

此文档由会员 否极泰来 发布
关键词:高科技 上市公司 价值评估 现金流量法 实物期权法
With the rapid social and economic development of our country, China's GDP has climbed to second of the world's position, accompanied by the transition and transformation of a series of problems in social economy, and in the process of transformation, the transformation of economic development mode is particularly attract people’s attention. Due to the changing domestic and international economic situation, the development of traditional industry has been under the serious impact, and the local governments and the central government are seeking new point of economic growth, where high-tech enterprises represents the sudden emergence of new industries.
However, unlike traditional industrial enterprises, high-tech enterprises have high-risk, high-growth, high-yield and other characteristics. The development of high-tech enterprises need adequate financial support, but high-tech enterprises in the start-up period are often lack financial support, so the stock market, especially the GEM, become the best path to seek financial support for high-tech enterprises. But in view of the characteristics of high-tech enterprises, to assess the value of high-tech companies needs a new perspective. Currently, there are two methods to eva luate the high-tech listed company value, which are cash flow and real options method. In this paper, by drawing on experience and achievements of domestic and overseas research, and combined with the actual situation of China’s capital market, I use actual case analysis to explore China's high-tech listing Corporation formed high-tech enterprise value and its eva luation methods and ideas.
Keywords: high-technology, listed company, value assessment, discounted cash flow method, Real Options
目 录
前言 1
1、企业价值评估的理论概述 2
1.1企业价值的涵义 2
1.2企业价值评估的涵义 2
1.3企业价值评估的特点 3
2、高科技上市公司及其特点 3
2.1高科技上市公司概念 3
2.2高科技上市公司特点分析 4
3、高科技上市公司价值评估方法 6
3.1现金流量法 6
3.2实物期权法 7
4、基于现金流量法的案例分析 8
4.1公司情况简介 8
4.2财务分析 9
4.3未来预测 14
4.3.1 产业预测 14
4.3.2 企业竞争优势 15
4.4企业分析总结 16
5、评估方法总结 16
5.1评估方法的局限性 16
5.2评估方法发展的建议 17
结束语 18
关键词:高科技 上市公司 价值评估 现金流量法 实物期权法
With the rapid social and economic development of our country, China's GDP has climbed to second of the world's position, accompanied by the transition and transformation of a series of problems in social economy, and in the process of transformation, the transformation of economic development mode is particularly attract people’s attention. Due to the changing domestic and international economic situation, the development of traditional industry has been under the serious impact, and the local governments and the central government are seeking new point of economic growth, where high-tech enterprises represents the sudden emergence of new industries.
However, unlike traditional industrial enterprises, high-tech enterprises have high-risk, high-growth, high-yield and other characteristics. The development of high-tech enterprises need adequate financial support, but high-tech enterprises in the start-up period are often lack financial support, so the stock market, especially the GEM, become the best path to seek financial support for high-tech enterprises. But in view of the characteristics of high-tech enterprises, to assess the value of high-tech companies needs a new perspective. Currently, there are two methods to eva luate the high-tech listed company value, which are cash flow and real options method. In this paper, by drawing on experience and achievements of domestic and overseas research, and combined with the actual situation of China’s capital market, I use actual case analysis to explore China's high-tech listing Corporation formed high-tech enterprise value and its eva luation methods and ideas.
Keywords: high-technology, listed company, value assessment, discounted cash flow method, Real Options
目 录
前言 1
1、企业价值评估的理论概述 2
1.1企业价值的涵义 2
1.2企业价值评估的涵义 2
1.3企业价值评估的特点 3
2、高科技上市公司及其特点 3
2.1高科技上市公司概念 3
2.2高科技上市公司特点分析 4
3、高科技上市公司价值评估方法 6
3.1现金流量法 6
3.2实物期权法 7
4、基于现金流量法的案例分析 8
4.1公司情况简介 8
4.2财务分析 9
4.3未来预测 14
4.3.1 产业预测 14
4.3.2 企业竞争优势 15
4.4企业分析总结 16
5、评估方法总结 16
5.1评估方法的局限性 16
5.2评估方法发展的建议 17
结束语 18