

此文档由会员 否极泰来 发布
摘 要
关键词:火电行业 财务危机预警 Logistic回归模型
With the reform and opening up and rapid development of China's market economy, China's enterprises, listed companies have sprung up. After China joined the WTO, China's enterprises are facing a broader environment and have more opportunities, but they also take greater risks. Many companies bankrupt due to poor operation.To avoid the financial crisis, the key is in the business itself, it is particularly important to establish an effective early warning mechanism to the financial crisis. Thermal power is the most important form of generation. It bears more than half of China's electricity supply missions. However, thermal pollution of the environment is also more serious. Today, our voice on environmental protection is increasing. Meanwhile, wind, hydro, solar, nuclear power has gradually developed and have a certain impact to the thermal power industry. So far, several thermal power listed company have faced financial crisis. Therefore, this paper select the thermal power industry to study the financial crisis early warning. There are more important practical significance.
Firstly, this paper take the theoretical study of the financial crisis early warning, clearly the meaning of financial crisis, the formation of the causes of the crisis, the meaning of the financial crisis early warning and other related concepts. Then look for the study sample and select targets, select an effective early-warning model of empirical research. After careful comparison, the paper selected the Logistic regression model. Before modeling, we have to take significant test to the sample data and exclude index without significant differences ensure the accuracy of the model. Finally, we draw conclusions and gives recommendations.
Keywords: thermal power industry financial crisis warning Logistic regression models
引 言 1
1.财务危机预警概述 2
1.1财务危机的判定 2
1.2财务危机形成的原因 3
1.3财务危机预警的概念 4
1.4火电行业财务危机预警的意义 4
2.火电行业财务危机预警方法的选择 6
2.1财务危机预警的理论依据 6
2.2财务危机预警方法的比较 6
2.3本文财务危机预警方法的确立 7
3.火电行业财务危机预警模型研究样本及预警指标选取 8
3.1研究样本的选取 8
3.2预警指标的选取 9
3.2.1预警指标的选取原则 9
3.2.2预警指标的初步选择 10
3.3火电行业财务危机预警指标的筛选 11
3.3.1正态分布检验 12
3.3.2两独立样本的t检验 12
3.3.3两独立样本的Mann-Whitney U检验 13
3.4通过显著性差异检验的指标 14
4.火电行业财务危机预警模型的建立 16
4.1Logistic回归模型的建立 16
4.2Logistic回归模型的检验 17
5.本研究的结论及建议 19
5.1研究的结论 19
5.2本文的建议 19
结束语 21
参考文献: 22
附录一:stata12操作命令 24
摘 要
关键词:火电行业 财务危机预警 Logistic回归模型
With the reform and opening up and rapid development of China's market economy, China's enterprises, listed companies have sprung up. After China joined the WTO, China's enterprises are facing a broader environment and have more opportunities, but they also take greater risks. Many companies bankrupt due to poor operation.To avoid the financial crisis, the key is in the business itself, it is particularly important to establish an effective early warning mechanism to the financial crisis. Thermal power is the most important form of generation. It bears more than half of China's electricity supply missions. However, thermal pollution of the environment is also more serious. Today, our voice on environmental protection is increasing. Meanwhile, wind, hydro, solar, nuclear power has gradually developed and have a certain impact to the thermal power industry. So far, several thermal power listed company have faced financial crisis. Therefore, this paper select the thermal power industry to study the financial crisis early warning. There are more important practical significance.
Firstly, this paper take the theoretical study of the financial crisis early warning, clearly the meaning of financial crisis, the formation of the causes of the crisis, the meaning of the financial crisis early warning and other related concepts. Then look for the study sample and select targets, select an effective early-warning model of empirical research. After careful comparison, the paper selected the Logistic regression model. Before modeling, we have to take significant test to the sample data and exclude index without significant differences ensure the accuracy of the model. Finally, we draw conclusions and gives recommendations.
Keywords: thermal power industry financial crisis warning Logistic regression models
引 言 1
1.财务危机预警概述 2
1.1财务危机的判定 2
1.2财务危机形成的原因 3
1.3财务危机预警的概念 4
1.4火电行业财务危机预警的意义 4
2.火电行业财务危机预警方法的选择 6
2.1财务危机预警的理论依据 6
2.2财务危机预警方法的比较 6
2.3本文财务危机预警方法的确立 7
3.火电行业财务危机预警模型研究样本及预警指标选取 8
3.1研究样本的选取 8
3.2预警指标的选取 9
3.2.1预警指标的选取原则 9
3.2.2预警指标的初步选择 10
3.3火电行业财务危机预警指标的筛选 11
3.3.1正态分布检验 12
3.3.2两独立样本的t检验 12
3.3.3两独立样本的Mann-Whitney U检验 13
3.4通过显著性差异检验的指标 14
4.火电行业财务危机预警模型的建立 16
4.1Logistic回归模型的建立 16
4.2Logistic回归模型的检验 17
5.本研究的结论及建议 19
5.1研究的结论 19
5.2本文的建议 19
结束语 21
参考文献: 22
附录一:stata12操作命令 24
- 6.1《二元一次方程组》ppt课件(共26张ppt).ppt
- 6.1《反比例函数(1)》参考课件1(共18张ppt).ppt
- 6.1《平均数、中位数、众数》课件2(共58张ppt).p...ppt
- 6.1反比例函数(1)【课件】.ppt
- 6.1反比例函数(2)【课件】.ppt
- 6.2《反比例函数的图象和性质(2)》参考课件(共18...ppt
- 6.2《解一元一次方程(3)》参考课件(共18张ppt)...ppt
- 6.2二元一次方程组的解法(1)参考课件(共12张ppt...ppt
- 6.2二元一次方程组的解法(2)参考课件(共10张ppt...ppt
- 6.2反比例函数的图象与性质(1)【课件】.ppt