
原文档由会员 chinalongc 发布

关键词:公众人物 人格权 限制 范围 适用原则
Public figures is that in a certain period of time, certainly in the region, as we all know and the public interest and is closely related to the figures. Personality of public figures in the performance of the special nature of the rights of the fierce conflict with public interests and the relevance of the two areas. Restrictions on public figures of the right to legal personality is in the public interest. This is from the mutual rights and legal limitations of the decision. However, between the rights are equal, are in need of legal protection. Personality of public figures to limit the right to the object of public interest concerning a limited to that part of moral rights, including privacy, reputation right and portrait right name. This paper learn from foreign experience combined with China's national conditions and restrictions on public figures by the personality of the specific principles: the principle of the inviolability of human dignity, the level of restrictions on principle, the principle of public interest and the principle of real malice.
Key words: Public figures;Human dignity rights;Restrictions;Range;
Applicable principles
目 录
摘 要 Ⅱ
引 言 1
一、公众人物及其人格权的特殊性 2
(一)公众人物的界定和分类 2
1.公众人物的界定 2
2.公众人物的分类 3
(二)公众人物人格权的特殊性 4
1.权利冲突的剧烈性 4
2.与公共利益的相关性 5
二、限制公众人物人格权的法理依据 6
(一)现有理论及评析 6
1.公共利益理论 6
2.公众合理兴趣理论 6
3.事业相关性理论 7
4.利益均衡理论 7
5.权利义务对等理论 8
(二)结论 9
三、限制公众人物人格权的范围及原则 10
(一)限制的范围 10
1.隐私权 10
2.名誉权 10
3.肖像权 11
4.姓名权 11
(二)限制的原则 11
1.人格尊严不受侵犯原则 11
2.公共利益原则 12
3.分层次限制原则 12
4.失职恶意原则 12
结 论 13
参考文献 14
致 谢 15
附 录 16
[1] 王利明. 公众人物人格权的限制和保护[J].中州学刊,2005,(02).
[2] 欧阳健. 公众人物名誉权限制的法学思考[J].邵阳学院学报(社会科学版),2005,(01).
[3] 杨士林. “公众人物”的名誉权与言论自由的冲突及解决机制[J].法学论坛,2003,(06).
[4] 王军.舆论监督与公众人物名誉权保护—从“范志毅名誉权”官司说起[J].法学杂志, 2005,(01).
[5] 马贤兴. 公众人物名誉、隐私应予限制[J].新闻采编,2001,(02).
[6] 宣圣文. 论公众人物隐私权[D].安徽大学,2005.
[7] 王丽, 盛常红. 公众人物的名誉权[J].检察实践,2004,(03).
[8] 肖枝海. 公众人物隐私权与公众知情权[J]. 中南民族大学学报

关键词:公众人物 人格权 限制 范围 适用原则
Public figures is that in a certain period of time, certainly in the region, as we all know and the public interest and is closely related to the figures. Personality of public figures in the performance of the special nature of the rights of the fierce conflict with public interests and the relevance of the two areas. Restrictions on public figures of the right to legal personality is in the public interest. This is from the mutual rights and legal limitations of the decision. However, between the rights are equal, are in need of legal protection. Personality of public figures to limit the right to the object of public interest concerning a limited to that part of moral rights, including privacy, reputation right and portrait right name. This paper learn from foreign experience combined with China's national conditions and restrictions on public figures by the personality of the specific principles: the principle of the inviolability of human dignity, the level of restrictions on principle, the principle of public interest and the principle of real malice.
Key words: Public figures;Human dignity rights;Restrictions;Range;
Applicable principles
目 录
摘 要 Ⅱ
引 言 1
一、公众人物及其人格权的特殊性 2
(一)公众人物的界定和分类 2
1.公众人物的界定 2
2.公众人物的分类 3
(二)公众人物人格权的特殊性 4
1.权利冲突的剧烈性 4
2.与公共利益的相关性 5
二、限制公众人物人格权的法理依据 6
(一)现有理论及评析 6
1.公共利益理论 6
2.公众合理兴趣理论 6
3.事业相关性理论 7
4.利益均衡理论 7
5.权利义务对等理论 8
(二)结论 9
三、限制公众人物人格权的范围及原则 10
(一)限制的范围 10
1.隐私权 10
2.名誉权 10
3.肖像权 11
4.姓名权 11
(二)限制的原则 11
1.人格尊严不受侵犯原则 11
2.公共利益原则 12
3.分层次限制原则 12
4.失职恶意原则 12
结 论 13
参考文献 14
致 谢 15
附 录 16
[1] 王利明. 公众人物人格权的限制和保护[J].中州学刊,2005,(02).
[2] 欧阳健. 公众人物名誉权限制的法学思考[J].邵阳学院学报(社会科学版),2005,(01).
[3] 杨士林. “公众人物”的名誉权与言论自由的冲突及解决机制[J].法学论坛,2003,(06).
[4] 王军.舆论监督与公众人物名誉权保护—从“范志毅名誉权”官司说起[J].法学杂志, 2005,(01).
[5] 马贤兴. 公众人物名誉、隐私应予限制[J].新闻采编,2001,(02).
[6] 宣圣文. 论公众人物隐私权[D].安徽大学,2005.
[7] 王丽, 盛常红. 公众人物的名誉权[J].检察实践,2004,(03).
[8] 肖枝海. 公众人物隐私权与公众知情权[J]. 中南民族大学学报