recent years, the development of China's optical industry is very fast, and has been among the ranks of the world's great powers in the optical industry. Present, spectacles manufacturer our country have over 4,000, the formation of a major base in Donguan, AMoy, Wenzhou, Danyang, Shanghai and Peking. Varieties of defects are inevitably in the process of lens production, type, number, size and location of information detection has been the emphasis and difficulty in the lens detection work. At present, China's lens production line defect detection part of all lens manufacturers are all done by hand detection, but, in many cases, the surface inspection tends to be tedious or difficult even for a trained operator. Moreover, the customer demands are well founded on the high no-quality costs in manufacturing and require a more precise defect detection. This causes an increasing demand for automatic surface inspection systems and the computer vision plays a crucial role in this growing field.
Lens automated defect detection equipment plays an important role in lens production process, it can not only improve the quality and degree of automation of the lens, and the lens in terms of energy savings in the production process also contributed. Automated test equipment having a lens defect lenses strictly uniform testing standards, can effectively prevent defects caused by manual identification of the instability of the lens, thereby improving the efficiency and accuracy of detection of the lens. In computer vision applications, the provision of correct and high-quality illumination is absolutely decisive. Choosing the right lighting mode is still a fortress to be overcome because there is no specific guidance on methods to integrate it into machine vision applications. In fact, any effort invested in the selection of the optimum illumination device will increase the system’s inspection performance and will also decrease the complexity of the software. The main purpose of this paper is to study the way light lens image acquisition system, to develop a new image acquisition system defect of various lenses for image acquisition, image acquisition defect processing, and end up with spots, wounds, feathers, watermarks or impurities image defects such as lenses.
Reference herein to existing lighting solutions at home and abroad for analysis, summarized and screening, is now found a total of lighting detection system is divided into: Before illumination, backlighting light coaxial illumination three. There are also scattered and special lighting, etc..
This paper uses simulation software Light Tools optical resin lenses intended for point source lighting solutions flaw defect image acquisition system simulation studies, the establishment of light projection illumination system model and defect model, obtain and analyze patterns of illumination..
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