

分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 188huawei 发布


摘 要


In recent years, with the continuous progress of our comprehensive national strength, various trades and industries have a huge development, in the port transport mechanics, the ship loading cranes as the main transport machinery have a more and more important position, especially the design of the rotating part of the crane also have been paid atten- tion by more and more people. The good or bad of the rotating mechanism is very impor- tant to the ship loading crane, therefore, it is necessary for us to carry out a discussion about the design of the rotating mechanism.
This paper takes the ship loading crane as an example to describe the general process of ship loading crane’s design, and make a design of the rotating part three-dimensional modeling and virtual assembly.The result also reveals that the stability of the whole crane .

Key Words:ship loading crane;rotating mechanism;design calculation.

目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
目 录 3
1 绪 论  4
1.1 课题研究的背景、目的和意义  4
1.2 装船机的综述 4
1.2.1 散货装船设备的发展  4
1.2.2 国内外水平和差距  6
1.3 本章小结 7
2 回转支撑机构的设计计算 8
2.1 回转支撑机构的设计参数 8
2.2 部分机构的基本选型  8
2.3 回转机构以及俯仰变幅机构组成及形式 8
2.3.1 回转机构组成及形式 8
2.3.2 俯仰变幅机构组成及形式 10
2.4 设计计算 11
2.5 本章小结 13
3 装船机的载荷计算 14
3.1 装船机各部分自重(G)、重心位置(L)及重力矩( PG )计算 14
3.2 装船机的工作载荷(Pp) 15
3.3 装船机各部分迎风面积、风力(Pf)及风力矩(Mf)计算 15
3.4 回转运动时的惯性载荷 17
3.5 本章小结 18
4 装船机回转机构的三维建模 19
4.1 UG简介 19
4.2 主要部件建模图片 19
4.3 本章小结 24
5 总结 25
参考文献 26