
xx市城乡一体化医疗保险制度研究,1.4万字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用目 录第1章 绪论11.1研究背景11.2研究目的和意义21.2.1研究目的21.2.2研究意义21.3国内外研究综述21.3.1国外研究综述21.3.2国内研究综述3第2章 基本概念及相关理论42.1相关基本概念42.1.1...

此文档由会员 细雨绵绵 发布
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的和意义 2
1.2.1研究目的 2
1.2.2研究意义 2
1.3国内外研究综述 2
1.3.1国外研究综述 2
1.3.2国内研究综述 3
第2章 基本概念及相关理论 4
2.1相关基本概念 4
2.1.1医疗保险制度 4
2.1.2城乡概念 5
2.2相关理论 5
2.2.1社会公平理论 5
2.2.2 公共服务理论 6
第3章 天津市城乡一体化医疗制度现状分析 6
3.1基本情况 6
3.1.1城乡一体化医保背景 6
3.1.2城乡一体化医保实施情况 7
3.1.3城乡一体化医保运行管理 10
3.2存在的问题 11
3.2.1参保率增长缓慢 11
3.2.2筹资标准偏低 11
3.2.3相比城镇职工参保待遇不足 12
3.3存在问题的原因分析 13
3.3.1少数人群参保意识淡薄 13
3.3.2政府卫生费用支出不足 13
3.3.3医保费用来源单一 14
第4章 城乡一体化制度国外实践及借鉴 14
4.1国外实践概况 14
4.1.1 英国 14
4.1.2 德国 14
4.1.3 美国 15
4.2借鉴意义 15
4.2.1 医保发展需要政府支持 15
4.2.2 统筹多层次发展 15
4.2.3 发挥市场机制作用 16
第5章 完善天津市城乡一体化医保的对策 16
5.1 加大政府支持 16
5.1.1 针对性的宣传和管理 16
5.1.2由自愿性向强制性转变 17
5.2 探索与城镇职工医疗制度的衔接 17
5.2.1缩小两者差距 17
5.2.2推进制度融合 17
5.3 引入市场机制 18
结论 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20
摘要 天津市于2010年对新型农村合作医疗保险和城镇居民基本医疗保险进行整合,建立起城乡一体化医疗保险。近年来,随着相关机构对其不断完善,城乡一体化医疗制度总体呈发展趋势,但由于医疗制度自身存在复杂性,加之国内没有经验借鉴,制度的发展面临挑战。本文运用文献分析法、比较分析法等方法对天津市城乡一体化医疗制度进行研究。首先对天津市的经济现状和医保制度实行情况进行分析,提出天津市城乡一体化医疗保险存在参保率增长缓慢、参保待遇不足、缺乏政府财政支持等问题。其次,介绍了三个不同医疗保障制度代表国家的情况,分析成功经验是依靠政府支持、建立多元化医疗制度、利用市场机制作用。最后,借鉴国外经验,针对天津市的具体情况,提出加大政府支持力度、研究与城镇职工医疗保险衔接、适当引入市场机制等建议。希望通过本次研究,能够为天津市一体化医疗保障制度的发展提供依据,促进其发展完善,为居民提供更全面更深层次的保障。
关键词: 城乡一体化 医疗保险制度 参保率
Research on integration of urban and rural medical insurance system in Tianjin
Abstract In response to the national policy requirements for balancing the urban and rural development , Tianjin has integrated the new rural cooperative medical insurance and Urban Residents Basic Medical Insurance .since 2010, established the integration of urban and rural areas medical insurance ,insure rates ncreased year by year, basically achieved universal coverage. In recent years,with the constant improvement of the system by related organizations,the developments of integration of urban and rural areas medical system are the general trend .However,it faces the challenges due to the complexity of the medical system and callowness of domestic system. This thesis uses literature analysis method, comparative analysis method, system analysis method and other methods to research the integration of urban and rural medical system of Tianjin. Firstly,it analyzes Tianjin’s current condition of economy and the implementation status of medical insurance system, raises the problems about the slow increase of insure rate , the deficiency of insurance welfare and the lack of government financial support,etc. Secondly,it introduces the situation of three countries ,which stand for different medical insurance systems ,and analyzes their successful experiences.Finally, it learns from foreign experiences,points at the specific situation of Tianjin ,gives the advises on strengthening the government support,associating the research with the medical insurance for urban workers and appropriately introducing market mechanism,etc. Through this research,I hope that provide the gist for the development of integration of medical security system of Tianjin, promote the deep development and provide more comprehensive and deeper security for residents.
Key words ntegration ofurban and rural medical insurance system Insurance rates
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的和意义 2
1.2.1研究目的 2
1.2.2研究意义 2
1.3国内外研究综述 2
1.3.1国外研究综述 2
1.3.2国内研究综述 3
第2章 基本概念及相关理论 4
2.1相关基本概念 4
2.1.1医疗保险制度 4
2.1.2城乡概念 5
2.2相关理论 5
2.2.1社会公平理论 5
2.2.2 公共服务理论 6
第3章 天津市城乡一体化医疗制度现状分析 6
3.1基本情况 6
3.1.1城乡一体化医保背景 6
3.1.2城乡一体化医保实施情况 7
3.1.3城乡一体化医保运行管理 10
3.2存在的问题 11
3.2.1参保率增长缓慢 11
3.2.2筹资标准偏低 11
3.2.3相比城镇职工参保待遇不足 12
3.3存在问题的原因分析 13
3.3.1少数人群参保意识淡薄 13
3.3.2政府卫生费用支出不足 13
3.3.3医保费用来源单一 14
第4章 城乡一体化制度国外实践及借鉴 14
4.1国外实践概况 14
4.1.1 英国 14
4.1.2 德国 14
4.1.3 美国 15
4.2借鉴意义 15
4.2.1 医保发展需要政府支持 15
4.2.2 统筹多层次发展 15
4.2.3 发挥市场机制作用 16
第5章 完善天津市城乡一体化医保的对策 16
5.1 加大政府支持 16
5.1.1 针对性的宣传和管理 16
5.1.2由自愿性向强制性转变 17
5.2 探索与城镇职工医疗制度的衔接 17
5.2.1缩小两者差距 17
5.2.2推进制度融合 17
5.3 引入市场机制 18
结论 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20
摘要 天津市于2010年对新型农村合作医疗保险和城镇居民基本医疗保险进行整合,建立起城乡一体化医疗保险。近年来,随着相关机构对其不断完善,城乡一体化医疗制度总体呈发展趋势,但由于医疗制度自身存在复杂性,加之国内没有经验借鉴,制度的发展面临挑战。本文运用文献分析法、比较分析法等方法对天津市城乡一体化医疗制度进行研究。首先对天津市的经济现状和医保制度实行情况进行分析,提出天津市城乡一体化医疗保险存在参保率增长缓慢、参保待遇不足、缺乏政府财政支持等问题。其次,介绍了三个不同医疗保障制度代表国家的情况,分析成功经验是依靠政府支持、建立多元化医疗制度、利用市场机制作用。最后,借鉴国外经验,针对天津市的具体情况,提出加大政府支持力度、研究与城镇职工医疗保险衔接、适当引入市场机制等建议。希望通过本次研究,能够为天津市一体化医疗保障制度的发展提供依据,促进其发展完善,为居民提供更全面更深层次的保障。
关键词: 城乡一体化 医疗保险制度 参保率
Research on integration of urban and rural medical insurance system in Tianjin
Abstract In response to the national policy requirements for balancing the urban and rural development , Tianjin has integrated the new rural cooperative medical insurance and Urban Residents Basic Medical Insurance .since 2010, established the integration of urban and rural areas medical insurance ,insure rates ncreased year by year, basically achieved universal coverage. In recent years,with the constant improvement of the system by related organizations,the developments of integration of urban and rural areas medical system are the general trend .However,it faces the challenges due to the complexity of the medical system and callowness of domestic system. This thesis uses literature analysis method, comparative analysis method, system analysis method and other methods to research the integration of urban and rural medical system of Tianjin. Firstly,it analyzes Tianjin’s current condition of economy and the implementation status of medical insurance system, raises the problems about the slow increase of insure rate , the deficiency of insurance welfare and the lack of government financial support,etc. Secondly,it introduces the situation of three countries ,which stand for different medical insurance systems ,and analyzes their successful experiences.Finally, it learns from foreign experiences,points at the specific situation of Tianjin ,gives the advises on strengthening the government support,associating the research with the medical insurance for urban workers and appropriately introducing market mechanism,etc. Through this research,I hope that provide the gist for the development of integration of medical security system of Tianjin, promote the deep development and provide more comprehensive and deeper security for residents.
Key words ntegration ofurban and rural medical insurance system Insurance rates