此文档由会员 细雨绵绵 发布
摘要 “大数据”并不是一个新兴的词语,但是真正的进入大众视野是在最近这几年。面对大数据的潮流,企业该如何抉择呢?是趋利避害还是熟视无睹?大多数企业家认为大数据带来的更多是机遇,尤其是这个数据为王的时代,用数据来说话似乎更响亮点。而作为企业赖以生存的销售,营销策略的制定关系着企业的生死,大数据能够给营销策略带来怎样的影响呢?以前,数据不是很庞大的时候,数据挖掘已经应运而生,如今大数据来临,数据挖掘得到了更广大的发挥空间,不仅数据挖掘技术得到发展,统计学也有了新的用武之地。大数据,是一座含着巨量钻石矿的大山,我们需要利用多重工具才能挖出有价值的东西。通过这些手段对大数据进行分析,得到想要的信息,也许这些信息并不是很清晰,但是对于最终的营销策略的制定提供了依据。对于传统企业,分析大数据会给他们带来新的发展方向;对于新型互联网企业,大数据带来的则是含金量极高的信息和精准的营销手段;对于电子商务来说,大数据会使他们的营销策略制定更加容易,并且有助于促进其智能化发展。
关键词:大数据 营销策略 数据挖掘 统计分析
Summary " Big data" is not a new word , but the real into public view in the last few years . The face of the trend of big data , enterprise how to choose it? Is avoiding disadvantages or turn a blind eye ? Most entrepreneurs think big data brings more opportunities , especially in this era of data is king , with the data seems to speak louder point . As the survival of the enterprise sales and marketing strategy to develop relationships with corporate life and death , how big data can bring impact to the marketing strategy? Previously, when the data is not very large , data mining has emerged , and now the advent of big data , data mining has been a wider space to play , not only data mining techniques have been developed, was also a new arena. Big data is a massive diamond mine in the mountains of his mouth , we need to use multiple tools to dig out something of value . Through these means for large data analysis, get the information you want, maybe this information is not very clear, but for the development of the ultimate marketing strategy provides a basis . For traditional businesses , big data analysis will give them a new direction ; For new Internet companies , big data brings high gold content is accurate information and marketing tools ; For e-commerce, big data will their marketing strategy development easier and help to promote the development of their intelligence.
Keyword Big Data Marketing Strategies Data Mining Statistical Analysis
引言 1
第一章 绪论 2
1.1大数据营销的研究背景 2
1.1.1背景介绍 2
1.1.2研究的目的和意义 3
1.2 大数据营销的国内外研究现状 4
1.2.1国外研究现状 4
1.2.2国内研究现状 4
1.3本论文研究内容 5
第二章 大数据营销相关理论综述 6
2.1 “大数据”基本概念 6
2.2“营销策略”内涵 7
2.3 数据挖掘介绍 8
2.4统计分析法技术介绍 8
第三章 大数据营销案例分析 9
3.1 爱点击案例 9
3.1.1 背景介绍 9
3.1.2营销策略 9
3.1.3观点总结 11
3.2海尔的大数据营销案例 13
3.2.1案例介绍 13
3.2.2总结观点 17
第四章 理论分析 19
第五章 总结与展望 21
5.1总结 21
5.2展望 22
致谢 23
参考文献 24
摘要 “大数据”并不是一个新兴的词语,但是真正的进入大众视野是在最近这几年。面对大数据的潮流,企业该如何抉择呢?是趋利避害还是熟视无睹?大多数企业家认为大数据带来的更多是机遇,尤其是这个数据为王的时代,用数据来说话似乎更响亮点。而作为企业赖以生存的销售,营销策略的制定关系着企业的生死,大数据能够给营销策略带来怎样的影响呢?以前,数据不是很庞大的时候,数据挖掘已经应运而生,如今大数据来临,数据挖掘得到了更广大的发挥空间,不仅数据挖掘技术得到发展,统计学也有了新的用武之地。大数据,是一座含着巨量钻石矿的大山,我们需要利用多重工具才能挖出有价值的东西。通过这些手段对大数据进行分析,得到想要的信息,也许这些信息并不是很清晰,但是对于最终的营销策略的制定提供了依据。对于传统企业,分析大数据会给他们带来新的发展方向;对于新型互联网企业,大数据带来的则是含金量极高的信息和精准的营销手段;对于电子商务来说,大数据会使他们的营销策略制定更加容易,并且有助于促进其智能化发展。
关键词:大数据 营销策略 数据挖掘 统计分析
Summary " Big data" is not a new word , but the real into public view in the last few years . The face of the trend of big data , enterprise how to choose it? Is avoiding disadvantages or turn a blind eye ? Most entrepreneurs think big data brings more opportunities , especially in this era of data is king , with the data seems to speak louder point . As the survival of the enterprise sales and marketing strategy to develop relationships with corporate life and death , how big data can bring impact to the marketing strategy? Previously, when the data is not very large , data mining has emerged , and now the advent of big data , data mining has been a wider space to play , not only data mining techniques have been developed, was also a new arena. Big data is a massive diamond mine in the mountains of his mouth , we need to use multiple tools to dig out something of value . Through these means for large data analysis, get the information you want, maybe this information is not very clear, but for the development of the ultimate marketing strategy provides a basis . For traditional businesses , big data analysis will give them a new direction ; For new Internet companies , big data brings high gold content is accurate information and marketing tools ; For e-commerce, big data will their marketing strategy development easier and help to promote the development of their intelligence.
Keyword Big Data Marketing Strategies Data Mining Statistical Analysis
引言 1
第一章 绪论 2
1.1大数据营销的研究背景 2
1.1.1背景介绍 2
1.1.2研究的目的和意义 3
1.2 大数据营销的国内外研究现状 4
1.2.1国外研究现状 4
1.2.2国内研究现状 4
1.3本论文研究内容 5
第二章 大数据营销相关理论综述 6
2.1 “大数据”基本概念 6
2.2“营销策略”内涵 7
2.3 数据挖掘介绍 8
2.4统计分析法技术介绍 8
第三章 大数据营销案例分析 9
3.1 爱点击案例 9
3.1.1 背景介绍 9
3.1.2营销策略 9
3.1.3观点总结 11
3.2海尔的大数据营销案例 13
3.2.1案例介绍 13
3.2.2总结观点 17
第四章 理论分析 19
第五章 总结与展望 21
5.1总结 21
5.2展望 22
致谢 23
参考文献 24