论经营者的安全保障义务及其责任承担,8500字 12页包括开题报告,任务书,文献综述,中期报告,论文,周记录,答辩记录等全套完整资料!目录摘要ⅡabstractⅢ引言1一 、安全保障义务的概念及法理基础2二 、安全保障义务的法律性质2(一)我国相关立法对经营者安全保障义务的规定2(二)经营者安全保障义务的性质3三、经营者...

原文档由会员 chinalongc 发布
8500字 12页
摘要 Ⅱ
Abstract Ⅲ
引言 1
一 、安全保障义务的概念及法理基础 2
二 、安全保障义务的法律性质 2
(一)我国相关立法对经营者安全保障义务的规定 2
(二)经营者安全保障义务的性质 3
三、经营者承担安全保障义务的合理范围 4
(一)对经营者利益的正视 5
(二)合理范围的衡量标准 6
(三)经营者安全保障义务的内容 6
四、经营者违反安全保障义务的责任 7
(一)归责原则 7
(二)经营者具体责任的承担 8
1. 安全保障义务的责任类型 8
2. 补充赔偿责任的合理性及范围 8
结 语 10
参考文献 11
致 谢 12
关键词:安全保障义务 合理范围 过错 补充责任
The operator safety control duty which sets up for the consumer protection benefit is one kind of abstract dangerous attention duty, it originates from German judge the social activity safe attention duty theory which develops from the legal precedent, this duty is compulsory, cannot agree the legal obligation which removes and limits. Tries this kind of case when the judicial practice, we should face up to operator's legal advantage, gives dual attention to the consumer and operator's benefit balance, is clear about the operator to be able to control reasonably to its management behavior related dangerous source, from official standard, agreement standard and rational person's aspects and so on standard grasps the operator to pay attention to the voluntary the reasonable scope, decided whether the operator does undertake the right infringement responsibility mistake (error) and the mistake size judgment standard is mainly an operator whether to violate the legal obligation, the agreement duty or the social life general attention duty. Violates the safety control duty the operator responsibility to undertake the way for the direct liability or the supplement responsibility two forms, when the third person infringes upon the right positively, the operator does not take negatively to the consumer creates the harm fact, operator's supplement liability of compensation total amount should be smaller than or be equal to that infringes upon the right directly the liability of compensation total amount which the third person must undertake. key word: Safety control duty; Reasonable scope, mistake, supplement responsibility
Key Word Safety control duty ; Reasonable scope ; mistake ;supplement responsibility
[16]张民安.过错侵权责任制度研究[M].北京:中国政法大学出版社 ,2002.
[17] 黄莉萍,李承.经营者的安全保障义务及责任从消费者受到第三人侵权的角度审视[J].武汉理工大学学报 (社会科学版).2006,(17) .
8500字 12页
摘要 Ⅱ
Abstract Ⅲ
引言 1
一 、安全保障义务的概念及法理基础 2
二 、安全保障义务的法律性质 2
(一)我国相关立法对经营者安全保障义务的规定 2
(二)经营者安全保障义务的性质 3
三、经营者承担安全保障义务的合理范围 4
(一)对经营者利益的正视 5
(二)合理范围的衡量标准 6
(三)经营者安全保障义务的内容 6
四、经营者违反安全保障义务的责任 7
(一)归责原则 7
(二)经营者具体责任的承担 8
1. 安全保障义务的责任类型 8
2. 补充赔偿责任的合理性及范围 8
结 语 10
参考文献 11
致 谢 12
关键词:安全保障义务 合理范围 过错 补充责任
The operator safety control duty which sets up for the consumer protection benefit is one kind of abstract dangerous attention duty, it originates from German judge the social activity safe attention duty theory which develops from the legal precedent, this duty is compulsory, cannot agree the legal obligation which removes and limits. Tries this kind of case when the judicial practice, we should face up to operator's legal advantage, gives dual attention to the consumer and operator's benefit balance, is clear about the operator to be able to control reasonably to its management behavior related dangerous source, from official standard, agreement standard and rational person's aspects and so on standard grasps the operator to pay attention to the voluntary the reasonable scope, decided whether the operator does undertake the right infringement responsibility mistake (error) and the mistake size judgment standard is mainly an operator whether to violate the legal obligation, the agreement duty or the social life general attention duty. Violates the safety control duty the operator responsibility to undertake the way for the direct liability or the supplement responsibility two forms, when the third person infringes upon the right positively, the operator does not take negatively to the consumer creates the harm fact, operator's supplement liability of compensation total amount should be smaller than or be equal to that infringes upon the right directly the liability of compensation total amount which the third person must undertake. key word: Safety control duty; Reasonable scope, mistake, supplement responsibility
Key Word Safety control duty ; Reasonable scope ; mistake ;supplement responsibility
[16]张民安.过错侵权责任制度研究[M].北京:中国政法大学出版社 ,2002.
[17] 黄莉萍,李承.经营者的安全保障义务及责任从消费者受到第三人侵权的角度审视[J].武汉理工大学学报 (社会科学版).2006,(17) .