
客服助理绩效考核存在的问题及对策研究,——以xx公司为例19000字摘要 随着经济全球化的发展,企业间的竞争也愈加激烈。而企业间的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争,也是企业人力资源管理水平的竞争。而绩效考核作为人力资源管理是核心,对激励员工工作热情和实现企业长远发展具有至关重要的作用。所以,企业必须为自己建立一套高效的绩效考制度...

此文档由会员 对比的差异 发布
摘要 随着经济全球化的发展,企业间的竞争也愈加激烈。而企业间的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争,也是企业人力资源管理水平的竞争。而绩效考核作为人力资源管理是核心,对激励员工工作热情和实现企业长远发展具有至关重要的作用。所以,企业必须为自己建立一套高效的绩效考制度。而绩效考核机制是一个系统的、动态的管理过程。企业要实施绩效考核机制,就必须根据企业自身情况,深刻认识企业在绩效考核机制方面存在的问题,上至高层领导,下至基层员工都要从观念进行彻底改变,对绩效考核机制有一个系统的、全面的认识。只有这样企业才能够在复杂激烈的市场竞争中得以生存和发展。
关键词 客服助理 绩效考核 绩效管理
Research on the problems and the measures existing in the performance appraisal of the customer service assistant
——the CiXi country garden company for example
Abstract With the development of economic globalization, the competition between enterprises is increasingly fierce.Competition among enterprises is not only the talent competition, but also the level of human resource management. Performance appraisal is the core of the human resource management ,and it have a vital role on motivating employees and achieving the long-term development of enterprises. Therefore, enterprises must establish a high-performance test systems for their own.Performance appraisal system is a system, dynamic management process. In order to implement the performance appraisal system, enterprises must be based on their own circumstances to have a profound understanding of the enterprise in terms of performance appraisal mechanism problems.
Taking cixi country garden of the company's customer service support staff as the research object,while the use of the literature and case study method.On the basis of the relevant performance eva luation studies, detailing the basic situation of the company and the customer service assistant Garden status of performance appraisal. Combining with the experience in country garden company internship ,author analysis and research on the problems existing in the performance appraisal system of customer service assistant and reason, and combined with the author's own knowledge, to provide the corresponding suggestions and countermeasures.
Keyword Customer Service Assistant Performance appraisal Performance management
目 录
第一章 概论 1
1.1 研究背景及概念界定 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 概念界定 2
1.2 研究意义 2
1.3 研究内容 3
1.4 研究思路及方法 3
1.5 研究的不足 4
第二章 理论综述 4
2.1 国内研究现状 4
2.2 国外研究现状 8
第三章 碧桂园公司客服助理绩效考核现状分析 10
3.1 碧桂园公司简介 10
3.2 碧桂园公司客服助理绩效考核现状 11
3.3 碧桂园公司客服助理绩效考核存在的问题 13
3.3.1 绩效考核的过程形式化 14
3.3.2 绩效考核角度单一 14
3.3.3 考核者的主观随意性较大 15
3.3.4 被考核者对于绩效考核缺乏认识 16
3.3.5 绩效考核制度的激励性不强 17
3.4 碧桂园公司客服助理绩效考核存在问题的原因分析 18
3.4.1 组织执行力度不够,领导者不够重视 18
3.4.2 绩效考核目的认识不清 18
3.4.3 考核人员的专业素质整体不高 19
3.4.4 绩效考核结果与奖惩不对等 19
第四章 碧桂园公司客服助理绩效考核问题的对策 20
4.1 建立检查小组制度 20
4.2 建立360度绩效考核法 21
4.3 建立针对被考核者和考核者的员工培训制度 21
4.4 完善激励与奖惩制度 22
结束语 23
参考文献 24
摘要 随着经济全球化的发展,企业间的竞争也愈加激烈。而企业间的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争,也是企业人力资源管理水平的竞争。而绩效考核作为人力资源管理是核心,对激励员工工作热情和实现企业长远发展具有至关重要的作用。所以,企业必须为自己建立一套高效的绩效考制度。而绩效考核机制是一个系统的、动态的管理过程。企业要实施绩效考核机制,就必须根据企业自身情况,深刻认识企业在绩效考核机制方面存在的问题,上至高层领导,下至基层员工都要从观念进行彻底改变,对绩效考核机制有一个系统的、全面的认识。只有这样企业才能够在复杂激烈的市场竞争中得以生存和发展。
关键词 客服助理 绩效考核 绩效管理
Research on the problems and the measures existing in the performance appraisal of the customer service assistant
——the CiXi country garden company for example
Abstract With the development of economic globalization, the competition between enterprises is increasingly fierce.Competition among enterprises is not only the talent competition, but also the level of human resource management. Performance appraisal is the core of the human resource management ,and it have a vital role on motivating employees and achieving the long-term development of enterprises. Therefore, enterprises must establish a high-performance test systems for their own.Performance appraisal system is a system, dynamic management process. In order to implement the performance appraisal system, enterprises must be based on their own circumstances to have a profound understanding of the enterprise in terms of performance appraisal mechanism problems.
Taking cixi country garden of the company's customer service support staff as the research object,while the use of the literature and case study method.On the basis of the relevant performance eva luation studies, detailing the basic situation of the company and the customer service assistant Garden status of performance appraisal. Combining with the experience in country garden company internship ,author analysis and research on the problems existing in the performance appraisal system of customer service assistant and reason, and combined with the author's own knowledge, to provide the corresponding suggestions and countermeasures.
Keyword Customer Service Assistant Performance appraisal Performance management
目 录
第一章 概论 1
1.1 研究背景及概念界定 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 概念界定 2
1.2 研究意义 2
1.3 研究内容 3
1.4 研究思路及方法 3
1.5 研究的不足 4
第二章 理论综述 4
2.1 国内研究现状 4
2.2 国外研究现状 8
第三章 碧桂园公司客服助理绩效考核现状分析 10
3.1 碧桂园公司简介 10
3.2 碧桂园公司客服助理绩效考核现状 11
3.3 碧桂园公司客服助理绩效考核存在的问题 13
3.3.1 绩效考核的过程形式化 14
3.3.2 绩效考核角度单一 14
3.3.3 考核者的主观随意性较大 15
3.3.4 被考核者对于绩效考核缺乏认识 16
3.3.5 绩效考核制度的激励性不强 17
3.4 碧桂园公司客服助理绩效考核存在问题的原因分析 18
3.4.1 组织执行力度不够,领导者不够重视 18
3.4.2 绩效考核目的认识不清 18
3.4.3 考核人员的专业素质整体不高 19
3.4.4 绩效考核结果与奖惩不对等 19
第四章 碧桂园公司客服助理绩效考核问题的对策 20
4.1 建立检查小组制度 20
4.2 建立360度绩效考核法 21
4.3 建立针对被考核者和考核者的员工培训制度 21
4.4 完善激励与奖惩制度 22
结束语 23
参考文献 24