此文档由会员 细雨绵绵 发布
As the most grassroots,the most wide-ranging and the most active economic group in the business world,small and medium-sized enterprises contribute to the national economy.However,from SMEs were born,they have not developed smoothly and have been troubled by the financing difficulties which make SMEs struggle.Industrial clusters,as a carrier of regional and even national competitive advantages,bring drawn to the financing dilemma that SMEs facing.SMEs cluster financing has theoretically comparative advantages compared with single enterprises outside the cluster.But, in reality, these financing advantages don't play fully out so that SMEs in industrial clusters have been still in deep trouble. Thus,it is very significant for the healthy development of SMEs and even the entire national economy to identify and remove the barriers on exerting its absolute advantages of SMEs cluster financing.
At the beginning,this paper introduces the financing advantages of SMEs in industrial clusters in theory. And then,taking Danyang glasses industry for example,the contrastive analysis on the financing conditions of SMEs between inside and outside the industrial clusters shows that financing plight doesn't change much with SMEs agglomerating after the field investigation.Next,list the obstacles when SMEs exploit the financing advantages in the districts and finally put forward some personal suggestions in this respect,in order to slove the financing problem of SMEs in the industrial cluster.
Key words:small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs);industrial cluster;financing advantages;obstacles;countermeasures
第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题的目的和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3研究内容与方法 2
1.3.1研究内容 2
1.3.2研究方法 3
第二章 集群内中小企业融资优势的理论分析 4
2.1产业集群有利于中小企业进行直接融资 4
2.2产业集群有利于提高金融机构的融资效率 4
2.2.1有利于缓解银企间信息不对称的矛盾 4
2.2.2有利于降低银企间的融资交易成本 4
2.2.3有利于提高群内中小企业的信用等级 5
2.2.4有利于金融机构对信贷风险进行控制 5
2.3产业集群有利于增加企业间资金拆借的可能性 6
2.4产业集群有利于促进民间融资的发展 6
2.5产业集群有利于中小企业吸引外资 6
第三章 产业集群内外中小企业融资情况调查与比较 6
3.1产业集群内中小企业的融资情况 6
3.2产业集群外中小企业的融资情况 7
3.3产业集群内外中小企业的融资情况对比 8
3.3.1向金融机构融资的成功率略有增加 8
3.3.2通过其它渠道融资时没有显著影响 8
第四章 xx眼镜中小企业集群融资优势发挥的障碍 11
4.1集群内在结构不合理 11
4.1.1集群内产业链畸形化 11
4.1.2集群内价值链低端化 11
4.1.3集群内企业离散化 11
4.2集群内部建设的滞后 12
4.2.1集群内部的信用建设水平低 12
4.2.2集群内部的信息流动机制不畅通 12
4.3金融服务体系的缺陷 13
4.3.1缺乏为集群服务的区域性金融机构 13
4.3.2缺乏符合集群融资特点的服务项目 13
4.4民间融资的约束 14
4.4.1民间贷款利率居高不下 14
4.4.2民间借贷风险高 14
4.4.3对民间融资的监管缺位 14
第五章 促进xx眼镜中小企业发挥集群融资优势的对策 15
5.1优化产业结构,根除产业集群发展弊端 15
5.1.1调整集群产业链,提高产业配套能力 15
5.1.2实施战略转型,占领价值链高附加值环节 15
5.1.3强化产业关联,加强企业间分工协作 16
5.2加强内部建设,促进集群融资功能发挥 16
5.2.1增强信用意识,完善信用担保体系 16
5.2.2建立信息库,实现企业间信息资源共享 17
5.3健全金融体系,提供专门的集群融资服务 17
5.3.1新建为集群服务的区域性金融机构 17
5.3.2开发符合集群融资特点的服务项目 17
5.4规范民间金融,疏通群内主要融资渠道 18
5.4.1支持民间金融发展,减少高利贷现象发生 18
5.4.2合法进行投融资,规避民间借贷风险 18
5.4.3加强对民间金融的监管,使民间借贷阳光化 19
第六章 结论与展望 20
参考文献 20
附录 22
致谢 24
As the most grassroots,the most wide-ranging and the most active economic group in the business world,small and medium-sized enterprises contribute to the national economy.However,from SMEs were born,they have not developed smoothly and have been troubled by the financing difficulties which make SMEs struggle.Industrial clusters,as a carrier of regional and even national competitive advantages,bring drawn to the financing dilemma that SMEs facing.SMEs cluster financing has theoretically comparative advantages compared with single enterprises outside the cluster.But, in reality, these financing advantages don't play fully out so that SMEs in industrial clusters have been still in deep trouble. Thus,it is very significant for the healthy development of SMEs and even the entire national economy to identify and remove the barriers on exerting its absolute advantages of SMEs cluster financing.
At the beginning,this paper introduces the financing advantages of SMEs in industrial clusters in theory. And then,taking Danyang glasses industry for example,the contrastive analysis on the financing conditions of SMEs between inside and outside the industrial clusters shows that financing plight doesn't change much with SMEs agglomerating after the field investigation.Next,list the obstacles when SMEs exploit the financing advantages in the districts and finally put forward some personal suggestions in this respect,in order to slove the financing problem of SMEs in the industrial cluster.
Key words:small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs);industrial cluster;financing advantages;obstacles;countermeasures
第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题的目的和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3研究内容与方法 2
1.3.1研究内容 2
1.3.2研究方法 3
第二章 集群内中小企业融资优势的理论分析 4
2.1产业集群有利于中小企业进行直接融资 4
2.2产业集群有利于提高金融机构的融资效率 4
2.2.1有利于缓解银企间信息不对称的矛盾 4
2.2.2有利于降低银企间的融资交易成本 4
2.2.3有利于提高群内中小企业的信用等级 5
2.2.4有利于金融机构对信贷风险进行控制 5
2.3产业集群有利于增加企业间资金拆借的可能性 6
2.4产业集群有利于促进民间融资的发展 6
2.5产业集群有利于中小企业吸引外资 6
第三章 产业集群内外中小企业融资情况调查与比较 6
3.1产业集群内中小企业的融资情况 6
3.2产业集群外中小企业的融资情况 7
3.3产业集群内外中小企业的融资情况对比 8
3.3.1向金融机构融资的成功率略有增加 8
3.3.2通过其它渠道融资时没有显著影响 8
第四章 xx眼镜中小企业集群融资优势发挥的障碍 11
4.1集群内在结构不合理 11
4.1.1集群内产业链畸形化 11
4.1.2集群内价值链低端化 11
4.1.3集群内企业离散化 11
4.2集群内部建设的滞后 12
4.2.1集群内部的信用建设水平低 12
4.2.2集群内部的信息流动机制不畅通 12
4.3金融服务体系的缺陷 13
4.3.1缺乏为集群服务的区域性金融机构 13
4.3.2缺乏符合集群融资特点的服务项目 13
4.4民间融资的约束 14
4.4.1民间贷款利率居高不下 14
4.4.2民间借贷风险高 14
4.4.3对民间融资的监管缺位 14
第五章 促进xx眼镜中小企业发挥集群融资优势的对策 15
5.1优化产业结构,根除产业集群发展弊端 15
5.1.1调整集群产业链,提高产业配套能力 15
5.1.2实施战略转型,占领价值链高附加值环节 15
5.1.3强化产业关联,加强企业间分工协作 16
5.2加强内部建设,促进集群融资功能发挥 16
5.2.1增强信用意识,完善信用担保体系 16
5.2.2建立信息库,实现企业间信息资源共享 17
5.3健全金融体系,提供专门的集群融资服务 17
5.3.1新建为集群服务的区域性金融机构 17
5.3.2开发符合集群融资特点的服务项目 17
5.4规范民间金融,疏通群内主要融资渠道 18
5.4.1支持民间金融发展,减少高利贷现象发生 18
5.4.2合法进行投融资,规避民间借贷风险 18
5.4.3加强对民间金融的监管,使民间借贷阳光化 19
第六章 结论与展望 20
参考文献 20
附录 22
致谢 24