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此文档由会员 hhllkk 发布


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【摘要】 为提高荷电雾滴荷质比测量装置稳定性,根据法拉第筒法设计了结构简单且具实用性的荷质比测量装置,并设计了数据采集和处理系统。利用MATLAB编写了荷质比分析软件,可以实时得到整个采集过程中荷质比的最大值、最小值、平均值和变化曲线图,从而可直观的看出整个采集过程中荷质比值的变化。以水代替农药,运用背负式静电喷雾器进行喷雾。以高压、接地、屏蔽、喷头与集雾筒相关位置和外界信号为主因子,分析影响该测量装置输出电信号变化的原因,研究影响荷质比稳定性的因素。实验结果表明:将荷质比测量装置放置在一个相对稳定独立的空间,做好内筒接地且加有10电阻、无无线信号干扰、测量系统屏蔽和喷头离集雾筒底L=200mm,所测得荷质比值较为可观,其变异系数(CV%)为3%。

关键词:法拉第筒 静电喷雾 荷质比

Design and Experimental Study on Faraday Cylinder Measurement Device Used for Analysis the Mass to Charge Ratio of the Charged Droplets

Abstract In order to improve the stability of the charge-mass ratio(CMR) measurement device for charged droplets, designed the CMR measurement device with simple structure and practical function according to Faraday cylinder method, and designed a data acquisition and processing system. Use MATLAB to write the CMR analysis software, which can get the maximum, minimum, average and variation curve of CMR in real time of the whole acquisition process, and can see CMR changes in the whole acquisition process intuitively. Instead of pesticide, water is used in the knapsack electrostatic sprayer to spray. The high pressure,grounding,shielding,sprinkler and the position of the nozzle and the cylinder and external signal is given priority to spray, analyze reasons of the measurement device output signals’ changes, and study the factors of affecting the CMR stability. The experimental results show that set the CMR measurement device in a relatively stable and separate space and complete the grounding inner barrel with adding 10 resistance, no electromagnetic interference and measurement system shielding, and the position of the nozzle and the cylinder is 200mm.The measured CMR is impressive,and the coefficient of variation (CV% )is 3%.
Key words Faraday cup,electrostatic spray,charge to mass ratio

第一章 绪论 5
1.1 研究背景与现状 5
1.2 研究意义 6
第二章 荷质比测量装置的设计 8
2.1 测量方式的选择 8
2.3 荷质比测量装置的结构设计的对比 9
2 .5 荷质比测量装置的主要结构参数 12
2.6 数据采集与处理系统的设计 13
第三章 装配过程 14
1 外框架的组装 14
第四章 实验结果与分析 15
4.1 非喷雾荷电与否的对比 16
4.1.1 非喷雾非荷电情况 16
4.1.2 非喷雾荷电 16
4.2 喷雾荷电与否的对比 17
4.3 集雾内筒接地与否的对比 18
4.4 屏蔽与否的对比 18
4.5 喷头在集雾筒内的位置对比 19
4.6 无线信号与否的对比 20
结 论 21
致谢 22
参考文献 23
附录: 24