

此文档由会员 否极泰来 发布
摘 要
关键词:产业链 核心企业 风险
Among the industry chain downstream presence of a large number of relations and mutual exchange of value,the upstream transport industrial products or services to the downstream and downstream industries feedback. The risk of core business within the industry chain is closely related to other related industrial chain business.In particular, the core enterprise risk both from the end of the industrial chain in the enterprise and other companies , so the risk management should think about how to control the risk from the perspective of industrial chain.
I write this peper based on reading a large number of relevant literature both at home and abroad, guided by the industrial chain theory,considering the need of the development of enterprise and the social requirement for enterprise, analyse the risk factors and preventive measures of the core enterprise of industrial chain ends .Integrated the industrial chain, the core enterprise and risk related theory, analyse the core enterprise risk of the industry chain end,put forward the corresponding measures to prevent risks and combined with case analysis to test them,at the end of the paper I draw the conclusion:Su ning 's financial problems mainly due to its inefficient stores closed, increased advertising efforts, the implementation of same pricing strategy online and offline, and conducting logistics itself. For the risk factors above, su ning made a sharp reaction itself, but there are still something does not reach the designated position, at the end of this paper also puts forward my own point.
Key words:industry chain core enterprise risk
目 录
前言 - 1 -
1产业链和产业链末端核心企业概述 - 2 -
1.1产业链 - 2 -
1.2产业链末端核心企业 - 2 -
2产业链末端核心企业风险表现 - 3 -
2.1财务风险 - 3 -
2.2市场风险 - 3 -
2.3信息风险 - 4 -
2.4政策性风险 - 4 -
3产业链末端核心企业风险成因 - 4 -
3.1内部控制的失误 - 4 -
3.2企业战略定位不当 - 5 -
3.3上下游之间的纵向竞争 - 6 -
3.4反垄断的政策导向 - 6 -
4产业链末端核心企业风险防范措施 - 7 -
4.1完善财务内控,严格预算 - 7 -
4.2谨慎选址合理定位,科学管理 - 7 -
4.3信息共享,共御风险 - 8 -
4.4合法维权 - 9 -
5案例分析 - 9 -
5.1企业概况 - 9 -
5.2企业风险分析 - 9 -
5.2.1竞争环境激烈 - 9 -
5.2.2节能补贴政策的退出 - 11 -
5.3 企业风险应对措施 - 11 -
5.3.1整合店铺,提高经营质量 - 11 -
5.3.2“超电器化”战略,拓展业务 - 11 -
5.3.3 信息化改革,自营物流 - 12 -
5.3.4提高资金利用水平 - 12 -
5.3.5 紧跟政策导向 - 13 -
结束语 - 13 -
参考文献 - 14 -
摘 要
关键词:产业链 核心企业 风险
Among the industry chain downstream presence of a large number of relations and mutual exchange of value,the upstream transport industrial products or services to the downstream and downstream industries feedback. The risk of core business within the industry chain is closely related to other related industrial chain business.In particular, the core enterprise risk both from the end of the industrial chain in the enterprise and other companies , so the risk management should think about how to control the risk from the perspective of industrial chain.
I write this peper based on reading a large number of relevant literature both at home and abroad, guided by the industrial chain theory,considering the need of the development of enterprise and the social requirement for enterprise, analyse the risk factors and preventive measures of the core enterprise of industrial chain ends .Integrated the industrial chain, the core enterprise and risk related theory, analyse the core enterprise risk of the industry chain end,put forward the corresponding measures to prevent risks and combined with case analysis to test them,at the end of the paper I draw the conclusion:Su ning 's financial problems mainly due to its inefficient stores closed, increased advertising efforts, the implementation of same pricing strategy online and offline, and conducting logistics itself. For the risk factors above, su ning made a sharp reaction itself, but there are still something does not reach the designated position, at the end of this paper also puts forward my own point.
Key words:industry chain core enterprise risk
目 录
前言 - 1 -
1产业链和产业链末端核心企业概述 - 2 -
1.1产业链 - 2 -
1.2产业链末端核心企业 - 2 -
2产业链末端核心企业风险表现 - 3 -
2.1财务风险 - 3 -
2.2市场风险 - 3 -
2.3信息风险 - 4 -
2.4政策性风险 - 4 -
3产业链末端核心企业风险成因 - 4 -
3.1内部控制的失误 - 4 -
3.2企业战略定位不当 - 5 -
3.3上下游之间的纵向竞争 - 6 -
3.4反垄断的政策导向 - 6 -
4产业链末端核心企业风险防范措施 - 7 -
4.1完善财务内控,严格预算 - 7 -
4.2谨慎选址合理定位,科学管理 - 7 -
4.3信息共享,共御风险 - 8 -
4.4合法维权 - 9 -
5案例分析 - 9 -
5.1企业概况 - 9 -
5.2企业风险分析 - 9 -
5.2.1竞争环境激烈 - 9 -
5.2.2节能补贴政策的退出 - 11 -
5.3 企业风险应对措施 - 11 -
5.3.1整合店铺,提高经营质量 - 11 -
5.3.2“超电器化”战略,拓展业务 - 11 -
5.3.3 信息化改革,自营物流 - 12 -
5.3.4提高资金利用水平 - 12 -
5.3.5 紧跟政策导向 - 13 -
结束语 - 13 -
参考文献 - 14 -