

此文档由会员 对比的差异 发布
关键词:柯莱特 人才流失 原因 对策
With the competition among enterprises is becoming increasingly fierce, the human resources become the key of enterprises to win the competitive advantage, play an important role in educating people, in human resources, and gradually become the strategic requirement of enterprise development. Therefore, only with sufficient talent, enterprises can realize the great leap forward development. However, the loss of talent in the enterprise development, hindering the pace also more and more big, more and more serious brain drain of talent, according to incomplete statistics, 2013-2014 years, rate of around 20% in the brain drain of our enterprises, more enterprises, resulting in the loss of up to the year 1/10000 of the net value of the therefore, the enterprises should preventive measure of brain drain of talent, as the army solid long-term business development.
The Camelot as the research object, combined with human resource management theory, by means of interviews, documentation and observation, the company personnel situation analysis.Based on the model of talent management company fully understand camelot, summarizes the existing problems in the management of Camelot talent, analyze the cause of the camelot brain drain,and gives the improvement strategy and the specific suggestions, in the hope of bringing some real help to Camelot talent management, the company has policies do better.
Key Words:camelot The loss of talented people reason counter measures
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 问题的提出 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1 国外研究现状 1
1.2.2国内研究现状 2
1.3 研究目的和研究意义 2
1.4 研究思路和研究方法 3
第二章 柯莱特公司人才流失的现状 4
2.1人才和人才流失的关概念 4
2.1.1人才的涵义 4
2.1.2人才流失相关概念 4
2.2柯莱特公司简介 4
2.3柯莱特公司人才流失的现状 5
第三章柯莱特公司人才流失的原因 8
3.1 公司领导对人才缺乏必要的关怀和指导 8
3.2 缺乏人力资源战略规划 8
3.3重使用, 轻培训 9
3.4缺乏完善的薪酬、激励机制 10
3.5人才缺乏必要的发展空间和成长机会 11
3.6企业文化匮乏 11
第四章柯莱特公司人才流失对策研究 13
4.1建立现代企业制度 13
4.1.1科学合理的选拔制度和用人机制 13
4.1.2完善培训制度,提供适用的培训 13
4.1.3有竞争性的薪酬激励机制 14
4.2加强企业文化建设,培养企业凝聚力 15
4.2.1尊重员工,以人为本 15
4.2.2信任文化建设 16
4.2.3增加集体活动的开展,增强员工之间的感情交流 16
4.3进行完善的人力资源规划 17
4.3.1给人才提供施展才能工作岗位,制定明确工作目标 17
4.3.2 参与管理,合理授权 17
4.3.3多通道发展,不断晋升 18
结论 19
致谢 21
附录:调查问卷 22
调查问卷结果分析 24
关键词:柯莱特 人才流失 原因 对策
With the competition among enterprises is becoming increasingly fierce, the human resources become the key of enterprises to win the competitive advantage, play an important role in educating people, in human resources, and gradually become the strategic requirement of enterprise development. Therefore, only with sufficient talent, enterprises can realize the great leap forward development. However, the loss of talent in the enterprise development, hindering the pace also more and more big, more and more serious brain drain of talent, according to incomplete statistics, 2013-2014 years, rate of around 20% in the brain drain of our enterprises, more enterprises, resulting in the loss of up to the year 1/10000 of the net value of the therefore, the enterprises should preventive measure of brain drain of talent, as the army solid long-term business development.
The Camelot as the research object, combined with human resource management theory, by means of interviews, documentation and observation, the company personnel situation analysis.Based on the model of talent management company fully understand camelot, summarizes the existing problems in the management of Camelot talent, analyze the cause of the camelot brain drain,and gives the improvement strategy and the specific suggestions, in the hope of bringing some real help to Camelot talent management, the company has policies do better.
Key Words:camelot The loss of talented people reason counter measures
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 问题的提出 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1 国外研究现状 1
1.2.2国内研究现状 2
1.3 研究目的和研究意义 2
1.4 研究思路和研究方法 3
第二章 柯莱特公司人才流失的现状 4
2.1人才和人才流失的关概念 4
2.1.1人才的涵义 4
2.1.2人才流失相关概念 4
2.2柯莱特公司简介 4
2.3柯莱特公司人才流失的现状 5
第三章柯莱特公司人才流失的原因 8
3.1 公司领导对人才缺乏必要的关怀和指导 8
3.2 缺乏人力资源战略规划 8
3.3重使用, 轻培训 9
3.4缺乏完善的薪酬、激励机制 10
3.5人才缺乏必要的发展空间和成长机会 11
3.6企业文化匮乏 11
第四章柯莱特公司人才流失对策研究 13
4.1建立现代企业制度 13
4.1.1科学合理的选拔制度和用人机制 13
4.1.2完善培训制度,提供适用的培训 13
4.1.3有竞争性的薪酬激励机制 14
4.2加强企业文化建设,培养企业凝聚力 15
4.2.1尊重员工,以人为本 15
4.2.2信任文化建设 16
4.2.3增加集体活动的开展,增强员工之间的感情交流 16
4.3进行完善的人力资源规划 17
4.3.1给人才提供施展才能工作岗位,制定明确工作目标 17
4.3.2 参与管理,合理授权 17
4.3.3多通道发展,不断晋升 18
结论 19
致谢 21
附录:调查问卷 22
调查问卷结果分析 24