

此文档由会员 否极泰来 发布
【关键词】股利分配 现金股利 股权结构
Dividends play an important role in the company's financial management. However, the late development of China's securities market, as well as its special, incomplete, resulting in dividend policy theory is not a good interpretation of the stock market situation in China. Listed companies use the securities market to raise funds, decentralized financial risk, optimize resource allocation Listed companies in the dividend decision, its rationality and appropriateness will get double test .on the one hand, not only affects the income of investors, on the other hand also convey to the market situation and future business development goals. The purpose of the shareholders is to make wealth increases, investors want to get the return on investment. If companies have not interest or have interests not making dividend, investors will not invest companies, enterprises will not get financial support, companies can no longer sustainable development, and no existence value. Therefore, the dividends is important to company and investors. But every year some the profits of the company only make a stock dividends no cash dividends, even no dividends. Dividend policy is not only affect investment decisions but also financing decisions. Dividends are also related to the trade-offs between stakeholders. Shareholders, managers, creditors in order to maximize their own interests, there are different dividend preferences. Therefore, how to develop a reasonable dividend policy to achieve to maximize company value, maximize stakeholder interests, is the biggest problem to the company makers. Dividends not only suffer the company's internal solvency, growth, profitability and internal governance structure, but also by external tax effects, the impact of contractual restrictions and other factors shareholder wishes. This point of the paper is to analyze the current situation of dividend distribution stage, the problems of the dividends, the effect dividends factors and some good suggestions.
【Key Words】 dividends cash dividends shareholding structure
前言 1
1股利分配理论概述 1
1.1股政利分配政策 1
1.1.1剩余股利分配政策 2
1.1.2固定或稳定增长的股利分配政策 2
1.1.3固定股利支付率政策 2
1.1.4低正常股利加额外股利分配政策 2
1.2股利支付的方式 3
1.2.1 现金股利 3
1.2.2 股票股利 3
1.2.3 负债式股利 3
1.2.4 财产股利 3
1.2.5 转增股本 3
1.2.6 配股 4
1.3股利政策相关理论 4
1.3.1股利无关论 4
1.3.2“一鸟在手”理论 4
1.3.3信号传递理论 5
1.3.4税收差异理论 5
1.3.5代理成本理论 6
1.3.6行为理论 6
2我国上市公司股利分配的现状与问题 7
2.1我国股利分配的现状 7
2.1.1 股利支付率不高 7
2.1.2不分配股利的上市公司偏多 7
2.1.3 股利政策缺乏稳定性和连续性 7
2.2.我国股利分配的问题 8
2.2.1上市公司滥用股利信号,股利政策改变频繁 8
2.2.2股利政策与股价关系的扭曲 9
2.2.3误将配股作为股利分配,以此来吸引投资者 9
2.2.4股权结构的差异和股本规模的不同形成股利分配的差异 10
3影响上市公司股利分配的因素 10
3.1税收效应 10
3.2契约限制 10
3.3股东意愿 11
3.4公司的盈利能力、成长能力、偿债能力 11
3.5公司内部治理机制对股利分配的影响 11
4 对上市公司股利分配的合理化建议 12
4.1优化上市公司的外部环境 12
4.1.1完善相关法律政策,提高监管力度 12
4.1.2增强投资者的投资意识,提高市场成熟度 13
4.2提高上市公司的质量 13
4.2.1规范上市公司股利分配方案以及信息披露 13
4.2.2加强保护小股东的权益,避免一股独大 14
4.2.3优化公司的股权治理结构 14
结论 14
参考文献 15
致 谢 17
【关键词】股利分配 现金股利 股权结构
Dividends play an important role in the company's financial management. However, the late development of China's securities market, as well as its special, incomplete, resulting in dividend policy theory is not a good interpretation of the stock market situation in China. Listed companies use the securities market to raise funds, decentralized financial risk, optimize resource allocation Listed companies in the dividend decision, its rationality and appropriateness will get double test .on the one hand, not only affects the income of investors, on the other hand also convey to the market situation and future business development goals. The purpose of the shareholders is to make wealth increases, investors want to get the return on investment. If companies have not interest or have interests not making dividend, investors will not invest companies, enterprises will not get financial support, companies can no longer sustainable development, and no existence value. Therefore, the dividends is important to company and investors. But every year some the profits of the company only make a stock dividends no cash dividends, even no dividends. Dividend policy is not only affect investment decisions but also financing decisions. Dividends are also related to the trade-offs between stakeholders. Shareholders, managers, creditors in order to maximize their own interests, there are different dividend preferences. Therefore, how to develop a reasonable dividend policy to achieve to maximize company value, maximize stakeholder interests, is the biggest problem to the company makers. Dividends not only suffer the company's internal solvency, growth, profitability and internal governance structure, but also by external tax effects, the impact of contractual restrictions and other factors shareholder wishes. This point of the paper is to analyze the current situation of dividend distribution stage, the problems of the dividends, the effect dividends factors and some good suggestions.
【Key Words】 dividends cash dividends shareholding structure
前言 1
1股利分配理论概述 1
1.1股政利分配政策 1
1.1.1剩余股利分配政策 2
1.1.2固定或稳定增长的股利分配政策 2
1.1.3固定股利支付率政策 2
1.1.4低正常股利加额外股利分配政策 2
1.2股利支付的方式 3
1.2.1 现金股利 3
1.2.2 股票股利 3
1.2.3 负债式股利 3
1.2.4 财产股利 3
1.2.5 转增股本 3
1.2.6 配股 4
1.3股利政策相关理论 4
1.3.1股利无关论 4
1.3.2“一鸟在手”理论 4
1.3.3信号传递理论 5
1.3.4税收差异理论 5
1.3.5代理成本理论 6
1.3.6行为理论 6
2我国上市公司股利分配的现状与问题 7
2.1我国股利分配的现状 7
2.1.1 股利支付率不高 7
2.1.2不分配股利的上市公司偏多 7
2.1.3 股利政策缺乏稳定性和连续性 7
2.2.我国股利分配的问题 8
2.2.1上市公司滥用股利信号,股利政策改变频繁 8
2.2.2股利政策与股价关系的扭曲 9
2.2.3误将配股作为股利分配,以此来吸引投资者 9
2.2.4股权结构的差异和股本规模的不同形成股利分配的差异 10
3影响上市公司股利分配的因素 10
3.1税收效应 10
3.2契约限制 10
3.3股东意愿 11
3.4公司的盈利能力、成长能力、偿债能力 11
3.5公司内部治理机制对股利分配的影响 11
4 对上市公司股利分配的合理化建议 12
4.1优化上市公司的外部环境 12
4.1.1完善相关法律政策,提高监管力度 12
4.1.2增强投资者的投资意识,提高市场成熟度 13
4.2提高上市公司的质量 13
4.2.1规范上市公司股利分配方案以及信息披露 13
4.2.2加强保护小股东的权益,避免一股独大 14
4.2.3优化公司的股权治理结构 14
结论 14
参考文献 15
致 谢 17