

此文档由会员 细雨绵绵 发布
[摘要]:随着经济全球化的发展和世界范围内并购浪潮的持续,越来越多的中国企业选择“走出去”,通过跨国并购参与到国际贸易合作与竞争中去。本文通过对我国企业跨国并购现状的研究得知,首先,近年来,我国企业跨国并购案例逐年攀升,其并购总额在世界跨国并购总额中举足轻重;其次,我国企业跨国并购的目标区域也发生了变化,出现了“蛇吞象”跨国并购现象。但并购后的整合是企业并购成功与否的关键一步,而文化整合又是重中之重。由于存在企业与民族的双重文化差异,购并后的文化整合变得非常困难,如何有效地处理跨国购并中的文化冲突已成为每个企业需要思考的问题。因此,通过回顾和整理跨国购并文化整合的相关文献,本文整理得出了四种传统的文化整合模式。在传统模式的基础上,以及考虑到“蛇吞象”的逆势文化并购现象,本文基于文化融合的视角,对文化整合模式进行了深入研究,提出了阶段性文化融合的策略。同时本文采用案例----联想并购IBM PC业务和明基并购西门子案例的对比分析方法对本文所提出的结论进行验证。希望本文提出的观点能够为中国企业跨国并购文化整合活动提供有益的参考和借鉴。
[关键词]:跨国并购 文化整合 文化融合 案例分析
Study of cultural integration model of Chinese enterprises’ transnational m&a under the perspective of cultural fusion
[ABSTRACT] With the development of global economy and the worldwide wave of mergers and acquisitions,more and more Chinese enterprises choose ‘going out”and participate in international trade cooperation and competition through the cross-border mergers and acquisitions.Through the study of the present situation of Chinese enterprises transnational m&a,we can know that the number of transnational merger and acquisition cases rises year by year,whose total amount of m&c has an impact on the world.what’s more ,Target area of transnational m&c of Chinese enterprise have also changed.However ,due to the existence of company and national cultural differences, the integration after the merger becomes very difficult. So,how to effectively deal with cross-border mergers and acquisitions in the cultural conflict has become the important thing to think about.Therefore ,on the basis of reviewing cultural integration of the relevant literature of cross-border merger,this paper collated four cultural integration model.And we play more attention on converged cultural integration mode so that we drew the steps of cultural fusion.Meanwhile ,this paper analyzes the relevant positive and negative case to prove the conclusion.
[KEY WORDS] international m&c,cultural integration,cultural fusion , case analysis
目 录
一、引言 1
(一)国外研究文献 1
(二)国内研究文献 2
(三)研究述评 2
三、我国企业跨国并购的现状 2
(一)跨国并购数额增加、规模扩大 2
(二)跨国并购目标区域转移 ............................................................................3
四、跨国并购整合成败的影响因素 4
五、跨国并购文化整合的模式 6
(一)传统的文化整合模式 7
六、案例分析 8
(一)联想并购IBM PC 10
(二)明基并购西门子 15
参考文献 18
[摘要]:随着经济全球化的发展和世界范围内并购浪潮的持续,越来越多的中国企业选择“走出去”,通过跨国并购参与到国际贸易合作与竞争中去。本文通过对我国企业跨国并购现状的研究得知,首先,近年来,我国企业跨国并购案例逐年攀升,其并购总额在世界跨国并购总额中举足轻重;其次,我国企业跨国并购的目标区域也发生了变化,出现了“蛇吞象”跨国并购现象。但并购后的整合是企业并购成功与否的关键一步,而文化整合又是重中之重。由于存在企业与民族的双重文化差异,购并后的文化整合变得非常困难,如何有效地处理跨国购并中的文化冲突已成为每个企业需要思考的问题。因此,通过回顾和整理跨国购并文化整合的相关文献,本文整理得出了四种传统的文化整合模式。在传统模式的基础上,以及考虑到“蛇吞象”的逆势文化并购现象,本文基于文化融合的视角,对文化整合模式进行了深入研究,提出了阶段性文化融合的策略。同时本文采用案例----联想并购IBM PC业务和明基并购西门子案例的对比分析方法对本文所提出的结论进行验证。希望本文提出的观点能够为中国企业跨国并购文化整合活动提供有益的参考和借鉴。
[关键词]:跨国并购 文化整合 文化融合 案例分析
Study of cultural integration model of Chinese enterprises’ transnational m&a under the perspective of cultural fusion
[ABSTRACT] With the development of global economy and the worldwide wave of mergers and acquisitions,more and more Chinese enterprises choose ‘going out”and participate in international trade cooperation and competition through the cross-border mergers and acquisitions.Through the study of the present situation of Chinese enterprises transnational m&a,we can know that the number of transnational merger and acquisition cases rises year by year,whose total amount of m&c has an impact on the world.what’s more ,Target area of transnational m&c of Chinese enterprise have also changed.However ,due to the existence of company and national cultural differences, the integration after the merger becomes very difficult. So,how to effectively deal with cross-border mergers and acquisitions in the cultural conflict has become the important thing to think about.Therefore ,on the basis of reviewing cultural integration of the relevant literature of cross-border merger,this paper collated four cultural integration model.And we play more attention on converged cultural integration mode so that we drew the steps of cultural fusion.Meanwhile ,this paper analyzes the relevant positive and negative case to prove the conclusion.
[KEY WORDS] international m&c,cultural integration,cultural fusion , case analysis
目 录
一、引言 1
(一)国外研究文献 1
(二)国内研究文献 2
(三)研究述评 2
三、我国企业跨国并购的现状 2
(一)跨国并购数额增加、规模扩大 2
(二)跨国并购目标区域转移 ............................................................................3
四、跨国并购整合成败的影响因素 4
五、跨国并购文化整合的模式 6
(一)传统的文化整合模式 7
六、案例分析 8
(一)联想并购IBM PC 10
(二)明基并购西门子 15
参考文献 18