

城乡居民大病保险筹资机制研究,1.67万字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用目 录第1章 绪论11.1 研究背景11.2研究目的和意义21.2.1研究目的21.3国内外相关研究综述21.3.1国内研究综述21.3.2国外研究综述3第2章 研究我国城乡居民大病保险筹资机制的理论依据42.1基本概念42.1...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 细雨绵绵 发布



目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2研究目的和意义 2
1.2.1研究目的 2
1.3国内外相关研究综述 2
1.3.1国内研究综述 2
1.3.2国外研究综述 3
第2章 研究我国城乡居民大病保险筹资机制的理论依据 4
2.1基本概念 4
2.1.1城乡居民大病保险 4
2.1.2筹资机制 5
2.2相关理论基础 5
2.2.1福利经济学理论 5
2.2.2公共产品理论 6
第3章 我国城乡居民大病保险筹资机制现状分析 6
3.1我国城乡居民大病保险筹资机制基本情况 6
3.1.1筹资渠道基本情况 6
3.1.2筹资标准基本情况 7
3.1.3统筹层次和范围基本情况 8
3.2我国城乡居民大病保险筹资机制存在问题 8
3.2.1筹资渠道单一 8
3.2.2筹资标准不合理 9
3.2.3统筹层次较低,范围较窄 10
3.3我国城乡居民大病保险筹资机制存在问题的原因分析 10
3.3.1筹资渠道单一的原因分析 10
3.3.2筹资标准不合理的原因分析 10
3.3.3统筹层次较低、范围较窄的原因分析 11
第4章 国外大病保险筹资机制的实践及借鉴 11
4.1国外大病保险筹资机制实践的基本情况 11
4.1.1商业医疗保险主导型 11
4.1.2国家医疗保险主导型 12
4.1.3社会医疗保险主导型 13
4.2国外大病保险筹资机制对我国的借鉴意义 13
4.2.1商业医疗保险主导型大病保险对我国的借鉴意义 13
4.2.2国家医疗保险主导型大病保险对我国的借鉴意义 14
4.2.3社会医疗保险主导型大病保险对我国的借鉴意义 14
第5章 完善我国城乡居民大病保险筹资机制的建议 14
5.1拓宽筹资渠道 15
5.2合理确定大病保险的筹资标准 16
5.3提高大病保险统筹层次,增强抗风险能力 17
结 论 17
致 谢 18
参考文献: 19

摘要 城乡居民大病保险是在城镇居民医保和新农合的基础上,为缓解城乡居民因大病所产生的沉重经济负担而建立的,现今我国的大病保险还处在试点摸索阶段,在各方面还存在着不足,而健全的城乡居民大病保险筹资机制可以保障城乡居民大病保险资金的合理运转,是城乡居民大病保险能够长效发展的基础。本文通过对大病保险的筹资机制,包括筹资渠道,筹资标准以及统筹层次与范围的现况研究,找出其中的问题,例如筹资渠道单一、筹资标准不统一、统筹层次低等,并分析产生这些问题的相关原因,同时借鉴国外大病保险的相关经验,特别是对以美国为代表的商业医疗保险主导型大病保险、以英国为代表的国家医疗保险主导型大病保险和以德国为代表的社会医疗保险主导型大病保险进行分析,与我国的相关情况相比较,提出对我国大病保险筹资机制的相关建议,包括建立稳定、多渠道的筹资机制,合理确定大病保险的筹资标准,提高大病保险统筹层次等,希望对我国大病保险的发展有一定的借鉴意义。
关键字: 大病保险 筹资机制 筹资渠道 筹资标准

Research on Funding Mechanisms of Urban and Rural Residents in Critical Illness Insurance
Abstract Critical illness insurance of urban and rural residents is based on medical insurance for urban residents and the new rural cooperative medical system, which is built to ease the financial burden of illness for urban and rural residents. Nowadays our country's critical illness insurance is still in the experimental stage, which exists many disadvantages in all respects, but a healthy critical illness insurance institution can guarantee the reasonable operation of funds, which is the basis of the long-term development of urban and rural residents. In this paper, I find out some problems and analyze the reasons of these problems, such as single financing channels, disunited financing standard, low-level coordination by analyzing the financing mechanism of a serious illness insurance, including the financing channels, financing standard and cross-sectional study level and scope. And the same time I will put forward some suggestions about our critical illness insurance institution, including establish a stable and multi-channel insurance institution, determine a reasonable financing standard, improve serious illness insurance level by learning related experience from foreign serious illness insurance, especially the social medical insurance, national health insurance for the commercial medical insurance to America as the representative of the dominant critical illness insurance, represented by Britain led the serious disease insurance and to Germany as the representative of the dominant critical illness insurance related analysis, comparing them with our recommendations, financing mechanism of our country's serious illness insurance, pooling level. I hope this paper have the certain reference significance to the development of China's serious illness insurance.

Key words Critical Illness Insurance Funding Mechanisms Financing Channels Funding Standard