
量贩式ktv竞争力提升研究,量贩式ktv竞争力提升研究14000字摘 要本文在前人关于企业文化与企业竞争力研究成果梳理和总结的基础上,分析企业文化对企业竞争力的作用机制,从企业文化的角度,提出提升量贩式ktv竞争力的策略,以供参考。本文分为六个部分。第一部分,写明论文选题的背景和意义,同时交代了研究内容和研究方法;第二部分,围绕企业文化和企业竞争...

此文档由会员 对比的差异 发布
摘 要
In this paper, on the basis of previous corporate culture and corporate competitiveness collate and summarize the research on the analysis of the corporate culture of enterprise competitiveness mechanism of action, from the perspective of the corporate culture, proposed to enhance the style KTV competitive strategy for reference .
This article is divided into six parts. The first part sets forth the paper selected topic background and significance, narrates the research contents and research methods at the same time; The second part, around the enterprise culture and enterprise competitiveness the two core concepts, find information and related basic concepts, and emphatically analyses the relations between the two. The third part is analysis of Nanjing style KTV development present situation. The fourth part analysis of enterprise culture to promote the competitiveness of Milo Star World KTV in Nanjing. The fifth part is based on enterprise culture visual Angle, style KTV competition strategies are put forward. The sixth part is conclusion.
In this paper, a method to take literature search and case analysis,Milo Star World KTV in Nanjing, for example, from the perspective of the corporate culture, analyzing style KTV Competitiveness way. Enhance the style KTV service management capabilities through corporate culture, strategic management and human resource management, focusing on corporate culture brewing, create, develop and improve in order to be the industry leader.
Key Words: corporate culture, enterprise competitiveness, style KTV,promotion strategy
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.2研究内容和方法 2
第2章 相关理论研究综述 4
2.1企业文化的概念界定 4
2.2企业竞争力的概念界定 5
2.3企业文化与竞争力的关系 5
第3章 南京市场量贩式KTV发展状况 8
3.1量贩式KTV的特点 8
3.2南京市KTV市场的发展状况 9
3.3南京市KTV市场的发展趋势 10
第4章 企业文化对量贩式KTV竞争力的促进机理 12
4.1南京市米乐星世界KTV发展现状分析 12
4.2 南京市米乐星世界KTV的企业文化特征 14
4.3 南京市米乐星世界KTV企业文化对企业竞争力的影响 15
第5章 基于企业文化视角的量贩式KTV竞争力提升策略 17
5.1构建有竞争力的企业文化 17
5.2通过企业文化提升量贩式KTV服务管理能力 18
5.3通过企业文化提升量贩式KTV战略管理能力 20
5.4通过企业文化提升量贩式KTV人力资源管理能力 22
第6章 结 论 23
致 谢 24
参考文献 25
摘 要
In this paper, on the basis of previous corporate culture and corporate competitiveness collate and summarize the research on the analysis of the corporate culture of enterprise competitiveness mechanism of action, from the perspective of the corporate culture, proposed to enhance the style KTV competitive strategy for reference .
This article is divided into six parts. The first part sets forth the paper selected topic background and significance, narrates the research contents and research methods at the same time; The second part, around the enterprise culture and enterprise competitiveness the two core concepts, find information and related basic concepts, and emphatically analyses the relations between the two. The third part is analysis of Nanjing style KTV development present situation. The fourth part analysis of enterprise culture to promote the competitiveness of Milo Star World KTV in Nanjing. The fifth part is based on enterprise culture visual Angle, style KTV competition strategies are put forward. The sixth part is conclusion.
In this paper, a method to take literature search and case analysis,Milo Star World KTV in Nanjing, for example, from the perspective of the corporate culture, analyzing style KTV Competitiveness way. Enhance the style KTV service management capabilities through corporate culture, strategic management and human resource management, focusing on corporate culture brewing, create, develop and improve in order to be the industry leader.
Key Words: corporate culture, enterprise competitiveness, style KTV,promotion strategy
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.2研究内容和方法 2
第2章 相关理论研究综述 4
2.1企业文化的概念界定 4
2.2企业竞争力的概念界定 5
2.3企业文化与竞争力的关系 5
第3章 南京市场量贩式KTV发展状况 8
3.1量贩式KTV的特点 8
3.2南京市KTV市场的发展状况 9
3.3南京市KTV市场的发展趋势 10
第4章 企业文化对量贩式KTV竞争力的促进机理 12
4.1南京市米乐星世界KTV发展现状分析 12
4.2 南京市米乐星世界KTV的企业文化特征 14
4.3 南京市米乐星世界KTV企业文化对企业竞争力的影响 15
第5章 基于企业文化视角的量贩式KTV竞争力提升策略 17
5.1构建有竞争力的企业文化 17
5.2通过企业文化提升量贩式KTV服务管理能力 18
5.3通过企业文化提升量贩式KTV战略管理能力 20
5.4通过企业文化提升量贩式KTV人力资源管理能力 22
第6章 结 论 23
致 谢 24
参考文献 25