

股份有限公司营销渠道建设研究,江苏xx13000字原创毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要 本论文重点研究xx营销渠道及其建设。通过运用营销渠道开发和管理的系统知识,对江苏xx股份有限公司(以下简称xx)营销渠建设道进行了调查与研究,包括营销渠道的相关理论阐述、我国农机市场的现状与整体分析、xx营销渠道建设的现状...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 细雨绵绵 发布



摘要 本论文重点研究xx营销渠道及其建设。通过运用营销渠道开发和管理的系统知识,对江苏xx股份有限公司(以下简称xx)营销渠建设道进行了调查与研究,包括营销渠道的相关理论阐述、我国农机市场的现状与整体分析、xx营销渠道建设的现状与分析及其渠道建设的对策与建议等。最后,理论结合实际,对xx的销售渠道进行改善,提出合理的选择经销商,开发属于自己的市场的建议等。并且,本文重点论述了营销渠道拓展的影响因素以及渠道拓展时需要考虑的几个主要因素、适合本企业的合作伙伴。通过对xx营销渠道系统的研究,提出了解决其


Jiangsu Changfa the Industry Group Study Agricultural Equipment Marketing Channel Construction
Abstract This paper focuses on the marketing channels often made agricultural equipment and construction. Through the use of system knowledge development and management of marketing channels, conducted a survey of its marketing channels and research, including the theory expounded marketing channels, the status quo of China's agricultural market and the overall analysis, and analysis of the status quo often made agricultural equipment construction and marketing channels its channel development strategies and recommendations. Finally, the combination of theory and practice, often made of agricultural equipment sales channel improvement, dealers made a reasonable choice to develop their own proposals and other markets. Meanwhile, this paper focuses on the factors that influence the development of channels and the development of several key aspects need to be considered, the selection method of the business channel structure and membership of the suit. Through marketing channels often made agricultural equipment systems research, presented to solve their marketing Corresponding channel program development issues in order to build for the enterprise marketing channels.

Key words Changfa Group; agricultural equipment equipment;
marketing channels; Channel Development

第一章 绪论 3
1.1研究背景 3
1.2问题的提出和研究意义 4
1.3本文的研究方法 5
第二章 营销渠道的相关理论阐述 6
2.1营销渠道的概念 6
2.2营销渠道的作用 6
2.3营销渠道结构 7
2.4营销渠道类型 7
第三章 我国农机市场的现状与整体分析 8
3.1我国农机行业的现状 8
3.2对我国农机行业现状的整体分析 9
第四章 xx营销渠道建设的现状与分析 11
4.1xx简介 11
4.2xx营销渠道建设的现状 11
4.3xx营销渠道建设背景 14
4.4xx营销渠道建设存在的问题 14
4.5xx营销渠道建设存在的问题的解决 15
第五章 xx营销渠道建设的对策与建议 16
5.1评估影响渠道结构的因素 17
5.2选择合适的渠道结构 18
第六章 结 论 23
致 谢 24
参考文献 25