公司治理与收益质量的关系研究,11600字自己的原创毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘 要收益就是一个公司最重要的会计信息,收益质量关系到投资者、管理当局、债权人、政府管理机构以及与企业密切相关的其他主体的切身利益。许多学者对收益质量的影响因素进行了多方面的研究,指出公司治理结构是影响收益质量最重要的因素之一。不...
此文档由会员 对比的差异 发布
摘 要
关键词 : 收益质量 影响因素 治理结构 实证研究
Income is the company's most important accounting information. The quality of earnings is related to investors, creditors, management authorities, government agencies and enterprises is closely related to the vital interests of the other subjects. Many scholars on the factors that influence the earnings quality in many aspects of research. They point out that the corporate governance structure is one of the most important factors that influence the earnings quality. However, most previous studies remain in the analysis of the theoretical level, in order to verify the governance structure on earnings quality how to affect and influence degree. This article from a point of quantitative view to our country's listed companies as an example to study the issue.
On the basis of analyzing and organizing established studies, this article is to do quantitative research from three aspects(the board size, the proportion of the independent directors, supervisors size)of the effect of corporate governance structure of earnings quality. Using the description analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis, with 2013 eligible for screening a random sample of 70 listed companies to empirical research. Based on the results of empirical research , combined with the present situation of Chinese listed companies, put forward the corresponding policy recommendations. Finally, it is pointed out that in the two aspects of research methods and the selection of time limitations, in order to improve in the future.
Keywords quality of earnings affecting factors corporate governance
empirical study
目 录
引言 1
1 理论基础 2
1.1公司治理 2
1.1.1公司治理的定义 2
1.1.2公司治理的有效性 2
1.2 收益质量 3
1.2.1收益质量的定义 3
1.2.2收益的质量特征 4
2我国上市公司公司治理与收益质量研究现状分析 5
2.1我国公司治理的研究现状 5
2.2我国收益质量的研究现状 6
2.3公司治理对收益质量影响的理论分析 6
3我国上市公司公司治理与收益质量关系的实证研究 8
3.1 研究假设 8
3.2 数据来源和样本选择 10
3.3 变量的定义 10
3.3.1 被解释变量 10
3.3.2 解释变量 11
3.3.3 控制变量 12
3.4 模型构建 12
3.5 实证分析……………………………. 13
3.5.1描述性统计 13
3.5.2相关性分析 13
3.5.3回归分析及结果讨论 14
3.5.4稳健性检验 17
4 研究结论与政策建议 18
4.1 研究结论 18
4.2 政策建议 18
4.3 本研究局限性及趋势 18
结束语 19
参考文献 20
致 谢 21
摘 要
关键词 : 收益质量 影响因素 治理结构 实证研究
Income is the company's most important accounting information. The quality of earnings is related to investors, creditors, management authorities, government agencies and enterprises is closely related to the vital interests of the other subjects. Many scholars on the factors that influence the earnings quality in many aspects of research. They point out that the corporate governance structure is one of the most important factors that influence the earnings quality. However, most previous studies remain in the analysis of the theoretical level, in order to verify the governance structure on earnings quality how to affect and influence degree. This article from a point of quantitative view to our country's listed companies as an example to study the issue.
On the basis of analyzing and organizing established studies, this article is to do quantitative research from three aspects(the board size, the proportion of the independent directors, supervisors size)of the effect of corporate governance structure of earnings quality. Using the description analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis, with 2013 eligible for screening a random sample of 70 listed companies to empirical research. Based on the results of empirical research , combined with the present situation of Chinese listed companies, put forward the corresponding policy recommendations. Finally, it is pointed out that in the two aspects of research methods and the selection of time limitations, in order to improve in the future.
Keywords quality of earnings affecting factors corporate governance
empirical study
目 录
引言 1
1 理论基础 2
1.1公司治理 2
1.1.1公司治理的定义 2
1.1.2公司治理的有效性 2
1.2 收益质量 3
1.2.1收益质量的定义 3
1.2.2收益的质量特征 4
2我国上市公司公司治理与收益质量研究现状分析 5
2.1我国公司治理的研究现状 5
2.2我国收益质量的研究现状 6
2.3公司治理对收益质量影响的理论分析 6
3我国上市公司公司治理与收益质量关系的实证研究 8
3.1 研究假设 8
3.2 数据来源和样本选择 10
3.3 变量的定义 10
3.3.1 被解释变量 10
3.3.2 解释变量 11
3.3.3 控制变量 12
3.4 模型构建 12
3.5 实证分析……………………………. 13
3.5.1描述性统计 13
3.5.2相关性分析 13
3.5.3回归分析及结果讨论 14
3.5.4稳健性检验 17
4 研究结论与政策建议 18
4.1 研究结论 18
4.2 政策建议 18
4.3 本研究局限性及趋势 18
结束语 19
参考文献 20
致 谢 21
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