

此文档由会员 否极泰来 发布
企业价值评估是对目标企业的资产、盈利能力和未来发展前景以帮助投资者和其他利益相关者进行经济决策的一种经济评估方法。主要可以用于有关投资分析和战略分析的管理需要。随着市场的全球化,企业资产、业务的多样化的发展,投资者对公司的价值评估提出了更高的要求。以会计利润为核心的传统公司价值评估,自20世纪90年代以来就收到众多学者和投资者的质疑。美国的Stem Stew art公司在20世纪80年代提出的EVA企业价值评估方法被认为是最为有效的公司价值评估工具之一,被广泛的应用。在此衡量指标中将股东的投资资本考虑在内,以权益市场的增加值作为衡量标准。传统的公司价值评价方法并没有很全面的反映出公司为股东创造出的价值。因为传统的企业价值评估方法没有考虑到权益资本的成本,使得计算出来的企业价值容易被高估或是被低估。
Business Valuation is the target company's assets, profitability and future prospects in order to help investors and other stakeholders to conduct an economic assessment of economic decision-making.Mainly be used for the investment analysis and strategic analysis of management needs.With the globalization of markets, corporate assets, diversified business development, investor's assessment of the value of the company has put forward higher requirements.raditional valuation of the company to the accounting profit as the core, since the 1990s, many scholars and investors questioned received.EVA enterprise eva luation method American Stem Stew art in the 1980s, is considered to be made one of the most effective company value assessment tool has been widely used.In this measure indicators of investment capital to shareholders will be taken into account, the added value of equity markets as a measure.The traditional value of the company is not very comprehensive eva luation method reflects the company to create value for shareholders.Because the traditional business valuation methods do not take into account the cost of equity capital, making the enterprise value calculated easily be overvalued or undervalued.
Based on the study on the basis of a large number of relevant literature to assess the value of the enterprise and EVA business valuation theory, Characteristics of EVA valuation model, and applied research to increase the value of the company based on economic valuation methods.EVA company valuation methods for the study and improvement of the company will help promote the EVA valuation methods applied in our country, so that the value of the theoretical system more complete assessment of the company, improve the decision making ability of investors in the economy.
Keywords: enterprise value to assess the economic value added (EVA) applied research目录
1.EVA与企业价值评估理论综述 2
1.1EVA价值评估理论 2
1.1.1EVA的产生背景 2
1.1.2EVA的内涵 2
1.2企业价值评估理论 2
1.2.1企业价值评估理论的背景 2
1.2.2企业价值评估理论的基本方法 3
2.企业价值评估法的应用缺陷分析 5
2.1现金流量折现法 5
2.2相对估价法 6
2.3期权估价法 6
3.基于经济增加值(EVA)的企业价值评估模型的构建 7
3.1EVA计算的会计调整 7
3.1.1会计调整原则 7
3.1.2会计调整项目 7
3.2从EVA到企业价值估值 9
3.3基于经济增加值(EVA)的企业价值评估模型的构建 9
3.3.1加权平均资本成本的计算 9
3.3.2 EVA模型 11
4. EVA价值评估方法应用 12
4.1公司简介 12
4.2计算公司EVA 12
4.2.1计算NOPAT 12
4.2.2计算资本总额 13
4.2.3计算资本成本 13
4.2.4计算2009-2013年的EVA值 15
4.3预测未来几年的EVA 15
4.3.1对利润表的预测 15
4.3.2预测资产负债表 18
4.3.3 2014-2018年的EVA 22
4.3.4计算公司价值并分析结果 22
结束语 23
致谢 24
参考文献: 25
企业价值评估是对目标企业的资产、盈利能力和未来发展前景以帮助投资者和其他利益相关者进行经济决策的一种经济评估方法。主要可以用于有关投资分析和战略分析的管理需要。随着市场的全球化,企业资产、业务的多样化的发展,投资者对公司的价值评估提出了更高的要求。以会计利润为核心的传统公司价值评估,自20世纪90年代以来就收到众多学者和投资者的质疑。美国的Stem Stew art公司在20世纪80年代提出的EVA企业价值评估方法被认为是最为有效的公司价值评估工具之一,被广泛的应用。在此衡量指标中将股东的投资资本考虑在内,以权益市场的增加值作为衡量标准。传统的公司价值评价方法并没有很全面的反映出公司为股东创造出的价值。因为传统的企业价值评估方法没有考虑到权益资本的成本,使得计算出来的企业价值容易被高估或是被低估。
Business Valuation is the target company's assets, profitability and future prospects in order to help investors and other stakeholders to conduct an economic assessment of economic decision-making.Mainly be used for the investment analysis and strategic analysis of management needs.With the globalization of markets, corporate assets, diversified business development, investor's assessment of the value of the company has put forward higher requirements.raditional valuation of the company to the accounting profit as the core, since the 1990s, many scholars and investors questioned received.EVA enterprise eva luation method American Stem Stew art in the 1980s, is considered to be made one of the most effective company value assessment tool has been widely used.In this measure indicators of investment capital to shareholders will be taken into account, the added value of equity markets as a measure.The traditional value of the company is not very comprehensive eva luation method reflects the company to create value for shareholders.Because the traditional business valuation methods do not take into account the cost of equity capital, making the enterprise value calculated easily be overvalued or undervalued.
Based on the study on the basis of a large number of relevant literature to assess the value of the enterprise and EVA business valuation theory, Characteristics of EVA valuation model, and applied research to increase the value of the company based on economic valuation methods.EVA company valuation methods for the study and improvement of the company will help promote the EVA valuation methods applied in our country, so that the value of the theoretical system more complete assessment of the company, improve the decision making ability of investors in the economy.
Keywords: enterprise value to assess the economic value added (EVA) applied research目录
1.EVA与企业价值评估理论综述 2
1.1EVA价值评估理论 2
1.1.1EVA的产生背景 2
1.1.2EVA的内涵 2
1.2企业价值评估理论 2
1.2.1企业价值评估理论的背景 2
1.2.2企业价值评估理论的基本方法 3
2.企业价值评估法的应用缺陷分析 5
2.1现金流量折现法 5
2.2相对估价法 6
2.3期权估价法 6
3.基于经济增加值(EVA)的企业价值评估模型的构建 7
3.1EVA计算的会计调整 7
3.1.1会计调整原则 7
3.1.2会计调整项目 7
3.2从EVA到企业价值估值 9
3.3基于经济增加值(EVA)的企业价值评估模型的构建 9
3.3.1加权平均资本成本的计算 9
3.3.2 EVA模型 11
4. EVA价值评估方法应用 12
4.1公司简介 12
4.2计算公司EVA 12
4.2.1计算NOPAT 12
4.2.2计算资本总额 13
4.2.3计算资本成本 13
4.2.4计算2009-2013年的EVA值 15
4.3预测未来几年的EVA 15
4.3.1对利润表的预测 15
4.3.2预测资产负债表 18
4.3.3 2014-2018年的EVA 22
4.3.4计算公司价值并分析结果 22
结束语 23
致谢 24
参考文献: 25