

上市公司公司治理结构对公司财务危机的影响,13300字自己的原创毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘 要随着我国市场经济体制改革的不断深入以及资本市场的迅速发展,经济领域中的复杂性、不确定性日益突出,企业发展面临的不确定性也日益增加,企业因财务状况不善而陷入经营危机甚至宣告破产的例子更是数不胜数。在竞争越来越激烈的...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 否极泰来 发布



摘 要

关键词:公司治理结构 财务危机 股权结构 董事会特征 高管激励

With the rapid development of our country’s market economy system reform and capital market, complexity and uncertainty in the economic field becomes increasingly prominent, uncertainty that enterprises are faced with is increasing, enterprises that run into crisis or even bankruptcy are beyond count because the enterprise financial situation is bad. In the increasingly competitive environment, the financial crisis is threatening the survival and development of enterprises, only we study and analysis the formation of enterprise financial crisis carefully, then we can find out the influencing factors of enterprise financial crisis, in order to better identify the financial crisis, and take effective measures to prevent and control. In this paper, the listing Corporation is the special treatment of the ST company as object, starting from the perspective of corporate governance structure, to explore the deep-seated causes of the financial crisis that occurred. The empirical results show that: the governance structure of China's listing Corporation has a certain impact on the company's financial crisis. The research for people to understand the company's governance structure and reasonable construction of corporate governance structure to prevent the company from financial crisis has certain enlightenment significance.

Keywords: Director of corporate governance structure Financial crisis Ownership structure The characteristics of board of directors Executive Incentive

目 录
前 言 1
1公司治理结构与财务危机概述 3
1.1公司治理结构 3
1.2财务危机 3
2公司治理结构对公司财务危机的影响分析 5
2.1股权结构对公司财务危机的影响 5
2.1.1股权集中度对财务危机的影响 5
2.2董事会特征对财务危机的影响 6
2.2.1董事会规模对财务危机的影响 6
2.2.2董事会领导结构对财务危机的影响 6
2.2.3独立董事对财务危机的影响 7
2.3高管激励对财务危机的影响 8
2.3.1高管股权激励对财务危机的影响 8
3公司治理结构影响公司财务危机的实证分析 10
3.1研究假设 10
3.2研究设计 11
3.2.1样本选择与数据来源 11
3.2.2变量的选取 11
3.2.3模型的建立 12
3.3实证过程与结果分析 12
3.3.1描述性分析 12
3.3.2相关性分析 14
4结论及建议 18
4.1结论 18
4.2建议 18
结束语 19
参考文献 20
致谢 21
附录 22