xx餐饮企业服务质量研究[独家原创],xx餐饮企业服务质量研究15000字原创毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用 摘要近年来,我国服务行业的市场越来越壮大,各式各样的服务企业纷纷涌入市场,加上世界经济逐渐一体化,国外服务行业巨头也开始抢占中国市场,致使国内服务行业的竞争更加剧烈。本文首先对服务质量相关理论进行叙述,之后对镇江xx九润店服务质量现状进行...
此文档由会员 细雨绵绵 发布
摘要 近年来,我国服务行业的市场越来越壮大,各式各样的服务企业纷纷涌入市场,加上世界经济逐渐一体化,国外服务行业巨头也开始抢占中国市场,致使国内服务行业的竞争更加剧烈。本文首先对服务质量相关理论进行叙述,之后对镇江xx九润店服务质量现状进行认真分析,xx品牌是一家以弘扬民族特色饮食文化、创建民族特色餐饮第一品牌为己任,集湘西民俗表演、湘西美食经营、湘西文化传播与原生态食品生产加工于一体的大型餐饮连锁企业,镇江xx分店正处长一个良好的上升发展的阶段。但镇江xx九润店的服务现状已难以满足客户的要求,面对顾客的挑剔、同行的激烈竞争,改进服务质量的研究已成为摆在镇江xx九润店面前的现实课题。
关键词:服务质量 影响因素 统计分析 建议
The Status of QOS of Zhenjiang Xiangxi tribes Jiurun shop and Improvement Measures
Abstract In recent years, China's service industry market becoming more powerful, a wide range of services companies have entered into the market, coupled with the gradual integration of the world economy , the service sector to foreign giants have begun to seize the Chinese market , resulting in more competition in the domestic service sector intense. Firstly, the quality of service related to narrative theory has been described, then the status of service quality of Zhenjiang Xiangxi tribes Jiurun shop has been carefully analyzed .Xiangxi tribes to promote the national brand is a specialty food culture, ethnic food and drink to create the first brand mission, set Folklore performances, Xiangxi food management, spread of Xiangxi culture and the original ecological food production and processing in one large restaurant chain. Zhenjiang, Director of Xiangxi tribal stores are a good rising stage of development. But the status of quality of service of Zhenjiang Xinagxi tribes Jiurun shop has been difficult to meet customer requirements. Facing with customer critical, peer competition, improve the quality of service has become a realistic subject in front of the Zhenjiang Xiangxi tribes Jiurun shop.
Through survey research methods, Zhenjiang Xiangxi tribes Jiurun shop which located in Youth Square was investigated by means of statistical analysis techniques to analyze the survey results, on this basis, finding out the important influencing factors, and putting forward some suggestions to improve the quality of service.
Key words The quality of service Influential factors Statistical analysis Suggestions
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的及意义 1
1.3国内外研究现状 2
1.4主要研究内容 2
第二章 服务质量的相关理论综述 4
2.1服务质量的定义 4
2.2服务质量的作用及意义 4
2.3服务质量理论 5
第三章 镇江xx九润店服务质量现状分析 7
3.1镇江xx九润店的介绍 7
3.2现场调研 7
3.2.1问卷的设计原则 7
3.2.2现场调研内容 9
3.2.3现场调查的实施 10
3.3 镇江xx九润店服务质量现状 10
3.4 镇江xx九润店服务质量存在的问题及原因分析 13
3.4.1 镇江xx九润店服务质量存在的问题 13
3.4.2 镇江xx九润店服务质量存在问题的原因分析 14
第四章 改进镇江xx九润店服务质量的建议 17
4.1服务人员方面 17
4.2环境设施方面 17
4.3管理制度方面 18
4.4企业文化方面 18
结论 20
参考文献 21
致谢 23
附录:调查问卷 24
摘要 近年来,我国服务行业的市场越来越壮大,各式各样的服务企业纷纷涌入市场,加上世界经济逐渐一体化,国外服务行业巨头也开始抢占中国市场,致使国内服务行业的竞争更加剧烈。本文首先对服务质量相关理论进行叙述,之后对镇江xx九润店服务质量现状进行认真分析,xx品牌是一家以弘扬民族特色饮食文化、创建民族特色餐饮第一品牌为己任,集湘西民俗表演、湘西美食经营、湘西文化传播与原生态食品生产加工于一体的大型餐饮连锁企业,镇江xx分店正处长一个良好的上升发展的阶段。但镇江xx九润店的服务现状已难以满足客户的要求,面对顾客的挑剔、同行的激烈竞争,改进服务质量的研究已成为摆在镇江xx九润店面前的现实课题。
关键词:服务质量 影响因素 统计分析 建议
The Status of QOS of Zhenjiang Xiangxi tribes Jiurun shop and Improvement Measures
Abstract In recent years, China's service industry market becoming more powerful, a wide range of services companies have entered into the market, coupled with the gradual integration of the world economy , the service sector to foreign giants have begun to seize the Chinese market , resulting in more competition in the domestic service sector intense. Firstly, the quality of service related to narrative theory has been described, then the status of service quality of Zhenjiang Xiangxi tribes Jiurun shop has been carefully analyzed .Xiangxi tribes to promote the national brand is a specialty food culture, ethnic food and drink to create the first brand mission, set Folklore performances, Xiangxi food management, spread of Xiangxi culture and the original ecological food production and processing in one large restaurant chain. Zhenjiang, Director of Xiangxi tribal stores are a good rising stage of development. But the status of quality of service of Zhenjiang Xinagxi tribes Jiurun shop has been difficult to meet customer requirements. Facing with customer critical, peer competition, improve the quality of service has become a realistic subject in front of the Zhenjiang Xiangxi tribes Jiurun shop.
Through survey research methods, Zhenjiang Xiangxi tribes Jiurun shop which located in Youth Square was investigated by means of statistical analysis techniques to analyze the survey results, on this basis, finding out the important influencing factors, and putting forward some suggestions to improve the quality of service.
Key words The quality of service Influential factors Statistical analysis Suggestions
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的及意义 1
1.3国内外研究现状 2
1.4主要研究内容 2
第二章 服务质量的相关理论综述 4
2.1服务质量的定义 4
2.2服务质量的作用及意义 4
2.3服务质量理论 5
第三章 镇江xx九润店服务质量现状分析 7
3.1镇江xx九润店的介绍 7
3.2现场调研 7
3.2.1问卷的设计原则 7
3.2.2现场调研内容 9
3.2.3现场调查的实施 10
3.3 镇江xx九润店服务质量现状 10
3.4 镇江xx九润店服务质量存在的问题及原因分析 13
3.4.1 镇江xx九润店服务质量存在的问题 13
3.4.2 镇江xx九润店服务质量存在问题的原因分析 14
第四章 改进镇江xx九润店服务质量的建议 17
4.1服务人员方面 17
4.2环境设施方面 17
4.3管理制度方面 18
4.4企业文化方面 18
结论 20
参考文献 21
致谢 23
附录:调查问卷 24