

低碳经济背景下我国外贸结构升级的战略研究, 15300字自己的原创毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用[摘要]经济的高速增长势必离不开能源的大量投入,粗放型经济增长模式己经成为我国经济发展的现实制约因素。而贸易始终在国民经济中占有重要地位,显然其对能源环境也具有深远影响。通过我国外贸结构升级来降低贸易中的能源环境损耗...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 细雨绵绵 发布




[关键词] 低碳经济 外贸结构升级 SWOT分析法 QSPM评价

Structural Upgrade on China’s International Trade
Under the Background of Low-carbon Economy

[ABSTRACT]The rapid growth of economy depends on the large amount of energy,extensive economic growth model has become the factor to restricting China's economic development.Trade always occupies an important position in national economy,therefore it has far-reaching effect on energy and environment.Upgrading foreign trade structure to reduce the loss of energy and environment will effectively ease the negative effects on energy and environment caused by the overgrowth of economy.This paper firstly introduces the research background and significance of low-carbon economy,and scientifically expounds the concrete connotation of low-carbon economy,puting forward the point of this paper.Secondly,It reviews our country’s current situation of foreign trade.Combined with the latest available data,analyzing the present situation and characteristics of China's overall trade.Thirdly,It compares the foreign trade structure upgrade on the influence of various industries and the overall energy environment situation by SWOT analysis method.The influence of the energy and environment on foreign trade and the characteristics of commodity trade structure were analyzed.Finally,the best solutions by QSPM eva luation are picked out which adapting to the low-carbon economy development .
[KEY WORDS] Low-carbon Economy The foreign trade structure upgrade SWOT analysis QSPM eva luation

一、引言 1
(一)选题背景 1
(二)现实意义 1
(三)理论文献研究综述 2
二、我国外贸的现状 5
(一)外贸总体现状 5
(二)外贸结构现状 7
三、低碳经济下我国外贸结构升级的SWOT分析 10
(一)SWOT分析法概述 10
(二)低碳经济下外贸结构升级SWOT分析 11
四、低碳经济下我国外贸结构升级的QSPM方案选择评价 13
(一)备选战略方案评价 13
(二)QSPM评价方式 13
五、低碳经济背景下我国外贸结构升级的对策建议 18
(一) 推动技术创新 18
(二)注重贸易人才建设 18
(三)熟悉贸易法规 18
(四)促进制度创新 19
(五)调整产业结构 19
(六)寻求国际合作 19
致谢 20
参考文献 21