
中国电信客户关系管理策略研究,13000字摘要 2008年,国家发放了第三代移动通信牌照,随之而来的是电信行业新一轮的重组,三大运营企业全业务运营下激烈的竞争由此展开,各运营商之间竞争的焦点逐渐转移到客户的竞争上。中国电信要想在与中国移动和中国联通的竞争中保持现有的竞争优势,减少甚至杜绝大规模的用户流失,如何做好客户关系...

此文档由会员 对比的差异 发布
ÕªÒª 2008Ä꣬¹ú¼Ò·¢·ÅÁ˵ÚÈý´úÒƶ¯Í¨ÐÅÅÆÕÕ£¬ËæÖ®¶øÀ´µÄÊǵçÐÅÐÐÒµÐÂÒ»ÂÖµÄÖØ×飬Èý´óÔËÓªÆóҵȫҵÎñÔËӪϼ¤ÁҵľºÕùÓÉ´ËÕ¹¿ª£¬¸÷ÔËÓªÉÌÖ®¼ä¾ºÕùµÄ½¹µãÖð½¥×ªÒƵ½¿Í»§µÄ¾ºÕùÉÏ¡£ÖйúµçÐÅÒªÏëÔÚÓëÖйúÒƶ¯ºÍÖйúÁªÍ¨µÄ¾ºÕùÖб£³ÖÏÖÓеľºÕùÓÅÊÆ£¬¼õÉÙÉõÖÁ¶Å¾ø´ó¹æÄ£µÄÓû§Á÷ʧ£¬ÈçºÎ×öºÃ¿Í»§¹Øϵ¹ÜÀí³ÉÁËδÀ´¼¸ÄêÖйúµçÐŲ»µÃ²»Ãæ¶ÔµÄÎÊÌâ¡£
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Changzhou Telecom Customer Relationship Management Strategy
Abstract With the 2008 China's telecommunications industry for 3G licenses, the telecommunications industry for a new round of restructuring, the three operating companies under the entire business operations in a fierce competition, customer competition has become the focus of the operators to compete. In order to maintain its competitive edge in the competition, in order to prevent massive churn, good customer relationship management issues will be the focus of the next few years, China Telecom will face.
In this paper, China Telecom Changzhou branch as an example, using the related theory of customer relationship management, recombinant competition brought about by the reorganization of the China Telecom industry, to exist in the customer relationship management China Telecom problems and will face the competition are analyzed, put forward in line with the actual situation China Telecom means of customer relationship management and strategies.
The first part introduces research background, research purpose and research method. The second part introduces the basic theory of customer relationship management, including the important theoretical concepts, customer relationship management, customer relationship management. The third part from the telecommunications industry China Telecom, to introduce the development situation of Changzhou Telecom, Changzhou Telecom current. The consumption characteristics of the fourth part combines the characteristics, telecom enterprise customer relationship management of telecom users, analyzing the existing problems in the customer relationship management of Changzhou Telecom, and put forward its own proposals.
Keywords Changzhou Telecom, Telecom Industry, Customer Relationship Management, Customer segmentation, Customer Satisfaction, customer churn
ÕªÒª - 1 -
Abstract - 2 -
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Changzhou Telecom Customer Relationship Management Strategy
Abstract With the 2008 China's telecommunications industry for 3G licenses, the telecommunications industry for a new round of restructuring, the three operating companies under the entire business operations in a fierce competition, customer competition has become the focus of the operators to compete. In order to maintain its competitive edge in the competition, in order to prevent massive churn, good customer relationship management issues will be the focus of the next few years, China Telecom will face.
In this paper, China Telecom Changzhou branch as an example, using the related theory of customer relationship management, recombinant competition brought about by the reorganization of the China Telecom industry, to exist in the customer relationship management China Telecom problems and will face the competition are analyzed, put forward in line with the actual situation China Telecom means of customer relationship management and strategies.
The first part introduces research background, research purpose and research method. The second part introduces the basic theory of customer relationship management, including the important theoretical concepts, customer relationship management, customer relationship management. The third part from the telecommunications industry China Telecom, to introduce the development situation of Changzhou Telecom, Changzhou Telecom current. The consumption characteristics of the fourth part combines the characteristics, telecom enterprise customer relationship management of telecom users, analyzing the existing problems in the customer relationship management of Changzhou Telecom, and put forward its own proposals.
Keywords Changzhou Telecom, Telecom Industry, Customer Relationship Management, Customer segmentation, Customer Satisfaction, customer churn
ÕªÒª - 1 -
Abstract - 2 -
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