

此文档由会员 对比的差异 发布
本文首先对中小企业营运资金 管理的概念、内容、原则及目标进行阐述,针对我国企业的自身经营状况和管理水平,捕捉其营运资金管理存在的问题,分析其成因。然后围绕这些原因,从企业内部和外部两方面出发寻找解决对策,列举了一些加强营运资金管理的具体措施。通过有效的营运资金管理,可以在充分满足生产经营活动周转需要并充分考虑企业财务安全性的前提下,保证企业资金的充分流动性,同时加快营运资金周转速度,努力实现尽可能多的持续、稳定的利润和现金流量,降低投资风险。
Our country small and medium-sized enterprise operating funds management research
【Abstract】:Working capital is the part of the most active capital in a company.good Working management is good for the survival and development.thus,the manager spends 60% working time managing the working capital.to manage the working capital well,the current asset and current liability should be dealt with carefully.firstly,how much money should be spent in the current asset,ie,the management of the application of the money.this include cash management,receivable management and inventory management, secondly, where the company can get the money they need,ie,management of the raising money.
In 1990s,the practice of the working capital management extends to the new areas,some consultancy institutions and magazine play the key role in this part.an American consultancy company REL and magazine cfo do a survey called The working Capital Survey,.In 2009.8.8, The accounting society of China and Ocean university of China promote to establish the center of the working capital management of company in our country ,The "center" as the leading national accounting personnel training project to set up the first cooperative research base, accept Chinese accounting association leadership, absorption enterprises, academic leaders who are involved in the research.The establishment of the research center, marked the our country enterprise operating funds management research and development to a new stage, the landmark.
This article firstly formulates the concepts ,content ,principle and aim of working capital management and then finds some problems of management of working capital based on the practice of the working capital management of thecompany in our country .for dealing with the problems, we need to find some related suggestions from the inside and outside the company and list some.through effective working capital management,we can guarantee the flexibility and safety of the working capital ,at the meantime ,the times of the usage of the working capital can be increased ,in the end ,this can help company achieve steady cash flow and decrease the investment risk .
【Keywords】: SMEs, working capital ,management
目 录
引 言 2
第一章 中小企业营运资金管理概述 3
1.1中小企业的概念及经营特点 3
1.2 营运资金及营运资金管理的概念 4
1.3 营运资金管理的内容 5
1.4 营运资金管理的原则 5
1.5 营运资金管理的目标 6
1.5.1提高资金的流动性。 6
1.5.2提高企业资金利用的效益。 7
1.5.3挖掘企业资产利用的潜力。 7
第二章 上海邑通道具设计制作有限公司营运资金管理案例分析 8
2.1上海邑通道具设计制作有限公司概况 8
2.2上海邑通道具设计制作有限公司营运资金管理现状 8
2.2.1流动资金管理 8
2.2.2流动负债管理 12
2.3上海邑通道具设计制作有限公司营运资金管理存在的问题 13
第三章 改善上海邑通营运资金管理问题的建议及启示 14
3.1改善上海邑通营运资金管理问题的建议 14
3.2改善我国中小企业营运资金管理的启示 16
3.2.1拓宽融资渠道, 增强融资能力 16
3.2.2建立归口部门, 实施项目管理 17
3.2.3追求协同管理, 优化资金结构 17
3.2.4提高信用水平, 充分利用商业信用 18
3.2.5加强培训, 不断培养中小企业管理人员的财会素养 18
结束语 19
参考文献 20
致谢 21
本文首先对中小企业营运资金 管理的概念、内容、原则及目标进行阐述,针对我国企业的自身经营状况和管理水平,捕捉其营运资金管理存在的问题,分析其成因。然后围绕这些原因,从企业内部和外部两方面出发寻找解决对策,列举了一些加强营运资金管理的具体措施。通过有效的营运资金管理,可以在充分满足生产经营活动周转需要并充分考虑企业财务安全性的前提下,保证企业资金的充分流动性,同时加快营运资金周转速度,努力实现尽可能多的持续、稳定的利润和现金流量,降低投资风险。
Our country small and medium-sized enterprise operating funds management research
【Abstract】:Working capital is the part of the most active capital in a company.good Working management is good for the survival and development.thus,the manager spends 60% working time managing the working capital.to manage the working capital well,the current asset and current liability should be dealt with carefully.firstly,how much money should be spent in the current asset,ie,the management of the application of the money.this include cash management,receivable management and inventory management, secondly, where the company can get the money they need,ie,management of the raising money.
In 1990s,the practice of the working capital management extends to the new areas,some consultancy institutions and magazine play the key role in this part.an American consultancy company REL and magazine cfo do a survey called The working Capital Survey,.In 2009.8.8, The accounting society of China and Ocean university of China promote to establish the center of the working capital management of company in our country ,The "center" as the leading national accounting personnel training project to set up the first cooperative research base, accept Chinese accounting association leadership, absorption enterprises, academic leaders who are involved in the research.The establishment of the research center, marked the our country enterprise operating funds management research and development to a new stage, the landmark.
This article firstly formulates the concepts ,content ,principle and aim of working capital management and then finds some problems of management of working capital based on the practice of the working capital management of thecompany in our country .for dealing with the problems, we need to find some related suggestions from the inside and outside the company and list some.through effective working capital management,we can guarantee the flexibility and safety of the working capital ,at the meantime ,the times of the usage of the working capital can be increased ,in the end ,this can help company achieve steady cash flow and decrease the investment risk .
【Keywords】: SMEs, working capital ,management
目 录
引 言 2
第一章 中小企业营运资金管理概述 3
1.1中小企业的概念及经营特点 3
1.2 营运资金及营运资金管理的概念 4
1.3 营运资金管理的内容 5
1.4 营运资金管理的原则 5
1.5 营运资金管理的目标 6
1.5.1提高资金的流动性。 6
1.5.2提高企业资金利用的效益。 7
1.5.3挖掘企业资产利用的潜力。 7
第二章 上海邑通道具设计制作有限公司营运资金管理案例分析 8
2.1上海邑通道具设计制作有限公司概况 8
2.2上海邑通道具设计制作有限公司营运资金管理现状 8
2.2.1流动资金管理 8
2.2.2流动负债管理 12
2.3上海邑通道具设计制作有限公司营运资金管理存在的问题 13
第三章 改善上海邑通营运资金管理问题的建议及启示 14
3.1改善上海邑通营运资金管理问题的建议 14
3.2改善我国中小企业营运资金管理的启示 16
3.2.1拓宽融资渠道, 增强融资能力 16
3.2.2建立归口部门, 实施项目管理 17
3.2.3追求协同管理, 优化资金结构 17
3.2.4提高信用水平, 充分利用商业信用 18
3.2.5加强培训, 不断培养中小企业管理人员的财会素养 18
结束语 19
参考文献 20
致谢 21