
创业板上市公司研发支出与企业绩效关系实证研究, 14600 字自己的原创毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要随着现代社会的发展,企业的科技创新是企业在激烈竞争市场环境中生存以及发展的重要因素之一。研发活动带来的科技创新是企业形成无形资产的重要来源,研发活动对企业在激烈竞争市场中保持竞争优势就至关重要。然而我国企业...

此文档由会员 否极泰来 发布
14600 字
摘 要
关键词:研发支出 企业绩效 公司的转型与升级
With the development of the modern society,innovation of technology is one of the most important factor for enterprise to survive in the fierce competition in the market environment and development.The innovation of technology of R&D activities bring is an important source of the formation of intangible assets of enterprises,R&D activities is crucial for enterprises to maintain competitive advantage in the fierce competition in the market.But Chinese enterprises attach importance to the research and development activities is inadequate,R&D investment is not large,its quality is also relativelyweak.
After the implementation of new accounting standards in 2007,the new accounting standards stipulate that in line with the conditions of R&D expenditure should be capitalized,this policy makes the enterprise of R&D expenditure accounting more true and accurate.In this contest,it is necessary to congsider the relationship of listing Corporation R&D expenditures and enterprise performance.
At the same time,compared with other enterprises,the R&D spending of listing corporationof growth enterprise market more than theirs.The analysis of R&D expenditures and enterprise performance in the Chinese listing corporation of growth enterprise market is more representative and practical significance.Based on this,This paper analyzes the relationship among the R&D expenditures and enterprise performance of China 's 48 the growth enterprise market of listing Corporation from 2010 to 2012. Through Correlation analysis,ordinary least squares, Hausman test,ordinary least dummy variable,the findings are as follows: enterprise performance is negatively related to R&D expenditures.In the discussion of this result, the author advises probabilistic explanation and related suggestion,and facilitate firm restructure and upgrading.
Key words:R&D expenditures, enterprise performance, firm restructure and
目 录
前 言 - 1 -
1 研发支出与企业绩效概述 - 2 -
1.1 研发支出的概述 - 2 -
1.1.1 研发支出的定义 - 2 -
1.1.2 研发支出的内容 - 2 -
1.1.3 研发支出的核算 - 2 -
1.2 企业绩效的概述 - 3 -
1.2.1 企业绩效的涵义 - 3 -
1.2.2 企业绩效的衡量指标 - 3 -
1.2.3 衡量企业绩效的意义 - 4 -
2 我国企业研发支出的现状及存在的问题 - 4 -
2.1 我国企业研发支出的现状 - 4 -
2.1.1 对研发项目的投入持续增加 - 4 -
2.1.2 从事研发的科研人员持续增加 - 5 -
2.1.3 产权专利申请受理和申请授权数量在不断增加 - 5 -
2.2 我国企业研发支出存在的问题 - 6 -
2.2.1 研发的效率不高 - 6 -
2.2.2 我国企业的管理人员缺乏对研发活动管理的理论知识和经验 - 7 -
2.2.3 我国对研发形成的无形资产保护力度不足 - 7 -
3 研发支出对企业绩效影响的实证分析 - 7 -
3.1 研究假说 - 7 -
3.2 模型构建 - 8 -
3.3 变量处理 - 8 -
3.4 数据收集 - 9 -
3.5 实证分析 - 9 -
3.5.1 描述统计分析 - 9 -
3.5.2 相关性分析 - 10 -
3.5.3 最小二乘法分析 - 10 -
3.5.4 面板数据混合最小二乘法分析 - 12 -
3.5.5 最小二乘虚拟变量估计分析 - 13 -
3.5.6 研发支出与企业业绩两个变量的分析 - 15 -
4 研究结论与政策建议 - 15 -
4.1 结论 - 15 -
4.2 建议 - 16 -
结 束 语 - 17 -
参考文献 - 18 -
研究样本相关数据 - 19 -
致 谢 - 23 -
14600 字
摘 要
关键词:研发支出 企业绩效 公司的转型与升级
With the development of the modern society,innovation of technology is one of the most important factor for enterprise to survive in the fierce competition in the market environment and development.The innovation of technology of R&D activities bring is an important source of the formation of intangible assets of enterprises,R&D activities is crucial for enterprises to maintain competitive advantage in the fierce competition in the market.But Chinese enterprises attach importance to the research and development activities is inadequate,R&D investment is not large,its quality is also relativelyweak.
After the implementation of new accounting standards in 2007,the new accounting standards stipulate that in line with the conditions of R&D expenditure should be capitalized,this policy makes the enterprise of R&D expenditure accounting more true and accurate.In this contest,it is necessary to congsider the relationship of listing Corporation R&D expenditures and enterprise performance.
At the same time,compared with other enterprises,the R&D spending of listing corporationof growth enterprise market more than theirs.The analysis of R&D expenditures and enterprise performance in the Chinese listing corporation of growth enterprise market is more representative and practical significance.Based on this,This paper analyzes the relationship among the R&D expenditures and enterprise performance of China 's 48 the growth enterprise market of listing Corporation from 2010 to 2012. Through Correlation analysis,ordinary least squares, Hausman test,ordinary least dummy variable,the findings are as follows: enterprise performance is negatively related to R&D expenditures.In the discussion of this result, the author advises probabilistic explanation and related suggestion,and facilitate firm restructure and upgrading.
Key words:R&D expenditures, enterprise performance, firm restructure and
目 录
前 言 - 1 -
1 研发支出与企业绩效概述 - 2 -
1.1 研发支出的概述 - 2 -
1.1.1 研发支出的定义 - 2 -
1.1.2 研发支出的内容 - 2 -
1.1.3 研发支出的核算 - 2 -
1.2 企业绩效的概述 - 3 -
1.2.1 企业绩效的涵义 - 3 -
1.2.2 企业绩效的衡量指标 - 3 -
1.2.3 衡量企业绩效的意义 - 4 -
2 我国企业研发支出的现状及存在的问题 - 4 -
2.1 我国企业研发支出的现状 - 4 -
2.1.1 对研发项目的投入持续增加 - 4 -
2.1.2 从事研发的科研人员持续增加 - 5 -
2.1.3 产权专利申请受理和申请授权数量在不断增加 - 5 -
2.2 我国企业研发支出存在的问题 - 6 -
2.2.1 研发的效率不高 - 6 -
2.2.2 我国企业的管理人员缺乏对研发活动管理的理论知识和经验 - 7 -
2.2.3 我国对研发形成的无形资产保护力度不足 - 7 -
3 研发支出对企业绩效影响的实证分析 - 7 -
3.1 研究假说 - 7 -
3.2 模型构建 - 8 -
3.3 变量处理 - 8 -
3.4 数据收集 - 9 -
3.5 实证分析 - 9 -
3.5.1 描述统计分析 - 9 -
3.5.2 相关性分析 - 10 -
3.5.3 最小二乘法分析 - 10 -
3.5.4 面板数据混合最小二乘法分析 - 12 -
3.5.5 最小二乘虚拟变量估计分析 - 13 -
3.5.6 研发支出与企业业绩两个变量的分析 - 15 -
4 研究结论与政策建议 - 15 -
4.1 结论 - 15 -
4.2 建议 - 16 -
结 束 语 - 17 -
参考文献 - 18 -
研究样本相关数据 - 19 -
致 谢 - 23 -
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