
某市中小企业融资难问题研究,13200字原创毕业论文,本站独家提交,推荐下载使用摘要 改革开发以来,我国中小企业获得前所未有的发展,中小企业在稳定经济、吸纳就业等方面起着举足轻重的作用。近几年来,在中小企业发展的过程中,融资难一直是困扰其发展的主要因素。以昆山市为代表的东部经济发达地区,融资的问题也一直困扰着当地中小企业...

此文档由会员 对比的差异 发布
摘要 改革开发以来,我国中小企业获得前所未有的发展,中小企业在稳定经济、吸纳就业等方面起着举足轻重的作用。近几年来,在中小企业发展的过程中,融资难一直是困扰其发展的主要因素。以昆山市为代表的东部经济发达地区,融资的问题也一直困扰着当地中小企业和政府部门,如何解决这一问题,成为当前的一大热点。
关键词:中小企业 融资难 对策建议
The Research on Financing Difficult of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kunshan
Abstract Since the reform and development of Chinese unprecedented development of SMEs, SMEs play a pivotal role in stabilizing the economy, creating jobs and so on. In recent years, the development of SMEs in the process, has been a major factor in financing difficulties plagued its development. Kunshan as the representative of the economically developed eastern regions, the financing problem has plagued local SMEs and government departments on how to solve this problem, become a hot topic.
In this paper, Kunshan departments were collected relevant information, statistics, analysis, learned in recent years despite the rapid development of small and medium enterprises in Kunshan, a huge contribution to economic and social development, but also face financing difficulties have not been effectively alleviate the problem. Kunshan is the export-oriented economy developed regions, although in recent years, the rapid development of SMEs, but also affected by the ups and downs of the global economy, in addition to their own due to the presence of a low level of management, lack of internal control system defects and poor profitability, financial institutions against SME loans guaranteed approval cautious when issuing and complicated procedures, and local governments due to policy support and financial resources are limited, in terms of helping to alleviate the plight of SME financing is limited, resulting in Kunshan difficult for SMEs to obtain loans from financial institutions, financing difficulties still exist . This paper analyzes the current situation of SME financing in Kunshan . Kunshan causes and government support SME financing policy, SME financing constraints Kunshan factors were cited analysis, and ease the financing difficulties of SMEs in Kunshan, the feasibility of proposed Suggestions.
Key words: Small and medium enterprise, financing difficulties, countermeasures
目 录
引 言 1
第一章 中小企业的界定及融资方式 2
1.1 中小企业的界定 2
1.2 中小企业融资方式 2
1.2.1 內源融资方式 3
1.2.2 外源融资方式 3
第二章 昆山市中小企业融资现状分析 4
2.1 昆山中小企业发展的现状和特征 4
2.1.1 总量规模和贡献率均跃上新台阶 4
2.1.2 集群发展趋势明显 4
2.1.3 创新能力不断提高 4
2.2 昆山市中小企业融资现状 4
2.2.1 昆山市中小企业融资状况 4
2.2.2 中小企业融资用途 5
2.3 昆山市中小企业面临的融资困境 5
2.3.1 获得银行贷款难度大 5
2.3.2 担保机构的业务量收缩 5
2.3.3 直接融资难度大 6
2.3.4 政府扶持资金涉及的企业数量和规模有限 6
第三章 昆山市中小企业融资难的原因分析 7
3.1 从企业自身角度分析 7
3.1.1 企业财务管理不规范、内部管理水平参差不齐 7
3.1.2 企业实力不足,缺少抵押担保的资产 7
3.1.3 企业信用观念淡薄 7
3.1.4 企业抗风险能力弱 8
3.2 从金融机构角度分析 8
3.2.1 商业银行对中小企业慎贷惜贷 8
3.2.2 银行与中小企业信息不对称 8
3.2.3 政策性担保机构缺失 9
3.2.4 担保机构规模偏小 9
3.3 从地方政府角度分析 9
3.3.1 地方政府偏好大型企业 9
3.3.2 地方政府扶持力度不够 10
第四章 昆山市中小企业融资难的对策建议 11
4.1 中小企业应提高自身素质,增强融资能力 11
4.1.1 强化领导层综合素质,规范企业内部管理 11
4.1.2 加强企业信用制度建设 11
4.1.3 中小企业集合融资 11
4.1.4 企业发行股票 12
4.1.5 尝试供应链融资 12
4.1.6 提高企业自主创新能力 13
4.2 金融机构要完善为中小企业服务的融资体系 13
4.2.1 商业银行完善对中小企业融资的政策 13
4.2.2 加快中小型银行等金融机构的发展 13
4.2.3 加大金融产品创新 14
4.2.4 担保机构间加强交流 14
4.3 地方政府帮助完善中小企业融资的政策体系 14
4.3.1 拓展中小企业融资渠道 14
4.3.2 加大扶持担保行业力度 15
4.3.3 全面提升为中小企业服务的效能 15
结 ..
摘要 改革开发以来,我国中小企业获得前所未有的发展,中小企业在稳定经济、吸纳就业等方面起着举足轻重的作用。近几年来,在中小企业发展的过程中,融资难一直是困扰其发展的主要因素。以昆山市为代表的东部经济发达地区,融资的问题也一直困扰着当地中小企业和政府部门,如何解决这一问题,成为当前的一大热点。
关键词:中小企业 融资难 对策建议
The Research on Financing Difficult of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kunshan
Abstract Since the reform and development of Chinese unprecedented development of SMEs, SMEs play a pivotal role in stabilizing the economy, creating jobs and so on. In recent years, the development of SMEs in the process, has been a major factor in financing difficulties plagued its development. Kunshan as the representative of the economically developed eastern regions, the financing problem has plagued local SMEs and government departments on how to solve this problem, become a hot topic.
In this paper, Kunshan departments were collected relevant information, statistics, analysis, learned in recent years despite the rapid development of small and medium enterprises in Kunshan, a huge contribution to economic and social development, but also face financing difficulties have not been effectively alleviate the problem. Kunshan is the export-oriented economy developed regions, although in recent years, the rapid development of SMEs, but also affected by the ups and downs of the global economy, in addition to their own due to the presence of a low level of management, lack of internal control system defects and poor profitability, financial institutions against SME loans guaranteed approval cautious when issuing and complicated procedures, and local governments due to policy support and financial resources are limited, in terms of helping to alleviate the plight of SME financing is limited, resulting in Kunshan difficult for SMEs to obtain loans from financial institutions, financing difficulties still exist . This paper analyzes the current situation of SME financing in Kunshan . Kunshan causes and government support SME financing policy, SME financing constraints Kunshan factors were cited analysis, and ease the financing difficulties of SMEs in Kunshan, the feasibility of proposed Suggestions.
Key words: Small and medium enterprise, financing difficulties, countermeasures
目 录
引 言 1
第一章 中小企业的界定及融资方式 2
1.1 中小企业的界定 2
1.2 中小企业融资方式 2
1.2.1 內源融资方式 3
1.2.2 外源融资方式 3
第二章 昆山市中小企业融资现状分析 4
2.1 昆山中小企业发展的现状和特征 4
2.1.1 总量规模和贡献率均跃上新台阶 4
2.1.2 集群发展趋势明显 4
2.1.3 创新能力不断提高 4
2.2 昆山市中小企业融资现状 4
2.2.1 昆山市中小企业融资状况 4
2.2.2 中小企业融资用途 5
2.3 昆山市中小企业面临的融资困境 5
2.3.1 获得银行贷款难度大 5
2.3.2 担保机构的业务量收缩 5
2.3.3 直接融资难度大 6
2.3.4 政府扶持资金涉及的企业数量和规模有限 6
第三章 昆山市中小企业融资难的原因分析 7
3.1 从企业自身角度分析 7
3.1.1 企业财务管理不规范、内部管理水平参差不齐 7
3.1.2 企业实力不足,缺少抵押担保的资产 7
3.1.3 企业信用观念淡薄 7
3.1.4 企业抗风险能力弱 8
3.2 从金融机构角度分析 8
3.2.1 商业银行对中小企业慎贷惜贷 8
3.2.2 银行与中小企业信息不对称 8
3.2.3 政策性担保机构缺失 9
3.2.4 担保机构规模偏小 9
3.3 从地方政府角度分析 9
3.3.1 地方政府偏好大型企业 9
3.3.2 地方政府扶持力度不够 10
第四章 昆山市中小企业融资难的对策建议 11
4.1 中小企业应提高自身素质,增强融资能力 11
4.1.1 强化领导层综合素质,规范企业内部管理 11
4.1.2 加强企业信用制度建设 11
4.1.3 中小企业集合融资 11
4.1.4 企业发行股票 12
4.1.5 尝试供应链融资 12
4.1.6 提高企业自主创新能力 13
4.2 金融机构要完善为中小企业服务的融资体系 13
4.2.1 商业银行完善对中小企业融资的政策 13
4.2.2 加快中小型银行等金融机构的发展 13
4.2.3 加大金融产品创新 14
4.2.4 担保机构间加强交流 14
4.3 地方政府帮助完善中小企业融资的政策体系 14
4.3.1 拓展中小企业融资渠道 14
4.3.2 加大扶持担保行业力度 15
4.3.3 全面提升为中小企业服务的效能 15
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