

此文档由会员 否极泰来 发布
摘 要
关键词:家族企业 公司治理 现金持有
Cash holdings is the lifeblood of business, it not only relate the business activities and daily transactions and investments, dividend policies and other financial decision-making, but also work closely with the corporate governance of enterprises, so the good control of cash holdings for business enterprises to maintain good operation requires are necessary. How many cash companies hold, can not be directly determined by the administrators, but also must take into account the deep impact of corporate governance. In addition, the family business is the business of the more complex an enterprise, this paper aims to study the relationship between corporate governance and cash holdings among family-controlled firms.
This paper studies ownership concentration, control rights(voting rights) and cash flow rights(all rights) separation, the ratio of Manager Shareholder, the size and structure of Board of Directors, CEO duality variable and independent director on the impact of cash holdings by spss, on the basis of understanding of relevant theories on family business, corporate governance and cash holdings, from the perspective of corporate governance, taken data of 2008-2012 of China’s A-share listed family-controlled companies as research target. And according to the findings on family-controlled companies puts forward reasonable proposals on the corporate governance and cash holdings of family-controlled companies.
Key words: family-controlled firms corporate governance cash holdings
目 录
摘 要 I
引 言 1
1概述 2
1.1相关概念的界定 2
1.1.1 家族企业 2
1.1.2 公司治理 2
1.1.3 现金持有 2
1.2 家族企业公司治理的特点 3
1.3研究的必要性 4
1.3.1理论意义 4
1.3.2现实意义 4
2 公司治理与现金持有关系的理论分析 6
2.1公司治理代理成本理论与现金持有量 6
2.2.现金持有的权衡理论与现金持有量 7
2.3现金持有的交易成本理论与现金持有量 7
3 实证研究 9
3.1 假设提出 9
3.1.1股权结构 9
3.1.2 董事会构成 10
3.2 模型构建 11
3.2.1变量的选择 11
3.2.2模型的建立 12
3.3 数据收集 13
3.4 实证分析 13
3.4.1样本数据的描述性分析 13
3.4.2自变量和因变量的相关性分析 14
3.4.3回归结果和分析 15
4 结论及建议 19
4.1 研究结论 19
4.2对家族企业公司治理合理建议 19
4.3未来研究方向 20
结 束 语 21
参考文献 22
致 谢 24
摘 要
关键词:家族企业 公司治理 现金持有
Cash holdings is the lifeblood of business, it not only relate the business activities and daily transactions and investments, dividend policies and other financial decision-making, but also work closely with the corporate governance of enterprises, so the good control of cash holdings for business enterprises to maintain good operation requires are necessary. How many cash companies hold, can not be directly determined by the administrators, but also must take into account the deep impact of corporate governance. In addition, the family business is the business of the more complex an enterprise, this paper aims to study the relationship between corporate governance and cash holdings among family-controlled firms.
This paper studies ownership concentration, control rights(voting rights) and cash flow rights(all rights) separation, the ratio of Manager Shareholder, the size and structure of Board of Directors, CEO duality variable and independent director on the impact of cash holdings by spss, on the basis of understanding of relevant theories on family business, corporate governance and cash holdings, from the perspective of corporate governance, taken data of 2008-2012 of China’s A-share listed family-controlled companies as research target. And according to the findings on family-controlled companies puts forward reasonable proposals on the corporate governance and cash holdings of family-controlled companies.
Key words: family-controlled firms corporate governance cash holdings
目 录
摘 要 I
引 言 1
1概述 2
1.1相关概念的界定 2
1.1.1 家族企业 2
1.1.2 公司治理 2
1.1.3 现金持有 2
1.2 家族企业公司治理的特点 3
1.3研究的必要性 4
1.3.1理论意义 4
1.3.2现实意义 4
2 公司治理与现金持有关系的理论分析 6
2.1公司治理代理成本理论与现金持有量 6
2.2.现金持有的权衡理论与现金持有量 7
2.3现金持有的交易成本理论与现金持有量 7
3 实证研究 9
3.1 假设提出 9
3.1.1股权结构 9
3.1.2 董事会构成 10
3.2 模型构建 11
3.2.1变量的选择 11
3.2.2模型的建立 12
3.3 数据收集 13
3.4 实证分析 13
3.4.1样本数据的描述性分析 13
3.4.2自变量和因变量的相关性分析 14
3.4.3回归结果和分析 15
4 结论及建议 19
4.1 研究结论 19
4.2对家族企业公司治理合理建议 19
4.3未来研究方向 20
结 束 语 21
参考文献 22
致 谢 24
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