此文档由会员 细雨绵绵 发布
关键词:科技型小微企业 调查问卷 融资渠道
Research on Widening Financing Channels of Technology-based Small and Micro Enterprises in Jiangsu Province
——Take Small and Micro Enterprises in Zhenjiang
Technology Incubator as an Example
Abstract:Because of technology-based small and micro enterprises’ prominent features of high technology content, market uncertainty range, and high risk, funding shortages is a prominent serious problem, so how to broaden the financing channels becomes an urgent problem waiting for scholars to solve. In this paper, by connecting survey research of technology-based small and micro enterprises in Zhenjiang Technology Incubator with experiences of widen financing channels for technology-based small and micro enterprises at home and abroad, summarize technology-based small and micro enterprises’ status of the financing stage in Jiangsu province. Questions were raised from three aspects of the enterprises’ own constraints, government policies supporting factors, and co-factor of financial institutions, and then relevant countermeasures and suggestions were put forward to address these issues.
During the study, the author designed the “Questionnaire of Technology-based Small and Micro Enterprises’ Financing Status in Jiangsu Province", and conduct a survey on small and micro enterprises in Zhenjiang Technology Incubator. The questionnaires were mainly completed by each enterprise’s financial officer. There is a total of 41 questionnaires were distributed and to recover, after the removal of non-standard and incomplete questionnaires, obtained 33 valid questionnaires. After statistical analysis of valid questionnaires, the author put forward corresponding countermeasures from the enterprises themselves active expand financing channels, increasing efforts to support the government’s policy, deepen partnership between the banks, mining new ways to broaden the financing channels for technology-based small and micro enterprises.
Key words:Technology-based small and micro enterprises; questionnaire; financing channels
目 录
引 言 1
第一章 绪 论 2
1.1研究的背景和意义 2
1.2国内外研究综述 2
1.2.1国外研究综述 2
1.2.2国内研究综述 3
1.3本文的研究方法和过程 4
1.3.1本文的研究方法 4
1.3.2本文的研究过程 4
第二章 科技型小微企业融资的相关理论阐述 5
2.1小微企业的界定 6
2.1.1小微企业的定义 6
2.1.2小微企业融资的含义 6
2.2科技型小微企业的界定 8
2.2.1科技型企业的界定 8
2.2.2科技型小微企业的界定 8
2.2.3科技型小微企业的特点 8
2.3企业融资理论 9
2.3.1融资结构理论 9
2.3.2企业融资渠道理论 11
第三章 国内外科技型小微企业融资经验借鉴 13
3.1国外科技型小微企业融资经验 13
3.1.1国外科技型小微企业发展现状 13
3.1.2国外科技型小微企业融资渠道分析 13
3.2国内科技型小微企业融资经验 14
3.2.1国内科技型小微企业融资现状 14
3.2.2国内科技型小微企业融资经验借鉴 15
第四章 科技型小微企业融资渠道调查——以镇江科技园小微企业为例 17
4.1融资渠道问卷调查 17
4.1.1问卷设计 17
4.1.2问卷调查及回收 17
4.2影响企业融资因素分析 18
4.2.1科技型小微企业综合特征分析 18
4.2.2企业自身因素分析 19
4.2.3政府的政策支持因素分析 20
4.2.4与金融机构合作因素分析 21
第五章 科技型小微企业融资渠道拓宽对策 22
5.1企业积极拓展融资渠道 22
5.1.1积极探索创新融资工具 22
5.1.2企业间结盟增信融资 22
5.2加大政府的政策扶持力度 23
5.2.1建立健全相关法律法规 23
5.2.2加大财政政策支持力度 23
5.2.3建立完善融资中介服务平台 23
5.3深化银企间合作关系 24
5.3.1加强银企间信息交流 24
5.3.2适当放宽融资门槛 24
5.3.3成立专业部门简化融资手续 24
第六章 结 论 26
6.1主要研究结论 26
6.2本文的不足与展望 26
致 谢 27
参考文献 28
附录1 30
关键词:科技型小微企业 调查问卷 融资渠道
Research on Widening Financing Channels of Technology-based Small and Micro Enterprises in Jiangsu Province
——Take Small and Micro Enterprises in Zhenjiang
Technology Incubator as an Example
Abstract:Because of technology-based small and micro enterprises’ prominent features of high technology content, market uncertainty range, and high risk, funding shortages is a prominent serious problem, so how to broaden the financing channels becomes an urgent problem waiting for scholars to solve. In this paper, by connecting survey research of technology-based small and micro enterprises in Zhenjiang Technology Incubator with experiences of widen financing channels for technology-based small and micro enterprises at home and abroad, summarize technology-based small and micro enterprises’ status of the financing stage in Jiangsu province. Questions were raised from three aspects of the enterprises’ own constraints, government policies supporting factors, and co-factor of financial institutions, and then relevant countermeasures and suggestions were put forward to address these issues.
During the study, the author designed the “Questionnaire of Technology-based Small and Micro Enterprises’ Financing Status in Jiangsu Province", and conduct a survey on small and micro enterprises in Zhenjiang Technology Incubator. The questionnaires were mainly completed by each enterprise’s financial officer. There is a total of 41 questionnaires were distributed and to recover, after the removal of non-standard and incomplete questionnaires, obtained 33 valid questionnaires. After statistical analysis of valid questionnaires, the author put forward corresponding countermeasures from the enterprises themselves active expand financing channels, increasing efforts to support the government’s policy, deepen partnership between the banks, mining new ways to broaden the financing channels for technology-based small and micro enterprises.
Key words:Technology-based small and micro enterprises; questionnaire; financing channels
目 录
引 言 1
第一章 绪 论 2
1.1研究的背景和意义 2
1.2国内外研究综述 2
1.2.1国外研究综述 2
1.2.2国内研究综述 3
1.3本文的研究方法和过程 4
1.3.1本文的研究方法 4
1.3.2本文的研究过程 4
第二章 科技型小微企业融资的相关理论阐述 5
2.1小微企业的界定 6
2.1.1小微企业的定义 6
2.1.2小微企业融资的含义 6
2.2科技型小微企业的界定 8
2.2.1科技型企业的界定 8
2.2.2科技型小微企业的界定 8
2.2.3科技型小微企业的特点 8
2.3企业融资理论 9
2.3.1融资结构理论 9
2.3.2企业融资渠道理论 11
第三章 国内外科技型小微企业融资经验借鉴 13
3.1国外科技型小微企业融资经验 13
3.1.1国外科技型小微企业发展现状 13
3.1.2国外科技型小微企业融资渠道分析 13
3.2国内科技型小微企业融资经验 14
3.2.1国内科技型小微企业融资现状 14
3.2.2国内科技型小微企业融资经验借鉴 15
第四章 科技型小微企业融资渠道调查——以镇江科技园小微企业为例 17
4.1融资渠道问卷调查 17
4.1.1问卷设计 17
4.1.2问卷调查及回收 17
4.2影响企业融资因素分析 18
4.2.1科技型小微企业综合特征分析 18
4.2.2企业自身因素分析 19
4.2.3政府的政策支持因素分析 20
4.2.4与金融机构合作因素分析 21
第五章 科技型小微企业融资渠道拓宽对策 22
5.1企业积极拓展融资渠道 22
5.1.1积极探索创新融资工具 22
5.1.2企业间结盟增信融资 22
5.2加大政府的政策扶持力度 23
5.2.1建立健全相关法律法规 23
5.2.2加大财政政策支持力度 23
5.2.3建立完善融资中介服务平台 23
5.3深化银企间合作关系 24
5.3.1加强银企间信息交流 24
5.3.2适当放宽融资门槛 24
5.3.3成立专业部门简化融资手续 24
第六章 结 论 26
6.1主要研究结论 26
6.2本文的不足与展望 26
致 谢 27
参考文献 28
附录1 30