
此文档由会员 cnlula 发布
页数:20 字数:11949
本文重点探讨一下缓冲区溢出对计算机系统造成的危害。因为几十年来,缓冲区溢出一直引起许多严重的安全性问题。近年由CERT/CC(Computer Emergency Response Term/Coodination Center)发布的忠告中关于缓冲区溢出漏洞占56.76%以上。
关键字:缓冲区溢出? 攻击
AbstractWith the development of Internet and information technology, the great growth has appeared out in E-Commerce. But this trend lead to more venture, network security issue has become the cardinal task that various kinds of online activity need to consider.At present, the biggest problem on network is that computer software is usually not stalwart enough, sometimes such barrier will cause catastrophic result, especially when being utilized maliciously by the lawless person, the harm will hard to estimate.Buffer overflow attacking is a seriously problem in network security and cause serious security problems in recently years. Some program language have pestilent bug, for example, C program language doesn’t check the border of the array of number is apt to cause the buffer overflow, and therefore possibly cause the failure of program processing and paralysis of computer.This paper analysis deeply the principle and possible of buffer overflow attacking, and point out buffer overflow’s potential dangers. At last, according to the kinds of buffer overflow attacking, I put forward my own opinion of precautionary measures on buffer overflow attacking.
Key Words: buffe
页数:20 字数:11949
本文重点探讨一下缓冲区溢出对计算机系统造成的危害。因为几十年来,缓冲区溢出一直引起许多严重的安全性问题。近年由CERT/CC(Computer Emergency Response Term/Coodination Center)发布的忠告中关于缓冲区溢出漏洞占56.76%以上。
关键字:缓冲区溢出? 攻击
AbstractWith the development of Internet and information technology, the great growth has appeared out in E-Commerce. But this trend lead to more venture, network security issue has become the cardinal task that various kinds of online activity need to consider.At present, the biggest problem on network is that computer software is usually not stalwart enough, sometimes such barrier will cause catastrophic result, especially when being utilized maliciously by the lawless person, the harm will hard to estimate.Buffer overflow attacking is a seriously problem in network security and cause serious security problems in recently years. Some program language have pestilent bug, for example, C program language doesn’t check the border of the array of number is apt to cause the buffer overflow, and therefore possibly cause the failure of program processing and paralysis of computer.This paper analysis deeply the principle and possible of buffer overflow attacking, and point out buffer overflow’s potential dangers. At last, according to the kinds of buffer overflow attacking, I put forward my own opinion of precautionary measures on buffer overflow attacking.
Key Words: buffe