
中国人寿保险xx支公司发展战略分析, 13700字原创毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要保险业近来在我国得到了极大的发展,但我国作为一个发展中的大国有着自己特殊的国情。我国幅员辽阔,人口众多,人口分布很不均衡,农业人口数量庞大。但是因为受经济的限制以及传统生产方式的影响,大部分农村人口保险意识薄弱。而这些人往往...

此文档由会员 细雨绵绵 发布
Jiangyan branch of China Life Insurance (Group) Company's development strategy analysis
Recently, the insurance industry in China has been a great development. but China, as a developing large state ,has his own special conditions. China has vast territory, large population, but the population distribution is very uneven. The number of agricultural population is large. Because of the restricted economy and the impact of traditional production methods, the majority of the rural population is weak in insurance awareness. These people are often having more needs to be protected. However, China currently does not have enough capacity to implement sound security system in rural areas. It is providing opportunity for insurance companies which are in development towns.
In this paper, through the use of the basic concepts and theories of strategic analysis, survey current development branch of China Life Insurance Jiangyan, in-depth analysis of the company's environment , their development status and problems, sum up the problem, analyze the causes and propose solutions, formulate development strategy which meets the needs of the company, offer constructive comments which can improve the level of the development strategy, promote the development of the company.
Key Words: Insurance, Development Strategy, Market positioning
引 言 1
第一章 相关理论综述 2
1.1发展战略的定义 2
1.2企业发展战略的基本特征 2
1.3 SWOT分析法 2
第二章 我国保险公司发展现状分析 3
2.1国内保险行业发展现状 3
2.2国内保险业发展存在的问题 4
2.3我国保险业未来发展趋势 4
第三章 中国人寿保险xx分公司的内外部环境分析(SWOT分析) 5
3.1中国人寿保险xx公司发展现状分析 5
3.2优势分析 6
3.2.1卓越的品牌 6
3.2.2xx寿险市场的领航者 6
3.2.3强大的财务实力 7
3.2.4庞大的客户基础 7
3.2.5良好的社会关系 8
3.3劣势分析 8
3.3.1管理机制不够灵活 8
3.3.2业务发展不平衡 8
3.3.3员工素质有待提高 9
3.3.4有效激励机制和约束机制缺乏 9
3.3.5组织结构庞大 9
3.3.6营销网络滞后 9
3.4发展机会分析 10
3.4.1xx区经济形势好 10
3.4.2政策环境不断改善 10
3.4.3社会保险的不足带来机会 11
3.5存在的威胁分析 11
3.5.1市场竞争加剧,市场份额下降 11
3.5.2城镇居民医保及新农保的深入发展对部分产品造成冲击 11
3.5.3公众对保险公司及代理人的信任度不高 12
3.6 SWOT矩阵分析 12
3.6.1优势—机会战略(SO战略) 12
3.6.2劣势—机会战略(WO战略) 13
3.6.3优势—威胁战略(ST战略) 13
3.6.4劣势—威胁战略(WT战略) 13
第四章 中国人寿保险xx分公司的战略选择 14
4.1战略目标 14
4.2战略定位 14
4.3战略选择 15
第五章 中国人寿保险xx分公司战略实施保障 15
5.1组织保障 16
5.2研发保障 16
5.3营销保障 17
5.4品牌保障 18
5.5诚信保障 18
参考文献 18
致谢 19
Jiangyan branch of China Life Insurance (Group) Company's development strategy analysis
Recently, the insurance industry in China has been a great development. but China, as a developing large state ,has his own special conditions. China has vast territory, large population, but the population distribution is very uneven. The number of agricultural population is large. Because of the restricted economy and the impact of traditional production methods, the majority of the rural population is weak in insurance awareness. These people are often having more needs to be protected. However, China currently does not have enough capacity to implement sound security system in rural areas. It is providing opportunity for insurance companies which are in development towns.
In this paper, through the use of the basic concepts and theories of strategic analysis, survey current development branch of China Life Insurance Jiangyan, in-depth analysis of the company's environment , their development status and problems, sum up the problem, analyze the causes and propose solutions, formulate development strategy which meets the needs of the company, offer constructive comments which can improve the level of the development strategy, promote the development of the company.
Key Words: Insurance, Development Strategy, Market positioning
引 言 1
第一章 相关理论综述 2
1.1发展战略的定义 2
1.2企业发展战略的基本特征 2
1.3 SWOT分析法 2
第二章 我国保险公司发展现状分析 3
2.1国内保险行业发展现状 3
2.2国内保险业发展存在的问题 4
2.3我国保险业未来发展趋势 4
第三章 中国人寿保险xx分公司的内外部环境分析(SWOT分析) 5
3.1中国人寿保险xx公司发展现状分析 5
3.2优势分析 6
3.2.1卓越的品牌 6
3.2.2xx寿险市场的领航者 6
3.2.3强大的财务实力 7
3.2.4庞大的客户基础 7
3.2.5良好的社会关系 8
3.3劣势分析 8
3.3.1管理机制不够灵活 8
3.3.2业务发展不平衡 8
3.3.3员工素质有待提高 9
3.3.4有效激励机制和约束机制缺乏 9
3.3.5组织结构庞大 9
3.3.6营销网络滞后 9
3.4发展机会分析 10
3.4.1xx区经济形势好 10
3.4.2政策环境不断改善 10
3.4.3社会保险的不足带来机会 11
3.5存在的威胁分析 11
3.5.1市场竞争加剧,市场份额下降 11
3.5.2城镇居民医保及新农保的深入发展对部分产品造成冲击 11
3.5.3公众对保险公司及代理人的信任度不高 12
3.6 SWOT矩阵分析 12
3.6.1优势—机会战略(SO战略) 12
3.6.2劣势—机会战略(WO战略) 13
3.6.3优势—威胁战略(ST战略) 13
3.6.4劣势—威胁战略(WT战略) 13
第四章 中国人寿保险xx分公司的战略选择 14
4.1战略目标 14
4.2战略定位 14
4.3战略选择 15
第五章 中国人寿保险xx分公司战略实施保障 15
5.1组织保障 16
5.2研发保障 16
5.3营销保障 17
5.4品牌保障 18
5.5诚信保障 18
参考文献 18
致谢 19