

xx车身制造有限公司营销策略分析报告,12000字摘要 当今社会飞速发展,营销策略理论也跟着不断进步。营销策略理论原理是企业根据以往经验获得顾客购买力和需求量的相关的信息以及商业界的期望值,一顾客需要为出发点,有组织地进行各种公司经营活动,通过价格策略、渠道策略、产品策略和促销策略之间的协调,为顾客提供更好的服务和商品从...
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摘要 当今社会飞速发展,营销策略理论也跟着不断进步。营销策略理论原理是企业根据以往经验获得顾客购买力和需求量的相关的信息以及商业界的期望值,一顾客需要为出发点,有组织地进行各种公司经营活动,通过价格策略、渠道策略、产品策略和促销策略之间的协调,为顾客提供更好的服务和商品从而实现企业战略目标的过程。自从中国加入WTO后,我国的汽车工业的现状就是挑战与机遇并存,汽车行业的大环境在不断变,汽车产品的消费环境也随之在变。研究汽车经营企业的营销策略就显得尤为重要。

关键词 汽车 营销策略 中小企业 对策

Abstract With the development of society, the theory of marketing strategies are constantly progress. Marketing strategy is the enterprise customer needs as the starting point, the customer demand and purchasing power to obtain information, expectations of the business community based on experience, there are plans to organize various business activities, coordinated with each other through product strategy, pricing strategy, channel strategy and promotions strategy to provide customers with satisfactory products and services to achieve business goals in the process. After China's accession to WTO, the automotive industry is full of opportunities and challenges, the auto industry's growth environment is changing, automotive products, consumer environment is changing. Research car venture marketing strategy is particularly important paper in my body Jiangdu Ben Yu Manufacturing Limited based practice, the main research question Jiangdu Ben Yu Body Manufacturing Co. marketing strategy and analysis. Auto companies operating in rational use of marketing strategies can enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises in the market.

Key words Auto Marketing Strategy SMEs Countermeasures

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 2
1.3 研究思路和框架 3
第2章 营销策略相关理论综述 4
2.1 营销策略包涵内容及其含义 4
2.2 传统营销模式和现代营销策略组合的区别 4
2.3 营销策略制定过程 6
第3章 国内外汽车营销策略分析 9
3.1 影响汽车营销模式的因素 9
3.2 国外汽车营销模式概况 9
3.3 国内汽车营销模式现状 11
第4章 对江都奔宇汽车营销策略的研究 13
4.1 公司概况 13
4.2 公司发展的SWOT分析 13
4.3 目前江都奔宇采取的营销策略 14
第5章 江都奔宇汽车营销策略问题与建议 15
5.1 江都奔宇营销模式存在的问题 15
5.2 对江都奔宇营销策略的建议 16
第6章 结束语 18
参考文献 20