
我国商业银行财务绩效评价体系研究,16400字原创毕业论文,本站独家提交,推荐使用摘要 关于商业银行的绩效评价问题一直是理论界和实务界研究的一个热点问题尤其是在我国银行业不断对外开放的宏观经济背景下,我国的商业银行与外资银行在同一政治、经济条件下竞争,并且竞争日趋激烈。建立有效的绩效评价体系对我国商业银行找出自身差距,提...

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摘要 关于商业银行的绩效评价问题一直是理论界和实务界研究的一个热点问题尤其是在我国银行业不断对外开放的宏观经济背景下,我国的商业银行与外资银行在同一政治、经济条件下竞争,并且竞争日趋激烈。建立有效的绩效评价体系对我国商业银行找出自身差距,提高经营绩效,从而提升我国商业银行的竞争力就显得尤为重要。本文在前人研究的基础上构建了一套定量与定性相结合的指标评价体系来评价我国商业银行的绩效,并使用层次分析法得出评价结果。
关键词 商业银行 财务绩效 层次分析法
Commercial bank financial performance eva luation system of research in china
Abstract The issue of performance eva luation of commercial bank is always a hotspot in the areas of theory and practice. The commercial banks and foreign-funded banks are competing drastically on the same condition of politics and economy especially under the economy background that exoteric to foreign-funded bank constantly. It is more important to build a effective performance eva luation system which can improve the performance of the banks and find the distance between Chinese local banks and foreign-founded banks. This paper introduces the concepts of commercial banks and their relevant theories and the macro, meso, micro factors that affect the functions of China’s commercial banks, which will contribute to the basic understanding of their performances and constitute eva luation index system concerned with profitability performance, growth performance, safety performance and flow performance. 16 listed banks in China were chosen and analytical hierarchy process was applied to conduct comparative study of their performances. Finally, some suggestions to improve our business environments and raise their internal competitive powers of the banks were put forward. The purpose was to increase the total performances.
Key word Commercial bank Financial performance Analytic Hierarchy Process
目 录
引言 1
第1章 商业银行财务绩效相关概念及理论 2
1.1商业银行性质 2
1.2商业银行绩效的涵义. 2
1.3财务绩效的分析方法 3
第2章 影响我国商业银行绩效的因素 5
2.1宏观层面 5
2.2中观层面 5
2.3微观层面 6
第3章商业银行财务绩效评价体系研究 8
3.1 指标体系构建的原则 8
3.2基于层次分析法的我国上市银行财务绩效的指标体系 8
3.2.1盈利性指标 9
3.2.2成长性指标 10
3.2.3安全性指标 11
3.2.4流动性指标 12
3.3 评价指标权重的确定 12
第4章 我国上市银行财务绩效的实证分析 15
4.1数据准备 15
4.2计算过程及财务指标排名 16
4.3上市银行财务绩效评价结果分析 17
4.4提高我国商业银行财务绩效的建议 18
4.4.1改善我国商业银行外部经营环境条件 18
4.4.2提高我国商业银行内部竞争力 19
结论 20
致谢 21
参考文献 22
附录 24
摘要 关于商业银行的绩效评价问题一直是理论界和实务界研究的一个热点问题尤其是在我国银行业不断对外开放的宏观经济背景下,我国的商业银行与外资银行在同一政治、经济条件下竞争,并且竞争日趋激烈。建立有效的绩效评价体系对我国商业银行找出自身差距,提高经营绩效,从而提升我国商业银行的竞争力就显得尤为重要。本文在前人研究的基础上构建了一套定量与定性相结合的指标评价体系来评价我国商业银行的绩效,并使用层次分析法得出评价结果。
关键词 商业银行 财务绩效 层次分析法
Commercial bank financial performance eva luation system of research in china
Abstract The issue of performance eva luation of commercial bank is always a hotspot in the areas of theory and practice. The commercial banks and foreign-funded banks are competing drastically on the same condition of politics and economy especially under the economy background that exoteric to foreign-funded bank constantly. It is more important to build a effective performance eva luation system which can improve the performance of the banks and find the distance between Chinese local banks and foreign-founded banks. This paper introduces the concepts of commercial banks and their relevant theories and the macro, meso, micro factors that affect the functions of China’s commercial banks, which will contribute to the basic understanding of their performances and constitute eva luation index system concerned with profitability performance, growth performance, safety performance and flow performance. 16 listed banks in China were chosen and analytical hierarchy process was applied to conduct comparative study of their performances. Finally, some suggestions to improve our business environments and raise their internal competitive powers of the banks were put forward. The purpose was to increase the total performances.
Key word Commercial bank Financial performance Analytic Hierarchy Process
目 录
引言 1
第1章 商业银行财务绩效相关概念及理论 2
1.1商业银行性质 2
1.2商业银行绩效的涵义. 2
1.3财务绩效的分析方法 3
第2章 影响我国商业银行绩效的因素 5
2.1宏观层面 5
2.2中观层面 5
2.3微观层面 6
第3章商业银行财务绩效评价体系研究 8
3.1 指标体系构建的原则 8
3.2基于层次分析法的我国上市银行财务绩效的指标体系 8
3.2.1盈利性指标 9
3.2.2成长性指标 10
3.2.3安全性指标 11
3.2.4流动性指标 12
3.3 评价指标权重的确定 12
第4章 我国上市银行财务绩效的实证分析 15
4.1数据准备 15
4.2计算过程及财务指标排名 16
4.3上市银行财务绩效评价结果分析 17
4.4提高我国商业银行财务绩效的建议 18
4.4.1改善我国商业银行外部经营环境条件 18
4.4.2提高我国商业银行内部竞争力 19
结论 20
致谢 21
参考文献 22
附录 24