
西藏城镇居民医疗保险满意度研究,1.78万字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用目录第1章 绪论11.1 研究背景11.2 研究目的和意义11.2.1研究目的11.2.2研究意义21.3 国内外研究综述21.3.1国外研究综述21.3.2国内研究综3第2章 基本概念及相关理论52.1相关基本概念52.1....

此文档由会员 细雨绵绵 发布
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的和意义 1
1.2.1研究目的 1
1.2.2研究意义 2
1.3 国内外研究综述 2
1.3.1国外研究综述 2
1.3.2国内研究综 3
第2章 基本概念及相关理论 5
2.1相关基本概念 5
2.1.1医疗保险 5
2.1.2城镇居民基本医疗保险 5
2.1.3满意度 6
2.2 相关理论 6
2.2.1社会保障理论 6
2.2.2公共产品理论 6
2.2.3顾客满意度理论 7
第3章 西藏城镇居民基本医疗保险的满意度调查分析 7
3.1 西藏城镇居民医疗保险满意度调查 7
3.1.1问卷设计的理论依据 8
3.1.2调查的总体规划 8
3.2 西藏居民的满意度分析 8
3.2.1对筹资机制的满意度 8
3.2.2对医疗机构的服务水平的满意度 9
3.2.3对待遇水平额满意度 10
3.2.4政策宣传工作 12
3.2.5参保意愿 13
3.2.6 小结 13
第4章 关于提高城镇居民基本医疗保险满意度的对策建议 14
4.1 完善城镇居民基本医疗保险基金筹集机制 14
4.1.1分类分层确定缴费标准 14
4.1.2继续加大政府资金投入力度 14
4.1.3扩宽资金筹集来源 14
4.2在基金平稳运行的基础上逐步提高医保待遇水平 15
4.2.1加强对基金的监督管理 15
4.2.2提高医保待遇水平 16
4.3 提高各方主体相关意识 16
4.3.1强化政府责任意识 16
4.3.2提高居民参保认识 17
4.3.3强化社会关注意识 17
4.5 加强对城镇居民基本医疗保险服务机构的监督和管理 17
4.5.1加强对定点医疗机构的监管 17
4.5.2加强医疗保险经办机构能力建设 18
4.6为城镇居民基本医疗保险制度提供法律保障 19
结 论 19
致 谢 20
参考文献: 21
摘要 随着经济的发展和社会的全面进步,人们的生活水平不断提高,保健意识也不断增强,用于医疗的费用也在不断快速增长。而大量的城镇非从业居民、少年儿童、残疾人、没有养老金收入的老人作为一群弱势群体,长期以来没有医疗保障制度安排,他们中的相当一部分人用于医疗方面的开支非常少,一旦有了大病,其医疗费用要完全由个人和家庭来负担,“因病致贫,因病返贫”的现象屡屡发生。于是,中央在 2007 年以试点的形式开启了城镇居民基本医疗保险建立之路,并逐渐推进到全国,截至目前,新制度已初见成效,覆盖了大部分应参保人群。我国自制度实施以来取得了巨大的成绩,但同时也暴露出很多的问题,值得我们探讨。
本文是以西藏城镇居民为研究对象,主要以社会保障理论及其相关理论为依据,采用理论分析与实证分析相结合的方法,通过实证研究,主要从筹资机制、医疗机构服务水平、待遇水平、宣传力度和参保意愿五个方面,对保参人员进行问卷调查,最终结果显示各项满意度的指标都呈居中分布的趋势,说明城镇居民对当前城居医保的满意度一般,尤其是在政策规定的待遇水平和医院的医疗服务水平上。深入整理分析后,笔者发现满意度的高低与居民的年龄、收入等因素相关,这是部分居民满意度不高的主观原因。而客观原因,自然是现行制度的缺陷和制度运行中出现的种种弊端所致。最后在分析影响满意度的因素的基础上,提出对完善基金筹集机制、提高医保待遇水平、加强服务机构的监督和管理等方面 提出了对策建议。
关键词:医疗保险 城镇居民医疗保险 满意度
Medical insurance for urban residents in Tibet Satisfaction Study
Abstract The medical insurance is the social security system's important constituent, when the citizen is sick, enjoys the medical insurance treatment according to the stipulation which provides by the country is their basic right, any citizens cannot be deprive. After the reform and open policy, our country establishes the cities staff medical insurance system which combines social pool and personal accounts, is the first step of medical service system reform, however this system has only solved active staffs'disease risk, massive unemployment people , the youth, the disabilities and the old people who without pension income, are removed outside the medical safeguard system. So the system is unbalanced seriously, the lame system brings a consequence, that is the entire medical system lacking efficiency. Taking into account the circumstances of China, firstly establishes the cities staff medical insurance system which combines social pool and personal accounts, and then establishes another system to achieve protection for unemployment people in cities and towns, is an optional path. So central government established Basic medical insurance for urban residents system in 2007 in some cities, and gradually advanced to national, now the new system has made some progress, covering most of the insured population.
This article is for the study of urban residents in Tibet, mainly in the social security theory and related theory, the theoretical and empirical analysis using a combination of methods, through empirical research, the main funding mechanism, medical institutions, service levels, from the level of treatment, propaganda and the wishes of the insured five aspects of security personnel conducted a questionnaire survey participation, the final results of the satisfaction index trends in the distribution center were tested, indicating satisfaction with the current urban city home health care in general, especially in medical service level policies and regulations on treatment and hospital level. The objective reasons, naturally system defects and drawbacks of the current system appears to run in the year. Finally, t..
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的和意义 1
1.2.1研究目的 1
1.2.2研究意义 2
1.3 国内外研究综述 2
1.3.1国外研究综述 2
1.3.2国内研究综 3
第2章 基本概念及相关理论 5
2.1相关基本概念 5
2.1.1医疗保险 5
2.1.2城镇居民基本医疗保险 5
2.1.3满意度 6
2.2 相关理论 6
2.2.1社会保障理论 6
2.2.2公共产品理论 6
2.2.3顾客满意度理论 7
第3章 西藏城镇居民基本医疗保险的满意度调查分析 7
3.1 西藏城镇居民医疗保险满意度调查 7
3.1.1问卷设计的理论依据 8
3.1.2调查的总体规划 8
3.2 西藏居民的满意度分析 8
3.2.1对筹资机制的满意度 8
3.2.2对医疗机构的服务水平的满意度 9
3.2.3对待遇水平额满意度 10
3.2.4政策宣传工作 12
3.2.5参保意愿 13
3.2.6 小结 13
第4章 关于提高城镇居民基本医疗保险满意度的对策建议 14
4.1 完善城镇居民基本医疗保险基金筹集机制 14
4.1.1分类分层确定缴费标准 14
4.1.2继续加大政府资金投入力度 14
4.1.3扩宽资金筹集来源 14
4.2在基金平稳运行的基础上逐步提高医保待遇水平 15
4.2.1加强对基金的监督管理 15
4.2.2提高医保待遇水平 16
4.3 提高各方主体相关意识 16
4.3.1强化政府责任意识 16
4.3.2提高居民参保认识 17
4.3.3强化社会关注意识 17
4.5 加强对城镇居民基本医疗保险服务机构的监督和管理 17
4.5.1加强对定点医疗机构的监管 17
4.5.2加强医疗保险经办机构能力建设 18
4.6为城镇居民基本医疗保险制度提供法律保障 19
结 论 19
致 谢 20
参考文献: 21
摘要 随着经济的发展和社会的全面进步,人们的生活水平不断提高,保健意识也不断增强,用于医疗的费用也在不断快速增长。而大量的城镇非从业居民、少年儿童、残疾人、没有养老金收入的老人作为一群弱势群体,长期以来没有医疗保障制度安排,他们中的相当一部分人用于医疗方面的开支非常少,一旦有了大病,其医疗费用要完全由个人和家庭来负担,“因病致贫,因病返贫”的现象屡屡发生。于是,中央在 2007 年以试点的形式开启了城镇居民基本医疗保险建立之路,并逐渐推进到全国,截至目前,新制度已初见成效,覆盖了大部分应参保人群。我国自制度实施以来取得了巨大的成绩,但同时也暴露出很多的问题,值得我们探讨。
本文是以西藏城镇居民为研究对象,主要以社会保障理论及其相关理论为依据,采用理论分析与实证分析相结合的方法,通过实证研究,主要从筹资机制、医疗机构服务水平、待遇水平、宣传力度和参保意愿五个方面,对保参人员进行问卷调查,最终结果显示各项满意度的指标都呈居中分布的趋势,说明城镇居民对当前城居医保的满意度一般,尤其是在政策规定的待遇水平和医院的医疗服务水平上。深入整理分析后,笔者发现满意度的高低与居民的年龄、收入等因素相关,这是部分居民满意度不高的主观原因。而客观原因,自然是现行制度的缺陷和制度运行中出现的种种弊端所致。最后在分析影响满意度的因素的基础上,提出对完善基金筹集机制、提高医保待遇水平、加强服务机构的监督和管理等方面 提出了对策建议。
关键词:医疗保险 城镇居民医疗保险 满意度
Medical insurance for urban residents in Tibet Satisfaction Study
Abstract The medical insurance is the social security system's important constituent, when the citizen is sick, enjoys the medical insurance treatment according to the stipulation which provides by the country is their basic right, any citizens cannot be deprive. After the reform and open policy, our country establishes the cities staff medical insurance system which combines social pool and personal accounts, is the first step of medical service system reform, however this system has only solved active staffs'disease risk, massive unemployment people , the youth, the disabilities and the old people who without pension income, are removed outside the medical safeguard system. So the system is unbalanced seriously, the lame system brings a consequence, that is the entire medical system lacking efficiency. Taking into account the circumstances of China, firstly establishes the cities staff medical insurance system which combines social pool and personal accounts, and then establishes another system to achieve protection for unemployment people in cities and towns, is an optional path. So central government established Basic medical insurance for urban residents system in 2007 in some cities, and gradually advanced to national, now the new system has made some progress, covering most of the insured population.
This article is for the study of urban residents in Tibet, mainly in the social security theory and related theory, the theoretical and empirical analysis using a combination of methods, through empirical research, the main funding mechanism, medical institutions, service levels, from the level of treatment, propaganda and the wishes of the insured five aspects of security personnel conducted a questionnaire survey participation, the final results of the satisfaction index trends in the distribution center were tested, indicating satisfaction with the current urban city home health care in general, especially in medical service level policies and regulations on treatment and hospital level. The objective reasons, naturally system defects and drawbacks of the current system appears to run in the year. Finally, t..