农村信用合作社竞争能力研究--以xx县农信社为例,13900字原创毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要 任何企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地并不断发展,必须要进一步确立并且发展自己的竞争能力。xx县农信社作为xx县农村地区的主要金融机构之一,其市场份额的发展壮大以及本身竞争能力的增强对xx县整个金融体系的效...
此文档由会员 细雨绵绵 发布
摘要 任何企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地并不断发展,必须要进一步确立并且发展自己的竞争能力。xx县农信社作为xx县农村地区的主要金融机构之一,其市场份额的发展壮大以及本身竞争能力的增强对xx县整个金融体系的效率体系的提高和更好地为三农服务将发挥十分重要的作用。但随着农村金融体制改革的进一步深化,xx县农村信用社面临的竞争压力加大,坚持合作制还是走商业化道路,是农信社目前所要关注的焦点[9]。因此,发现并提升其竞争能力尤显重要。本文将根据竞争能力的含义、特征以及所包含的相关要素,设计相关的调查问卷对农村信用社的内外部环境进行调查,从而了解xx县农村信用社的发展现状以及业务状况,根据调查结果,运用SWOT分析方法对xx县农村信用社的竞争能力进行识别、分析,并发现xx县农信社竞争能力提升所存在的困境,在此基础上提出农信社今后的市场定位和相应的发展战略。
关键词 xx县农信社 竞争能力 SWOT分析 困境与对策
Abstract Enterprise which is in an impregnable position in the fierce market competition and in the development, need further to establish and develop their ability to compete. GuanNan rural credit cooperatives as one of the major financial institutions in rural areas, enhancing its development and competitiveness of GuanNan throughout the financial system more efficient and better service for agriculture, rural areas and farmers will play a very important role. But with the further deepening of the rural financial system reform, the competitive pressures facing the GuanNan rural credit cooperatives,Adhere to the cooperative system or commercial road, is to be the focus of attention at present, rural credit cooperatives, therefore, to find and raise its competition ability is all the more important.In this paper, according to the meaning of the competitiveness, characteristics and relative factors of contained, investigate the internal and external environment of rural credit cooperatives, thereby understand GuanNan development present situation of rural credit cooperatives, according to the survey, SWOT analysis method of rural credit cooperatives of competition ability for identification and analysis, and found that our county competition ability to promote the existing predicament of rural credit cooperatives, rural credit cooperative in the future based on this, advances the market orientation and the corresponding development strategy.
Key Words GuanNan rural credit cooperatives competitive ability SWOT analysis Difficulties and countermeasures
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景、目的和意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究目的与意义 1
1.2研究内容 2
1.3研究方法 2
第二章 理论基础 3
2.1竞争能力的含义与特征 3
2.2竞争能力的分析方法-SWOT分析基本原理 3
2.3农村信用社及其竞争能力 3
2.3.1农村信用合作社的内涵与特征 3
2.3.2农村信用社竞争能力的构成要素 3
2.3.3农村信用社竞争能力的重要性 4
第三章 xx县农信社竞争能力分析 4
3.1xx县农村信用社发展状况简介 4
3.2xx县农信社调查问卷设计 5
3.3农信社竞争能力SWOT分析法 6
3.3.1优势分析 6
3.3.2劣势分析 7
3.3.3机会分析 10
3.3.4 威胁分析 11
第四章 xx县农信社竞争能力提升遇到的障碍 12
4.1法人治理结构不完善 12
4.2市场定位不明确 13
4.3业务和服务缺乏创新 13
4.4人才素质偏低以及人才资源匮乏 14
4.5资产质量较低,经营成本较高 14
第五章 xx县农村信用社竞争能力提升的对策 15
5.1完善产权制度 15
5.2明确市场地位战略,培育忠诚客户群 15
5.3增强金融服务创新 16
5.4优化人力资源配置,坚持以人为本 17
5.5加强企业文化建设,促进企业软实力的形成 17
5.6强化风险防范建设,保障竞争能力的有效发挥 17
结束语 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20
附录A 21
摘要 任何企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地并不断发展,必须要进一步确立并且发展自己的竞争能力。xx县农信社作为xx县农村地区的主要金融机构之一,其市场份额的发展壮大以及本身竞争能力的增强对xx县整个金融体系的效率体系的提高和更好地为三农服务将发挥十分重要的作用。但随着农村金融体制改革的进一步深化,xx县农村信用社面临的竞争压力加大,坚持合作制还是走商业化道路,是农信社目前所要关注的焦点[9]。因此,发现并提升其竞争能力尤显重要。本文将根据竞争能力的含义、特征以及所包含的相关要素,设计相关的调查问卷对农村信用社的内外部环境进行调查,从而了解xx县农村信用社的发展现状以及业务状况,根据调查结果,运用SWOT分析方法对xx县农村信用社的竞争能力进行识别、分析,并发现xx县农信社竞争能力提升所存在的困境,在此基础上提出农信社今后的市场定位和相应的发展战略。
关键词 xx县农信社 竞争能力 SWOT分析 困境与对策
Abstract Enterprise which is in an impregnable position in the fierce market competition and in the development, need further to establish and develop their ability to compete. GuanNan rural credit cooperatives as one of the major financial institutions in rural areas, enhancing its development and competitiveness of GuanNan throughout the financial system more efficient and better service for agriculture, rural areas and farmers will play a very important role. But with the further deepening of the rural financial system reform, the competitive pressures facing the GuanNan rural credit cooperatives,Adhere to the cooperative system or commercial road, is to be the focus of attention at present, rural credit cooperatives, therefore, to find and raise its competition ability is all the more important.In this paper, according to the meaning of the competitiveness, characteristics and relative factors of contained, investigate the internal and external environment of rural credit cooperatives, thereby understand GuanNan development present situation of rural credit cooperatives, according to the survey, SWOT analysis method of rural credit cooperatives of competition ability for identification and analysis, and found that our county competition ability to promote the existing predicament of rural credit cooperatives, rural credit cooperative in the future based on this, advances the market orientation and the corresponding development strategy.
Key Words GuanNan rural credit cooperatives competitive ability SWOT analysis Difficulties and countermeasures
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景、目的和意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究目的与意义 1
1.2研究内容 2
1.3研究方法 2
第二章 理论基础 3
2.1竞争能力的含义与特征 3
2.2竞争能力的分析方法-SWOT分析基本原理 3
2.3农村信用社及其竞争能力 3
2.3.1农村信用合作社的内涵与特征 3
2.3.2农村信用社竞争能力的构成要素 3
2.3.3农村信用社竞争能力的重要性 4
第三章 xx县农信社竞争能力分析 4
3.1xx县农村信用社发展状况简介 4
3.2xx县农信社调查问卷设计 5
3.3农信社竞争能力SWOT分析法 6
3.3.1优势分析 6
3.3.2劣势分析 7
3.3.3机会分析 10
3.3.4 威胁分析 11
第四章 xx县农信社竞争能力提升遇到的障碍 12
4.1法人治理结构不完善 12
4.2市场定位不明确 13
4.3业务和服务缺乏创新 13
4.4人才素质偏低以及人才资源匮乏 14
4.5资产质量较低,经营成本较高 14
第五章 xx县农村信用社竞争能力提升的对策 15
5.1完善产权制度 15
5.2明确市场地位战略,培育忠诚客户群 15
5.3增强金融服务创新 16
5.4优化人力资源配置,坚持以人为本 17
5.5加强企业文化建设,促进企业软实力的形成 17
5.6强化风险防范建设,保障竞争能力的有效发挥 17
结束语 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20
附录A 21