
光纤中光孤子传输的可视化仿真分析,15800字42页目录摘要1abstract2第一章 绪 论41.1研究背景41.2 光孤子仿真研究51.3本文内容9第二章 光孤子及系统的原理分析112.1光孤子112.2 光孤子系统112.2.1 光孤子的产生112.2.2 光孤子特性122.2.3光孤子系统结构122.3光孤子系统...

此文档由会员 sbsiji00 发布
15800字 42页
摘要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 绪 论 4
1.1研究背景 4
1.2 光孤子仿真研究 5
1.3本文内容 9
第二章 光孤子及系统的原理分析 11
2.1光孤子 11
2.2 光孤子系统 11
2.2.1 光孤子的产生 11
2.2.2 光孤子特性 12
2.2.3光孤子系统结构 12
2.3光孤子系统理论 13
2.4本章小结 15
第三章 可视化程序设计 16
3.1非线性薛定谔方程 16
3.1.1NLSE方程 16
3.1.2对称分布傅立叶 16
3.2 软件设计 16
3.2.1初始化函数(init) 17
3.2.2 脉冲产生函数(genepulse) 17
3.2.3 光纤传播函数(propagation) 17
3.2.4 主程序的设计(main) 17
3.3软件参数 18
3.3.1光纤参数 18
3.3.2输入场 18
3.3.3绘图选项 18
3.4软件界面 19
3.5本章小结 19
第四章 光孤子可视化分析 20
4.1光纤损耗 20
4.2光纤非线性 20
4.2.1拉曼散射 21
4.2.2自陡峭效应 22
4.3二阶色散 22
4.4三阶色散 23
4.5不同状态的孤子 24
4.6本章小结 26
总 结 27
致 谢 28
参考文献 29
附 录 33
摘要 对于现代通信技术,光孤子的发现是通信技术的里程碑。光孤子有着很好的稳定性,在高温环境、长距离方面有着普通光纤通信不可比拟的优势,因此对于光孤子的研究非常有必要。
Visual simulation and analysis of the transmission of optical soliton in optical fiber
Abstract For the modern communication technology, the discovery of optical soliton is communication technology milestone.Optical soliton has good stability, and to compare with the ordinary optical fiber communication,the environment of high temperature and long distance are incomparable advantages, therefore the research of optical soliton is very necessary.
In view of the optical soliton communication,we have a reading and reference, and analysis for now the research literature in the field of optical soliton extensive.To combine the results of optical soliton research,we research and analysis on the optical soliton transmission characteristics.
The first part:Soliton research progress at home and abroad are introduced and optical soliton transmission characteristics in simulation research are In the column;
The second part:We explain the concept of optical soliton,and the generation of optical solitons are analyzed at the same time; Second,optical soliton communication system is introduced in detail, and the structure of optical soliton transmission model is constructed; Finally,we expound the operation principle of optical soliton communication system;
The third part:We have a design of software.Using Matlab to design optical soliton transmission visual simulation software, first of all, we designed the general function programming (init) initialization function, then used the Matlab language to describe fractional Fourier transfer mode (propagation) and pulse function (genepulse), the final is in the case of the above three function called,we designed the main function (main);
The fourth part:To run the program, the nonlinear effect of fiber loss and dispersion is analyzed, and the peak power of the optical solitons are simulated, based on the analysis of the simulation, a clear understanding to the various factors the influence of the optical soliton is presented .
⑴Loss affects the optical soliton peak power, pulse energy in the transmission process is lossing.
⑵The nonlinear polarization of medium makes the narrow pulse width.
⑶Due to the dispersion,each monochromatic light of optical soliton at a different speed transmission in medium, leads to pulse width continuously widened and distortion .
⑷The higher the peak power soliton and the more unstable. Up the peak power, pulse of periodic increase and decrease; After the peak power increase again, pulse will no longer be stable, and at time cont..
15800字 42页
摘要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 绪 论 4
1.1研究背景 4
1.2 光孤子仿真研究 5
1.3本文内容 9
第二章 光孤子及系统的原理分析 11
2.1光孤子 11
2.2 光孤子系统 11
2.2.1 光孤子的产生 11
2.2.2 光孤子特性 12
2.2.3光孤子系统结构 12
2.3光孤子系统理论 13
2.4本章小结 15
第三章 可视化程序设计 16
3.1非线性薛定谔方程 16
3.1.1NLSE方程 16
3.1.2对称分布傅立叶 16
3.2 软件设计 16
3.2.1初始化函数(init) 17
3.2.2 脉冲产生函数(genepulse) 17
3.2.3 光纤传播函数(propagation) 17
3.2.4 主程序的设计(main) 17
3.3软件参数 18
3.3.1光纤参数 18
3.3.2输入场 18
3.3.3绘图选项 18
3.4软件界面 19
3.5本章小结 19
第四章 光孤子可视化分析 20
4.1光纤损耗 20
4.2光纤非线性 20
4.2.1拉曼散射 21
4.2.2自陡峭效应 22
4.3二阶色散 22
4.4三阶色散 23
4.5不同状态的孤子 24
4.6本章小结 26
总 结 27
致 谢 28
参考文献 29
附 录 33
摘要 对于现代通信技术,光孤子的发现是通信技术的里程碑。光孤子有着很好的稳定性,在高温环境、长距离方面有着普通光纤通信不可比拟的优势,因此对于光孤子的研究非常有必要。
Visual simulation and analysis of the transmission of optical soliton in optical fiber
Abstract For the modern communication technology, the discovery of optical soliton is communication technology milestone.Optical soliton has good stability, and to compare with the ordinary optical fiber communication,the environment of high temperature and long distance are incomparable advantages, therefore the research of optical soliton is very necessary.
In view of the optical soliton communication,we have a reading and reference, and analysis for now the research literature in the field of optical soliton extensive.To combine the results of optical soliton research,we research and analysis on the optical soliton transmission characteristics.
The first part:Soliton research progress at home and abroad are introduced and optical soliton transmission characteristics in simulation research are In the column;
The second part:We explain the concept of optical soliton,and the generation of optical solitons are analyzed at the same time; Second,optical soliton communication system is introduced in detail, and the structure of optical soliton transmission model is constructed; Finally,we expound the operation principle of optical soliton communication system;
The third part:We have a design of software.Using Matlab to design optical soliton transmission visual simulation software, first of all, we designed the general function programming (init) initialization function, then used the Matlab language to describe fractional Fourier transfer mode (propagation) and pulse function (genepulse), the final is in the case of the above three function called,we designed the main function (main);
The fourth part:To run the program, the nonlinear effect of fiber loss and dispersion is analyzed, and the peak power of the optical solitons are simulated, based on the analysis of the simulation, a clear understanding to the various factors the influence of the optical soliton is presented .
⑴Loss affects the optical soliton peak power, pulse energy in the transmission process is lossing.
⑵The nonlinear polarization of medium makes the narrow pulse width.
⑶Due to the dispersion,each monochromatic light of optical soliton at a different speed transmission in medium, leads to pulse width continuously widened and distortion .
⑷The higher the peak power soliton and the more unstable. Up the peak power, pulse of periodic increase and decrease; After the peak power increase again, pulse will no longer be stable, and at time cont..