

分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 细雨绵绵 发布



[关键字]:企业文化 品牌 关联

The Relationship between Enterprise Culture and Brand in CHINA
[ABSTRACT] “The enterprise culture is the soul of the brand, the brand is the carrier of enterprise culture”. This is about the relationship between corporate culture and brand's perspective, the enterprise culture is the condensation in the brand of enterprise essence, and the management of brand also cannot do without the elements of enterprise culture. Now, focus on the competition between brands has become a modern enterprise competition, while the core element of the brand is its cultural, specifically, is the condensation of the corporate culture. The enterprise culture is shaping the brand of reference, Enterprise in the fierce competition to win to have advanced and owerful enterprise culture as the support. At present, there are more and more Chinese local brands have served as high tech lead, one after another from the "Chinese manufacturing" Metamorphosis "Chinese to create". Local brand should dare to break the bottleneck in their technology, also should pay attention to intellectual property protection, only in this way can develop their own products and we can make our own brand go farther. With the entry of Multi-National Corporation of foreign goods, consumer brand awareness is increasing, more and more enterprises recognize the significance of the brand construction, and have conducted active exploration in brand building.
This time, I will take the example and the dialectical method to elaborate the relationship between corporate culture and brand, and to our country enterprise culture and brand building in the analysis of some of the issues. At the same time, it puts forward the solution. Hope that the corporate culture and brand building in China will increase the development. Finally, some prospects will be put forward in order to take the enterprise culture and brand together, so the development of enterprises will make faster, better.
[Key words] enterprise culture, brand, relationship

(二)品牌的概述 ……………………………………………………………4
(三)企业文化与品牌之间的关联 …………………………………………5
(一)中国品牌管理的危机 …………………………………………………8
(二)CIS系统的导入 ………………………………………………… 9
(一)中国企业文化与品牌建设的现状分析 ………………………………10
(二)我国企业文化与品牌建设的对策及建议 ……………………………11
(一)新疆葡萄酒业的概述 …………………………………………………12
(二)新疆葡萄酒业品牌建设现状 …………………………………………14
(三)新疆葡萄酒企业文化与品牌建设的方向及趋势 ……………………15
六、总结 …………………………………………………………………………16
参考文献 ………………………………………………………………………17