上市公司股利分配问题研究,14300字自己的原创毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要股利分配作为现代公司对股东投资所回报的一种财务支付形式,其所带来的“股利之谜”长期以来都是学术界重点关注的一大难题。从lintner于1956年提出lintner模型后, miller and modigliani 紧接着于196...
此文档由会员 对比的差异 发布
摘 要
股利分配作为现代公司对股东投资所回报的一种财务支付形式,其所带来的“股利之谜”长期以来都是学术界重点关注的一大难题。从Lintner于1956年提出Lintner模型后, Miller and Modigliani 紧接着于1961年发表了经典的“股利无关论”,其预示着西方股利研究到达一个新层次。在以后的研究中,专家对MM股利无关论做出了一定程度的放宽,先后提出了行为学、代理成本、税差、生命周期等观点,同时得出了很多影响上市公司发放股利的因素,比如企业规模、财务杠杆、当期收益、现金流稳定性、法律环境、股权结构等。当前的古典和现代学派依然没有达成一致,在实务中,有关股利分配政策的影响因素的说明也显得十分零碎。因此,综合研究我国上市公司股利分配的现状是十分必要的。
关键词:股利分配 现金股利 股权结构 监管
For Modern Corporation investment and returns to shareholders, as a financial payment forms the dividend distribution, along with the "dividend puzzle" has long been a major focus in academic circles Since Lintner in 1956 proposed Lintner model, in 1961 Miller and Modigliani then published the classic "dividend irrelevance theory", which indicates that the western dividend research get to a new level. In later research, expert eased restrictions on certain degree of MM dividend irrelevance, and proposed Behavioral school, Agency cost theory Tax difference theory, and found a lot of factors that affect corporate dividend policy, such as company size, current yield and cash flow, stability of earnings and cash flow, legal environment equity structure and so on. But now The classical and modern school still did not reach an agreement, in practice, the instruction of the factors that affect the dividend distribution policy is very fragmented. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively study the dividend distribution of our country's Corporations
This article define the dividend and related concepts, and explains the forms of dividend distribution of our country, then summarized the current situation of the dividend distribution of listed Corporation in China market and social background, It also make some simple but profound summary on the unreasonable phenomenons of Dividend status of China's listed companies and analyzed the influencing factors combined with empirical, Finally, this paper presents recommendations on the optimization of dividend behavior policy of China's listed companies.
Key words:dividends cash dividends shareholding structure regulatory
目 录
前 言 1
1 股利分配的相关理论概述 2
1.1 股利分配的含义 2
1.2 股利支付形式和股利政策 2
1.2.1 股利支付形式 2
1.2.2 股利支付政策 4
2 我国上市公司股利分配现状与存在问题 6
2.1 我国上市公司股利分配的特点 6
2.1.1 股利支付形式多样 6
2.1.2 现金股利逐渐受到重视 7
2.1.3 转增股利持续增加 8
2.2 我国上市公司股利分配存在的问题 9
2.2.1 支付现金股利公司比率仍然偏低 9
2.2.2 股利支付率水平偏低 9
2.2.3 不分配公司数偏高 11
2.2.4 股利分配行为不稳定 12
3 我国上市公司股利分配存在问题原因分析 13
3.1 公司内部治理结构不完善 13
3.2 股票市场发展尚不完善 13
3.3 中小股东投资理念不理性 14
3.4 法律法规和监管手段相对滞后 14
4 完善我国上市公司股利分配的建议 14
4.1 优化上市公司外部环境 14
4.1.1 健全法律法规,提高监管水平 14
4.1.2 扶持机构投资者,形成理性投资理念 15
4.2 优化完善上市公司内部机制 16
4.2.1 优化上市公司的股权治理结构 16
4.2.2 引导上市企业优化管理结构 17
4.2.3 加强中小股东权益的保护机制 18
4.2.4 其他措施 18
结 束 语 19
参考文献 20
后 记 22
摘 要
股利分配作为现代公司对股东投资所回报的一种财务支付形式,其所带来的“股利之谜”长期以来都是学术界重点关注的一大难题。从Lintner于1956年提出Lintner模型后, Miller and Modigliani 紧接着于1961年发表了经典的“股利无关论”,其预示着西方股利研究到达一个新层次。在以后的研究中,专家对MM股利无关论做出了一定程度的放宽,先后提出了行为学、代理成本、税差、生命周期等观点,同时得出了很多影响上市公司发放股利的因素,比如企业规模、财务杠杆、当期收益、现金流稳定性、法律环境、股权结构等。当前的古典和现代学派依然没有达成一致,在实务中,有关股利分配政策的影响因素的说明也显得十分零碎。因此,综合研究我国上市公司股利分配的现状是十分必要的。
关键词:股利分配 现金股利 股权结构 监管
For Modern Corporation investment and returns to shareholders, as a financial payment forms the dividend distribution, along with the "dividend puzzle" has long been a major focus in academic circles Since Lintner in 1956 proposed Lintner model, in 1961 Miller and Modigliani then published the classic "dividend irrelevance theory", which indicates that the western dividend research get to a new level. In later research, expert eased restrictions on certain degree of MM dividend irrelevance, and proposed Behavioral school, Agency cost theory Tax difference theory, and found a lot of factors that affect corporate dividend policy, such as company size, current yield and cash flow, stability of earnings and cash flow, legal environment equity structure and so on. But now The classical and modern school still did not reach an agreement, in practice, the instruction of the factors that affect the dividend distribution policy is very fragmented. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively study the dividend distribution of our country's Corporations
This article define the dividend and related concepts, and explains the forms of dividend distribution of our country, then summarized the current situation of the dividend distribution of listed Corporation in China market and social background, It also make some simple but profound summary on the unreasonable phenomenons of Dividend status of China's listed companies and analyzed the influencing factors combined with empirical, Finally, this paper presents recommendations on the optimization of dividend behavior policy of China's listed companies.
Key words:dividends cash dividends shareholding structure regulatory
目 录
前 言 1
1 股利分配的相关理论概述 2
1.1 股利分配的含义 2
1.2 股利支付形式和股利政策 2
1.2.1 股利支付形式 2
1.2.2 股利支付政策 4
2 我国上市公司股利分配现状与存在问题 6
2.1 我国上市公司股利分配的特点 6
2.1.1 股利支付形式多样 6
2.1.2 现金股利逐渐受到重视 7
2.1.3 转增股利持续增加 8
2.2 我国上市公司股利分配存在的问题 9
2.2.1 支付现金股利公司比率仍然偏低 9
2.2.2 股利支付率水平偏低 9
2.2.3 不分配公司数偏高 11
2.2.4 股利分配行为不稳定 12
3 我国上市公司股利分配存在问题原因分析 13
3.1 公司内部治理结构不完善 13
3.2 股票市场发展尚不完善 13
3.3 中小股东投资理念不理性 14
3.4 法律法规和监管手段相对滞后 14
4 完善我国上市公司股利分配的建议 14
4.1 优化上市公司外部环境 14
4.1.1 健全法律法规,提高监管水平 14
4.1.2 扶持机构投资者,形成理性投资理念 15
4.2 优化完善上市公司内部机制 16
4.2.1 优化上市公司的股权治理结构 16
4.2.2 引导上市企业优化管理结构 17
4.2.3 加强中小股东权益的保护机制 18
4.2.4 其他措施 18
结 束 语 19
参考文献 20
后 记 22