风扇的气动力性能研究,1.8万字 32页包括论文和答辩ppt摘要cpu的风扇动力特性对电脑的散热性、稳定性等有重要影响。若是风扇不能跟上cpu的发展,导致电脑的散热性不稳定,从而导致电脑烧坏当机。本文主要阐述了cpu风扇的基本组成、评价风扇品质的重要参数、风扇性能测试的基本原理等。在分析计算的基础上建立风扇外形的3d实体...

原文档由会员 新星宇 发布
1.8万字 32页
摘 要
本文主要阐述了CPU风扇的基本组成、评价风扇品质的重要参数、风扇性能测试的基本原理等。在分析计算的基础上建立风扇外形的3D实体模型,选用pro-e软件作为3D实体造型平台,建立风扇3D实体模型,再导入GAMBIT中。进行不同参数风扇外形外流场计算区域的网格划分,生成计算网格和确定边界条件,利用GAMBIT 中的mesh 模块,对已建立的风扇外形3D实体进行计算网格的划分。将输出的网格文件输入FLUENT求解器中对不同参数风扇外形外流场计算区域进行流场计算分析、判断计算结果,得到何种参数的风扇散热最优。
Characteristics of CPU fan power have a major impact on the computer cooling, stability, etc. If the CPU fan can not keep up with the development, resulting in cooling computer unstable, it will lead to burn a computer crash.
This paper describes the basic components of CPU fan, the important parameters to evaluate the quality of the fan, the basic principles of fan performance testing . In the analysis and calculation based on the fan shape established the 3D solid model, selected pro-e software as a 3D solid modeling platform for the establishment of the fan 3D solid model, and then import in GAMBIT. The fan shape of different parameters to calculate flow field region meshing to generate computational grid and determine the boundary conditions, the mesh using GAMBIT modules that have been established fan shape 3D entities computing grid division. The output grid file input FLUENT solver for different parameters of the fan shape of the outflow region flow field calculation calculation and analysis, to determine the calculated results,then know what kind of parameters to be the optimal cooling fan.
Keywords:CPU fan; aerodynamics; numerical simulation
1.绪论 1
1.1 风扇气动力学国内外研究动态 1
1.2选题依据 2
1.3选题意义 4
2.风扇的空气动力学概述 5
2.1风冷散热器 5
2.2 风扇 5
2.3 扇叶与外框 9
2.4 风扇性能的测试 13
2.5风扇的发展趋势 14
3. CPU风扇建模与分析 16
3.1 CPU风扇建模 16
3.2风扇模型的分析 17
3.3误差分析 28
4结论和展望 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 32
[1]流体力学基础 朱爱民主编[M]北京:中国计量出版社,2004.12
[3]UG NX 5.0中文版基础入门与范例/郝利剑,张云杰,尚蕾编著[M]北京:清华大学出版社,2008.10
[6]Jing Yan.Correlations Based on CFD and Their Applications inOptimization for Staggered and Parallel Plate Fin Heatsinks[J].Journal of University of Science and Technology Bejing,2002,9(1):25-30
[7]李晟.基于FLUENT软件的轴流风机设计初步研究[D].西北工业大学硕士论文, 2004/3
1.8万字 32页
摘 要
本文主要阐述了CPU风扇的基本组成、评价风扇品质的重要参数、风扇性能测试的基本原理等。在分析计算的基础上建立风扇外形的3D实体模型,选用pro-e软件作为3D实体造型平台,建立风扇3D实体模型,再导入GAMBIT中。进行不同参数风扇外形外流场计算区域的网格划分,生成计算网格和确定边界条件,利用GAMBIT 中的mesh 模块,对已建立的风扇外形3D实体进行计算网格的划分。将输出的网格文件输入FLUENT求解器中对不同参数风扇外形外流场计算区域进行流场计算分析、判断计算结果,得到何种参数的风扇散热最优。
Characteristics of CPU fan power have a major impact on the computer cooling, stability, etc. If the CPU fan can not keep up with the development, resulting in cooling computer unstable, it will lead to burn a computer crash.
This paper describes the basic components of CPU fan, the important parameters to evaluate the quality of the fan, the basic principles of fan performance testing . In the analysis and calculation based on the fan shape established the 3D solid model, selected pro-e software as a 3D solid modeling platform for the establishment of the fan 3D solid model, and then import in GAMBIT. The fan shape of different parameters to calculate flow field region meshing to generate computational grid and determine the boundary conditions, the mesh using GAMBIT modules that have been established fan shape 3D entities computing grid division. The output grid file input FLUENT solver for different parameters of the fan shape of the outflow region flow field calculation calculation and analysis, to determine the calculated results,then know what kind of parameters to be the optimal cooling fan.
Keywords:CPU fan; aerodynamics; numerical simulation
1.绪论 1
1.1 风扇气动力学国内外研究动态 1
1.2选题依据 2
1.3选题意义 4
2.风扇的空气动力学概述 5
2.1风冷散热器 5
2.2 风扇 5
2.3 扇叶与外框 9
2.4 风扇性能的测试 13
2.5风扇的发展趋势 14
3. CPU风扇建模与分析 16
3.1 CPU风扇建模 16
3.2风扇模型的分析 17
3.3误差分析 28
4结论和展望 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 32
[1]流体力学基础 朱爱民主编[M]北京:中国计量出版社,2004.12
[3]UG NX 5.0中文版基础入门与范例/郝利剑,张云杰,尚蕾编著[M]北京:清华大学出版社,2008.10
[6]Jing Yan.Correlations Based on CFD and Their Applications inOptimization for Staggered and Parallel Plate Fin Heatsinks[J].Journal of University of Science and Technology Bejing,2002,9(1):25-30
[7]李晟.基于FLUENT软件的轴流风机设计初步研究[D].西北工业大学硕士论文, 2004/3