

汽车配件业务管理系统设计,方案设计1.5万字摘  要销售管理系统不简单的是一个软件,它覆盖了企业销售管理的职能,是企业管理事务中关键环节。是一个将销售管理思想以及当今最新计算机技术完美统一起来,实现科学化、自动化管理的集成应用系统。汽车配件管理是汽车配件公司开展日常运营活动的必须环节。传统的手工管理方式不但浪费人力、时间,而且管理复杂,易出差错...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 200306 发布

方案设计 1.5万字
摘  要

关键字:数据库 汽车配件管理信息系统 数据信息的电算化

it is complicated and often runs with mistakes. Based on the computer technique, the perfect automobile accessories management information system turns those complicated data calculation and information processing into simple instructions. It realized the electronic management of data information completely. It liberates people from the human management entirely. After hard work, I finally realized my design as expected, and developed this practical and valuable automobile accessories management information system. Using it will raise the working rate, reduce the cost and raise the economic benefit of the automobile accessories company. This paper mainly introduces the develop background of the system. It tells the structure of the automobile accessories management information system and its working theory; it analyzes the specialty, difficulty and important things in system realization. The design realizes the management of the system users, the basic information and the business.

Key words: Database The automobile accessories management information system  The electronic management of data information

目  录
第一章 绪  论
第二章 需求分析
第三章 系统设计
3.1 数据库设计
3.1.1 业务功能分析
3.1.2 业务流程图
3.1.3 E-R模型和关系模型
3.2 系统设计
3.2.1 功能子系统划分
3.2.2 层次化模块结构图
第四章 系统实施
第五章 系统测试
致  谢