
我国对外直接投资的区位选择分析,16200字自己的原创毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用[摘要] 随着国际生产力的发展和国际分工的不断深化,对外直接投资已经成为当今世界最重要的经济活动之一。在“十八大”顺利召开以后,我国正加快形成新的经济发展形势,尤其鼓励我国民营企业“走出去”,到境外投资。与此同时,我国对外直接投...

此文档由会员 细雨绵绵 发布
[摘要] 随着国际生产力的发展和国际分工的不断深化,对外直接投资已经成为当今世界最重要的经济活动之一。在“十八大”顺利召开以后,我国正加快形成新的经济发展形势,尤其鼓励我国民营企业“走出去”,到境外投资。与此同时,我国对外直接投资又处于蓬勃上升阶段,如何更好地利用资源,将现有的资源尽可能用到极致,我国对外直接投资区位研究便势在必行。
[关键词] 对外直接投资 区位选择 影响因素
The Analysis of the Location Choice of China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment
[ABSTRACTS]As the rapid development of international productivity and the deepening of international division, outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) has become one of the most important phenomenons of international economic activities nowadays.After the 18th CPC National Congress,China is accelerating the formation of the new situation of the economic development,especially the Chinese government encourages private enterprises to go out and invest overseas.At the same time,China's foreign direct investment is in a vigorous upswing,so it is becoming essential to study the location choice of China's foreign direct investment.
Firstly, the thesis discusses some theories and researches related to the location choice of OFDI, including location theory and FDI theory. Secondly, we introduce the current situation of regional distribution from following two aspects:the scale of OFDI and location distribution.Through the study of the current situation, we put forward the problems of China's foreign direct investment. Then we point out the influence factors of the foreign direct investment in china.Though the econometric model,the following thesis analyzes the factors that affect China's location choice of OFDI.In the last chapter, on the basis of above analysis, we put forward pertinence and maneuverability proposals for the foreign direct investment of China's enterprises.
[Key Words] OFDI Location Choice Affecting Factors
目 录
一、 引言 1
二、对外直接投资区位选择的文献综述 1
(一)传统对外直接投资理论 1
(二)对外直接投资研究的新发展 1
(三)区位选择理论 2
三、 我国对外直接投资区位分布的现状 3
(一)我国对外直接投资的规模 3
(二)我国对外直接投资区位分布状况 4
(三)我国对外直接投资区位选择中出现的问题 5
四、我国对外直接投资区位选择的影响因素 5
(一)东道国的制度环境对我国企业投资区位选择的影响 6
(二)我国国家的的政策因素 7
(三)我国企业自身的影响因素 7
五、我国对外直接投资的引力模型的测算 8
(一)模型的引入及相关测算数据的说明 8
(二)数据处理结果和相关分析 9
六、优化我国对外直接投资区位选择的对策建议 11
(一)企业根据自身的战略目标选择投资区位的策略 11
(二)政府对我国对外直接投资应有的政策支持 12
致 谢 14
参考文献 15
附 录 16
[摘要] 随着国际生产力的发展和国际分工的不断深化,对外直接投资已经成为当今世界最重要的经济活动之一。在“十八大”顺利召开以后,我国正加快形成新的经济发展形势,尤其鼓励我国民营企业“走出去”,到境外投资。与此同时,我国对外直接投资又处于蓬勃上升阶段,如何更好地利用资源,将现有的资源尽可能用到极致,我国对外直接投资区位研究便势在必行。
[关键词] 对外直接投资 区位选择 影响因素
The Analysis of the Location Choice of China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment
[ABSTRACTS]As the rapid development of international productivity and the deepening of international division, outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) has become one of the most important phenomenons of international economic activities nowadays.After the 18th CPC National Congress,China is accelerating the formation of the new situation of the economic development,especially the Chinese government encourages private enterprises to go out and invest overseas.At the same time,China's foreign direct investment is in a vigorous upswing,so it is becoming essential to study the location choice of China's foreign direct investment.
Firstly, the thesis discusses some theories and researches related to the location choice of OFDI, including location theory and FDI theory. Secondly, we introduce the current situation of regional distribution from following two aspects:the scale of OFDI and location distribution.Through the study of the current situation, we put forward the problems of China's foreign direct investment. Then we point out the influence factors of the foreign direct investment in china.Though the econometric model,the following thesis analyzes the factors that affect China's location choice of OFDI.In the last chapter, on the basis of above analysis, we put forward pertinence and maneuverability proposals for the foreign direct investment of China's enterprises.
[Key Words] OFDI Location Choice Affecting Factors
目 录
一、 引言 1
二、对外直接投资区位选择的文献综述 1
(一)传统对外直接投资理论 1
(二)对外直接投资研究的新发展 1
(三)区位选择理论 2
三、 我国对外直接投资区位分布的现状 3
(一)我国对外直接投资的规模 3
(二)我国对外直接投资区位分布状况 4
(三)我国对外直接投资区位选择中出现的问题 5
四、我国对外直接投资区位选择的影响因素 5
(一)东道国的制度环境对我国企业投资区位选择的影响 6
(二)我国国家的的政策因素 7
(三)我国企业自身的影响因素 7
五、我国对外直接投资的引力模型的测算 8
(一)模型的引入及相关测算数据的说明 8
(二)数据处理结果和相关分析 9
六、优化我国对外直接投资区位选择的对策建议 11
(一)企业根据自身的战略目标选择投资区位的策略 11
(二)政府对我国对外直接投资应有的政策支持 12
致 谢 14
参考文献 15
附 录 16