

民间借贷与中小企业融资问题研究,15300字自己的原创毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要 在市场经济不断发展的当下,民间借贷作为一种操作灵活、来源丰富的融资渠道,受到了越来越多中小企业的青睐。这不仅仅是由于正规金融满足不了中小企业的资金需要,也是因为中小企业的成长急需新的融资渠道。民间借贷在解决中小企业资金方面...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 否极泰来 发布



摘 要

关键词:民间借贷 中小企业 融资


In the continuous development of the market economy today, folk lending as a flexible operation, rich source of financing channels, has been more and more small and medium enterprises. This is not only the result of formal finance can not meet the financial needs of SMEs, but also because the new financing channel of small and medium-sized enterprises growth need. Borrowing has great development space in solving the small and medium-sized enterprise funds,regulate, guide the development of nongovernmental debit and credit, to broaden the folk financing loan, to solve the financing needs of SMEs, and promote the development of non-public economy; but also can promote the formation of multi-level credit market, active financial market, the rational allocation of resources, promote economic development, the blank is very good fill the formal finance. Of course, private lending also has some can not overcome its own shortcomings, the government management is not easy, illegal use of this profit, anti risk ability is low, this is tantamount to the small and medium-sized enterprise development has brought great pressure. This article mainly from small and medium enterprises, private lending, private lending the chaotic situation and reasons, and find the problems in the development,analysis of the impact of private lending to the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises, and puts forward the Countermeasures for the development of folk loan form and in the small and medium-sized enterprise how to prevent private lending risk related recommendations are given.

Key words:private lending small and medium sized enterprises

目 录
前言 1
1.相关理论概述 2
1.1 中小企业融资概述 2
1.1.1 中小企业的界定 2
1.1.2 中小企业融资的方式 2
1.1.3 中小企业融资的特征 4
1.2 民间借贷概述 4
1.2.1 民间借贷的界定 4
1.2.2 民间借贷的特征 4
1.2.3我国民间借贷的发展历程 5
2.中小企业民间借贷的现状分析 6
2.1 中小企业民间借贷的现状 6
2.2 中小企业民间借贷存在的问题 8
3.民间借贷对中小企业融资影响分析 10
3.1民间借贷的正面效应分析 10
3.2民间借贷的负面效应分析 11
4.完善民间借贷扩充中小企业融资渠道的建议及对策 13
4.1 我国民间借贷的改革方向 13
4.1.1完善相关法律 13
4.1.2 制订行业规范,完善合理的民间借贷法规和办法 14
4.1.3 构建民间借贷市场化利率体系 14
4.1.4 金融机构加大力度承担自身职责 14
4.1.5 加强民间融资组织创新 15
4.1.6 引导民间借贷资金流向 15
4.1.7 增大信息沟通范围、加强对民间借贷的监管力度 16
4.2 中小企业防范民间借贷风险措施 16
结束语 17
参考文献 19
后记 20