农村老年居民慢性病管理问题研究,1.42万字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用目录第1章 绪论11.1研究背景11.2研究目的和意义21.2.1研究目的21.2.2研究意义21.3国内外研究综述21.3.1国内对慢性病的研究综述21.3.2国外对慢性病的研究综述3第2章 基本概念及相关理论32.1相关基...
此文档由会员 细雨绵绵 发布
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的和意义 2
1.2.1研究目的 2
1.2.2研究意义 2
1.3国内外研究综述 2
1.3.1国内对慢性病的研究综述 2
1.3.2国外对慢性病的研究综述 3
第2章 基本概念及相关理论 3
2.1相关基本概念 3
2.1.1慢性病 3
2.1.2慢性病管理 4
2.2相关理论 4
2.2.1 认知理论 4
2.2.2健康行为理论 4
第3章 镇江市农村老年居民慢性病管理现状分析 5
3.1基本情况 5
3.1.1镇江市新农合对农村老年居民慢性病的保障状况 5
3.1.2镇江市农村老年居民慢性病的管理情况 5
3.2慢性病管理存在的问题 6
3.2.1对慢性病补偿标准较低 6
3.2.2医务人员防治水平和积极性较低 7
3.2.3健康档案建档率低 8
3.2.4慢性病知晓率较低 9
3.3存在问题的原因分析 9
3.3.1 政府投入不足 9
3.3.2对医务人员缺乏激励机制 9
3.3.3健康档案管理不完善 10
3.3.4农村居民健康意识薄弱 10
第4章 农村老年居民慢性病管理国内外实践及借鉴 10
4.1国内慢性病管理探索 10
4.1.1天津市慢性病管理探索 10
4.1.2广州市红山街慢性病综合管理模式 11
4.2国外社会医疗保障制度的慢性病管理探索 12
4.3借鉴意义 12
第5章 完善农村老年居民慢性病管理的对策建议 13
5.1加大政府对慢性病管理经费的投入 13
5.2探索多种途径筹资方式,减轻慢性病负担 13
5.3完善激励机制以提高医务人员积极性 14
5.4完善健康档案建设和慢性病随访制度 14
5.5开展健康教育工作以提高慢性病知晓率 15
结论 15
致谢 16
参考文献 17
摘要:慢性病已成为我国城乡居民的首要死因,已威胁到人民群众的生命健康, 并造成了巨大的疾病负担,是现代社会的一个突出公共卫生问题。本文基于社会医学与卫生事业管理视角,以镇江市农村慢性病老年人作为研究对象,通过查阅资料,收集相关文献方式,了解到镇江市农村老年人慢性病管理的现状以及存在的如下主要问题:对慢性病补偿标准较低;医务人员防治积极性较低;慢性病知晓率较低;健康档案建档率低。通过分析了存在问题的原因,借鉴国内外其它地方慢性病管理的经验,提出完善该地区的慢性病管理的策略:加大政府对慢性病管理经费的投入;探索多种途径筹资方式,减轻慢性病负担;完善激励机制以提高医务人员积极性;开展健康教育工作以提高慢性病知晓率;完善健康档案建设和慢性病随访制度。
Zhenjiang City, the new rural cooperative medical system in rural elderly residents of chronic disease management Research
Abstract Chronic disease has become the leading cause of death in China's urban and rural residents, has been a threat to the life and health of people, and caused great burden of disease, is a serious public health problem in modern society. In this paper, from the angle of social medicine and health service management , elderly people in rural areas of Zhenjiang city as the research object, through searching information, collection of relevant literature, to understand the current situation of Zhenjiang City, the rural elderly chronic disease management and main problems: low compensation standard for chronic disease prevention; chronic disease medical staff enthusiasm is low; low awareness rate of health records filing rate is low. Through the analysis of the existence of the problem, from the management of chronic disease from other parts of the country experience, find the area of chronic disease management strategy: to increase government input to the management of chronic disease; to explore a variety of ways of financing, reduce the burden of chronic diseases; improve the incentive mechanism to improve the enthusiasm of medical staff; health education work to improve the awareness rate of chronic disease; improve the construction of health records and chronic disease follow-up system.
Study on chronic diseases of rural residents in Zhenjiang City, on one hand ,to improve the health of people's quality of life, extend people's average life expectancy, lightening the burden of the personal, family and the society caused by chronic disease economic, improve the level of health insurance for farmers. On the other hand, for the relevant government departments of the state and the relevant medical institutions to provide some suggestions in the development of some chronic diseases policy, conducive to the other city group to solve the chronic disease in the elderly, to other places in the improvement of the medical security system has a significance
Key words new rural cooperative medical system; rural residents; the elderly; chronic disease management
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的和意义 2
1.2.1研究目的 2
1.2.2研究意义 2
1.3国内外研究综述 2
1.3.1国内对慢性病的研究综述 2
1.3.2国外对慢性病的研究综述 3
第2章 基本概念及相关理论 3
2.1相关基本概念 3
2.1.1慢性病 3
2.1.2慢性病管理 4
2.2相关理论 4
2.2.1 认知理论 4
2.2.2健康行为理论 4
第3章 镇江市农村老年居民慢性病管理现状分析 5
3.1基本情况 5
3.1.1镇江市新农合对农村老年居民慢性病的保障状况 5
3.1.2镇江市农村老年居民慢性病的管理情况 5
3.2慢性病管理存在的问题 6
3.2.1对慢性病补偿标准较低 6
3.2.2医务人员防治水平和积极性较低 7
3.2.3健康档案建档率低 8
3.2.4慢性病知晓率较低 9
3.3存在问题的原因分析 9
3.3.1 政府投入不足 9
3.3.2对医务人员缺乏激励机制 9
3.3.3健康档案管理不完善 10
3.3.4农村居民健康意识薄弱 10
第4章 农村老年居民慢性病管理国内外实践及借鉴 10
4.1国内慢性病管理探索 10
4.1.1天津市慢性病管理探索 10
4.1.2广州市红山街慢性病综合管理模式 11
4.2国外社会医疗保障制度的慢性病管理探索 12
4.3借鉴意义 12
第5章 完善农村老年居民慢性病管理的对策建议 13
5.1加大政府对慢性病管理经费的投入 13
5.2探索多种途径筹资方式,减轻慢性病负担 13
5.3完善激励机制以提高医务人员积极性 14
5.4完善健康档案建设和慢性病随访制度 14
5.5开展健康教育工作以提高慢性病知晓率 15
结论 15
致谢 16
参考文献 17
摘要:慢性病已成为我国城乡居民的首要死因,已威胁到人民群众的生命健康, 并造成了巨大的疾病负担,是现代社会的一个突出公共卫生问题。本文基于社会医学与卫生事业管理视角,以镇江市农村慢性病老年人作为研究对象,通过查阅资料,收集相关文献方式,了解到镇江市农村老年人慢性病管理的现状以及存在的如下主要问题:对慢性病补偿标准较低;医务人员防治积极性较低;慢性病知晓率较低;健康档案建档率低。通过分析了存在问题的原因,借鉴国内外其它地方慢性病管理的经验,提出完善该地区的慢性病管理的策略:加大政府对慢性病管理经费的投入;探索多种途径筹资方式,减轻慢性病负担;完善激励机制以提高医务人员积极性;开展健康教育工作以提高慢性病知晓率;完善健康档案建设和慢性病随访制度。
Zhenjiang City, the new rural cooperative medical system in rural elderly residents of chronic disease management Research
Abstract Chronic disease has become the leading cause of death in China's urban and rural residents, has been a threat to the life and health of people, and caused great burden of disease, is a serious public health problem in modern society. In this paper, from the angle of social medicine and health service management , elderly people in rural areas of Zhenjiang city as the research object, through searching information, collection of relevant literature, to understand the current situation of Zhenjiang City, the rural elderly chronic disease management and main problems: low compensation standard for chronic disease prevention; chronic disease medical staff enthusiasm is low; low awareness rate of health records filing rate is low. Through the analysis of the existence of the problem, from the management of chronic disease from other parts of the country experience, find the area of chronic disease management strategy: to increase government input to the management of chronic disease; to explore a variety of ways of financing, reduce the burden of chronic diseases; improve the incentive mechanism to improve the enthusiasm of medical staff; health education work to improve the awareness rate of chronic disease; improve the construction of health records and chronic disease follow-up system.
Study on chronic diseases of rural residents in Zhenjiang City, on one hand ,to improve the health of people's quality of life, extend people's average life expectancy, lightening the burden of the personal, family and the society caused by chronic disease economic, improve the level of health insurance for farmers. On the other hand, for the relevant government departments of the state and the relevant medical institutions to provide some suggestions in the development of some chronic diseases policy, conducive to the other city group to solve the chronic disease in the elderly, to other places in the improvement of the medical security system has a significance
Key words new rural cooperative medical system; rural residents; the elderly; chronic disease management