江苏省纺织业出口贸易的竞争力分析,14600字原创毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用[摘要] 中国是全球纺织品生产大国,纺织业是中国的传统行业。随着经济全球化的不断深入,纺织品出口规模不断扩大,并成为拉动我国外贸出口的重要力量之一。然而近年来国际贸易体系和格局的改变,使得我国纺织业贸易摩擦不断,纺织品出口呈现出一系...
此文档由会员 对比的差异 发布
[摘要] 中国是全球纺织品生产大国,纺织业是中国的传统行业。随着经济全球化的不断深入,纺织品出口规模不断扩大,并成为拉动我国外贸出口的重要力量之一。然而近年来国际贸易体系和格局的改变,使得我国纺织业贸易摩擦不断,纺织品出口呈现出一系列的问题。尤其是欧美等发达国家认为纺织业是社会影响面极广的行业,因而对于纺织业的保护是非常敏感的。自2005年结束了全球纺织品配额制度后,美国和欧美就对其实施各种保护主义,例如技术性壁垒、反倾销等。可见,中国纺织业出口贸易不仅存在着广泛的机遇,也面临着严峻的挑战。
[关键词]江苏省 纺织业 竞争力 SWOT分析
The analysis of Jiangsu Province’s the export competitiveness of textiles
[Abstract]China is the largest producer of textiles in the world, and textile industry is China's traditional industry. With the deepening of economic globalization, textile exports have been expanding, and become an important force driving China's exports. However, recent changes in the international trading system and patterns, making China's textile trade friction, textile exports showing a series of problems. Especially in Europe and other developed countries consider that the textile industry is an industry of wide social impact, thus the protection of the textile industry is very sensitive. Since the end of global textile quotas in 2005, the United States and Europe carry out its implementation of various protectionists, such as technical barriers, anti-dumping. Therefore, China’s textile faces not only a wide range of opportunities, but also severe challenges.
Jiangsu Province is an important province to export textile, and plays a pivotal role in China's textile exports. The international competitiveness of Jiangsu Province's textile exports can not only better analysis of various protectionist textile exports in Jiangsu Province, which is good to China's textile industry sustained and stable development, but also for sound and rapid development of China's economy. This article will use the SWOT to analysis the advantages, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of Jiangsu Province's textile exports, concluding the factors of international competitiveness of textile exports. Finally, I will propose several suggestions, which would benefits the other export industries of Jiangsu Province.
[Key words] Jiangsu Province Textiles Competitiveness SWOT Analysis
目 录
引言 1
一、相关理论概述 1
(一)出口竞争力理论研究 1
(二)国内外研究现状分析 3
二、当前江苏省纺织业出口贸易的基本情况 3
(一)江苏省纺织业出口规模和方式 3
(二)江苏省纺织业出口的主要市场 5
(三)江苏省纺织业出口的产品结构 6
三、江苏省纺织业出口竞争力的SWOT分析 6
(一)江苏省纺织业出口贸易的优势分析(S) 7
(二)江苏省纺织业出口贸易的劣势分析(W) 9
(三)江苏省纺织业出口贸易的机会分析(O) 10
(四)江苏省纺织业出口贸易的威胁分析(T) 11
四、江苏省纺织业出口所存在的一些问题 13
(一)出口产品缺乏档次,不具有国际竞争力 13
(二)技术的创新起步较晚 13
(三)企业之间的竞争没有秩序 13
(四)纺织品出口的市场比较单一 13
(五)中小民营企业对于国际市场的快速变化的敏感性不强 13
(六)对于行业的发展缺乏有效地预警机制 14
五、相关建议与展望 14
(一)纺织产业的结构需要合理的调整,产品的附加值也急需提高 14
(二)纺织企业要具有创新精神,积极实施品牌化的发展战略 14
(三)实现市场的多元化,努力开拓国内外新兴市场 14
(四)绕开“绿色壁垒”,尝试“走出去”战略 15
六、总结 15
参考文献 16
[摘要] 中国是全球纺织品生产大国,纺织业是中国的传统行业。随着经济全球化的不断深入,纺织品出口规模不断扩大,并成为拉动我国外贸出口的重要力量之一。然而近年来国际贸易体系和格局的改变,使得我国纺织业贸易摩擦不断,纺织品出口呈现出一系列的问题。尤其是欧美等发达国家认为纺织业是社会影响面极广的行业,因而对于纺织业的保护是非常敏感的。自2005年结束了全球纺织品配额制度后,美国和欧美就对其实施各种保护主义,例如技术性壁垒、反倾销等。可见,中国纺织业出口贸易不仅存在着广泛的机遇,也面临着严峻的挑战。
[关键词]江苏省 纺织业 竞争力 SWOT分析
The analysis of Jiangsu Province’s the export competitiveness of textiles
[Abstract]China is the largest producer of textiles in the world, and textile industry is China's traditional industry. With the deepening of economic globalization, textile exports have been expanding, and become an important force driving China's exports. However, recent changes in the international trading system and patterns, making China's textile trade friction, textile exports showing a series of problems. Especially in Europe and other developed countries consider that the textile industry is an industry of wide social impact, thus the protection of the textile industry is very sensitive. Since the end of global textile quotas in 2005, the United States and Europe carry out its implementation of various protectionists, such as technical barriers, anti-dumping. Therefore, China’s textile faces not only a wide range of opportunities, but also severe challenges.
Jiangsu Province is an important province to export textile, and plays a pivotal role in China's textile exports. The international competitiveness of Jiangsu Province's textile exports can not only better analysis of various protectionist textile exports in Jiangsu Province, which is good to China's textile industry sustained and stable development, but also for sound and rapid development of China's economy. This article will use the SWOT to analysis the advantages, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of Jiangsu Province's textile exports, concluding the factors of international competitiveness of textile exports. Finally, I will propose several suggestions, which would benefits the other export industries of Jiangsu Province.
[Key words] Jiangsu Province Textiles Competitiveness SWOT Analysis
目 录
引言 1
一、相关理论概述 1
(一)出口竞争力理论研究 1
(二)国内外研究现状分析 3
二、当前江苏省纺织业出口贸易的基本情况 3
(一)江苏省纺织业出口规模和方式 3
(二)江苏省纺织业出口的主要市场 5
(三)江苏省纺织业出口的产品结构 6
三、江苏省纺织业出口竞争力的SWOT分析 6
(一)江苏省纺织业出口贸易的优势分析(S) 7
(二)江苏省纺织业出口贸易的劣势分析(W) 9
(三)江苏省纺织业出口贸易的机会分析(O) 10
(四)江苏省纺织业出口贸易的威胁分析(T) 11
四、江苏省纺织业出口所存在的一些问题 13
(一)出口产品缺乏档次,不具有国际竞争力 13
(二)技术的创新起步较晚 13
(三)企业之间的竞争没有秩序 13
(四)纺织品出口的市场比较单一 13
(五)中小民营企业对于国际市场的快速变化的敏感性不强 13
(六)对于行业的发展缺乏有效地预警机制 14
五、相关建议与展望 14
(一)纺织产业的结构需要合理的调整,产品的附加值也急需提高 14
(二)纺织企业要具有创新精神,积极实施品牌化的发展战略 14
(三)实现市场的多元化,努力开拓国内外新兴市场 14
(四)绕开“绿色壁垒”,尝试“走出去”战略 15
六、总结 15
参考文献 16