

分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 细雨绵绵 发布





The Study of SMEs’ Logistics Supply Chain Financing Willingness and Its Influencing Factors
Logistics supply chain financing is a supply chain finance.It mainly focus on the introduction of third-party logistics companies between the banking and credit relationships among SMEs ‘ as an intermediary,thereby improving the existing asymmetry relations between banks and SMEs ‘ credit.
This article focus on the SMEs’ logistics supply chain financing willingness,
then analysis the basic operating conditions ,financing and logistics situation of enterprises by the questionnaire survey about the enterprises.With further investigation on the willingness of enterprises,this article analyze willingness of SMEs to participate in the logistics supply chain finance from enterprises themselves point of view, the impact of logistics companies and the impact of the entire external financing environment.Find that because companies are not familiar with the logistics supply chain financing products plus self-operating logistics ,and is affected by the relevant national policies and cooperation on the downstream node enterprise, plus restrict of the development of third-party logistics company will reduce logistics supply chain financing willingness and at the same time put forward measures, increase the logistics supply chain financing propaganda,build logistics enterprise credit eva luation index system for the financing of enterprises and strengthen the development of third-party logistics companies, hoping to find a way to solve this problem.

Key Words:Logistics supply chain financing ,Willingness

1.绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的和意义 1
1.3国内外研究现状 2
1.3.1国外研究现状 2
1.3.2国内研究现状 2
1.4 研究内容 3
2.相关基础理论 3
2.1 供应链理论 3
2.1.1 供应链 3
2.1.2 供应链管理 4
2.2 供应链融资理论 4
2.2.1融资理论 4
2.2.2供应链融资 5
3.中小企业物流供应链融资的运作机理 6
3.1 供应链融资的典型模式 6
3.1.1 预收账款融资模式 6
3.1.2 质押仓单融资模式 7
3.1.3 应收账款融资模式 7
3.2 物流供应链融资的机理分析 8
4.中小企业物流供应链融资意愿的调查 9
4.1调查样本的统计性描述 9
4.1.1 企业的基本信息 9
4.1.2中小企业的融资现状 11
4.2 中小企业物流供应链融资意愿的调查结果 12
4.2.1 企业的生产运营模式 12
4.2.2 企业的物流能力 13
4.2.3 中小企业物流供应链融资的意愿 14
5.中小企业物流供应链融资意愿的影响因素 15
5.1 中小企业自身的因素 15
5.1.1 对物流供应链融资不熟悉 15
5.1.2中小企业采用自营物流模式 16
5.2 外部融资环境的因素 16
5.2.1 政府相关政策 16
5.2.2 上下游节点企业的合作 16
5.3 物流企业的因素 17
6.促进中小企业物流供应链融资的对策 18
6.1 加强对物流供应链融资相关产品的宣传 18
6.2 促进物流企业的发展 18
6.2.1构建物流企业对融资企业信用评价指标体系 18
6.2.2促进物流企业自身的发展 19
6.3 促进各企业交流合作合作,信息共享 19
7.结论与展望 20
参考文献 21
致谢 23