

我国上市公司自愿性会计信息披露问题研究, 14800字我自己的毕业论文,原创,仅在本站独家提交,推荐使用 摘要 随着经济的发展,我国证券市场的发展也成蓬勃之势,投资者与上市公司间信息的不对称极其严重,信息披露制度成为了解决该问题的重要手段之一。目前的信息披露制度主要针对强制性信息披露,而投资者对上市公司信息披露所要求的水...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 对比的差异 发布



摘要 随着经济的发展,我国证券市场的发展也成蓬勃之势,投资者与上市公司间信息的不对称极其严重,信息披露制度成为了解决该问题的重要手段之一。目前的信息披露制度主要针对强制性信息披露,而投资者对上市公司信息披露所要求的水平与质量越来越高,强制性信息披露并不能完全满足投资者多样化的信息需求,需要更多的自愿性信息披露,可是我国在自愿性信息披露方面还刚刚起步,有待进一步的健全和完善。

关键词:上市公司 自愿性信息披露 存在的问题 建议

Study on Voluntary Accounting Information Disclosure of Listed Companies in China

Abstract With the economic development, the development of China's securities market is also full of vitality,asymmetric information between investors and listed companies is extremely serious,the information disclosure system has become one of the important means to solve the problem.The current information disclosure system is mainly for compulsory disclosure,and investors require the higher level and quality of information disclosure of listed companies,compulsory disclosure does not fully meet the diverse information needs of investors,they need more voluntary disclosure information,but the voluntary information disclosure is still in its infancy,we need to improve and make it perfect.
Referring to domestic and foreign research results,this paper define some related concepts on the voluntary accounting information disclosure,then we base our opinions on the signal transfer theory and agency theory,here we try to clarify the motivation and contents of the voluntary disclosure.According to the information disclosure of listed companies in our country,here we analyze the status quo of voluntary accounting information disclosure,it is concluded that the problem of information disclosure, mainly is that the voluntary accounting information disclosure level is low. Through the existing problems, and find out the causes behind,found that voluntary information disclosure of listed companies in China are internal cause and external cause,the listed company itself, regulatory authorities and securities intermediary institutions have their own defects. Aiming at the existing problem of the three parties,voluntary accounting information disclosure of listed companies in China is put forward to strengthen corporate governance structure,strengthen managers' training,improve the regulatory system and strengthen the construction of the securities intermediary institutions.

Key words: listed company voluntary disclosure existing problems suggestions

目 录
引言 1
第一章 上市公司自愿性会计信息披露相关概述 2
1.1上市公司自愿性会计信息披露的概念 2
1.1.1 信息披露的概念 2
1.1.2 会计信息的概念 2
1.1.3 强制性信息披露的概念 2
1.1.4 上市公司自愿性会计信息披露的概念 2
1.2 上市公司自愿性会计信息披露的动机 2
1.2.1提升公司价值和竞争力 2
1.2.2降低资本成本 3
1.2.3争夺公司控制权 3
1.2.4迎合股票报酬制度 4
1.2.5避免诉讼 4
1.3上市公司自愿性会计信息披露的内容 5
第二章 我国上市公司自愿性会计信息披露的现状分析 7
2.1我国上市公司自愿性会计信息披露的现状 7
2.2 我国上市公司自愿性会计信息披露存在的问题 8
2.2.1自愿性信息披露的形式不足 8
2.2.2 自愿性信息披露的内容不足 9
2.2.3 自愿性信息披露的准确性不高 9
第三章 我国上市公司自愿性会计信息披露问题的成因分析 10
3.1 内部成因 10
3.1.1 公司治理结构不健全 10
3.1.2 会计人员素质不高 10
3.2 外部成因 10
3.2.1 自愿性信息披露的局限 10
3.2.2 信息披露制度不完善 11
3.2.3 缺乏有力的监管 11
3.2.4 资本市场不完善 12
第四章 完善我国上市公司自愿性会计信息披露的措施建议 13
4.1 上市公司视角 13
4.1.1 完善公司治理结构 13
4.1.2 加强职业经理人的培养与公司会计文化建设 13
4.2 监管机构视角 14
4.2.1 完善上市公司自愿性信息披露制度体系 14
4.2.2加强上市公司自愿性信息披露的监管 14
4.3 证券中介机构视角 15
4.3.1 加强证券中介机构的自身建设 15
4.3.2 明确各中介机构的职责 16
结束语 17
致谢 18
参考文献 19
附录A 21