

基于激光散斑法评估金属表面状态,16500字 34页摘 要散斑干涉法是 70 年代发展起来的一种方法,它具有非接触和无损的优点,可用于实物测量。由于测量灵敏度高、设备简单, 根据所采用的分析技术可以给出逐点和全场信息, 因而近年来得到了广泛应用,然而激光散斑技术在表面分析领域中尚未有全面深入的研究,为了追求更简单的评估金...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 sbsiji00 发布


16500字 34页

摘 要
散斑干涉法是 70 年代发展起来的一种方法,它具有非接触和无损的优点,可用于实物测量。由于测量灵敏度高、设备简单, 根据所采用的分析技术可以给出逐点和全场信息, 因而近年来得到了广泛应用,然而激光散斑技术在表面分析领域中尚未有全面深入的研究,为了追求更简单的评估金属表面状态的方法,将研究目光投向了激光散斑技术,提出了基于激光散斑法评估金属表面状态的研究。
关键词:激光散斑 金属 表面状态 散斑分析

State eva luation of the metal surface based on the laser speckle method
Speckle interferometry is a method developed in the 70 s, it has the advantages of non-contact and non-destructive, can be used in the actual measurement. Because of high sensitivity, simple equipment, according to the analysis technology can be adopted by the given point and the information, which has wide application, however, in the field of laser speckle techniques on surface analysis has not yet have comprehensive in-depth research, in order to pursue more simple method of eva luating metal surface state, will study looking at the laser speckle technique, is presented based on the laser speckle method eva luating the state of the metal surface.
By means of laser speckle technique used some of the more mature areas and present some detailed understanding surface analysis technology, the eva luation of surface state was developed based on the predecessors' research inspired the scale of conjecture, gives a new scale to the detailed content and design parameters, and designed a contrast experiment, has carried on the experiment to guess. Due to the intensity of the reflected light depends on the geometry of the surface microscopic structure and color, so any changes will lead to different on the surface of the speckle image. On this basis, the analysis of the parameters of laser speckle images, combining with the surface roughness, the comprehensive eva luation of metal surface state. Research to painted metal surface laser cleaning as experimental samples, based on laser speckle method to eva luate the sample state of laser cleaning the surface of the part as the core. Samples of the production, the construction of the experimental equipment, the results of analysis, reasonable planning experiment circuit, makes the experimental section in an orderly way. The study design to a image analysis software, in order to get the required speckle image parameters, select matlab software analysis experiment of speckle image processing.
The study for exploratory research, sample production, the limitations of experimental equipment, speckle image acquisition, the analysis of the parameters are directly related to the results of the experiment. The study found that the different metal surface laser speckle images are obviously different, through the analysis of speckle image results can also be found the corresponding difference. The same surface roughness obtained by speckle image and the speckle parameter analysis also is not the same, but only in a small scale fluctuation, don't rule out the influence of experimental error, not to blindly explanation of the experiment confirmed his theory, but the total can experiment shows that when analyzing the speckle image between the more obvious fluctuations, we can conclude that with the corresponding surface state of difference, only when the speckle fluctuations on a small scale, we can be seen as the state of the corresponding metal surface close to or equal. Metal surface is assessed based on laser speckle method of research for the on-line measurement of laser processing technology to provide strong support.

Keywords: laser speckle metal Surface sta..