

分类: 论文>管理学论文


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摘 要

关键词 组织结构 流程优化 自来水公司 营销部门

ABSTRACT:Correlation processes and organizational structure more and more attention, and the relationship between processes and organizational structure affects the overall organizational structure and behavior.Good organizational structure and corporate marketing departments as well as the organizational structure echoes the marketing process is important to ensure a timely response to changes in the external business environment and timely response.Based on this, in this study, Zhenjiang municipal water company's marketing department, for example, The theory into practice, Zhenjiang City Water Company in the marketing department to get practice.
Based on the status of the organizational structure of the marketing branch of Zhenjiang City Water Company for diagnosis, clarify the responsibilities of various departments and processes, Zhenjiang City Water Company proposed organizational structure design optimization, improve operational efficiency of the organization. By optimizing the design process in order to re-structure the company's marketing department, making the marketing department organizational structure to better serve the marketing process, so as to achieve the organization to achieve business goals, and maintain the healthy development of their own, to ensure the continued vitality of the corporate goals . Most of the system using the idea, according to the water system, the water supply of natural processes, the existing organizational structure appropriate adjustments.

Key Words : Organizational structure;Process optimization;Water Company; Marketing department

目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的和意义 1
1.2.1 研究目的 1
1.2.2 研究意义 1
1.3 研究思路和内容 2
1.3.1 研究思路 2
1.3.2 研究内容 3
第2章 研究综述与理论基础 4
2.1 流程优化研究现状 4
2.2 组织结构与流程优化关系分析 5
2.2.1 国内外研究现状 5
2.2.2 研究述评 7
第3章 镇江市自来水公司基于流程优化的组织结构问题分析 8
3.1 研究背景 8
3.1.1镇江市自来水公司公司现状 8
3.1.2镇江市自来水公司营销部门现状 9
3.2 镇江市自来水公司流程和组织结构现状分析 9
3.2.1镇江市自来水公司营销部门组织结构及职责 9
3.2.2镇江市自来水公司营销流程 14
3.3 镇江市自来水公司营销部门流程和组织结构问题诊断 17
3.3.1 与其他部门扯皮现象多。 17
3.3.2 营销分公司内部的业务与生产之间职能交叉。 17
3.3.3 营销分公司内部岗位职责存在交叉情况。 18
3.3.4 缺乏与用户的双向沟通机制 18
3.3.5 企业整体定位偏离导致营销部门目标定位失误 18
第4章 镇江市自来水公司营销部门组织结构再设计 19
4.1 镇江市自来水公司营销部门组织结构再设计改进对策 19
4.1.1 供水管理部、供水监察处、营销分公司合并。 19
4.1.2 划分维修职责 19
4.1.3 加大客服中心职责,以用户为中心,整合现有资源。 19
4.1.4 成立售后维修科,业务范围主要针对换表、校表、水龙头等。 20
4.1.5 加强网络建设,建立大数据分析方法。 20
4.1.6 增强服务型企业意识,由生产型转变为服务型。 20
4.2 再设计后营销部门组织结构及职责 20
第5章 结论与展望 24
5.1结论 24
5.2展望 25
致 谢 26
参考文献 27
附 件 29
A. 营销分公司访谈提纲 29
B. 营销分公司访谈记录 29