数字电压表设计,1万字摘要:数字电压表(digital voltmeter)简称dvm,它是采用数字化测量技术,把连续的模拟量(直流输入电压)转换成不连续、离散的数字形式并加以显示的仪表。传统的指针式电压表功能单一、精度低,不能满足数字化时代的需求,采用单片机的数字电压表,由精度高、抗干扰能力强,可扩展性强、集成方便,还可与pc进行实...

此文档由会员 200306 发布
数字电压表(Digital Voltmeter)简称DVM,它是采用数字化测量技术,把连续的模拟量(直流输入电压)转换成不连续、离散的数字形式并加以显示的仪表。传统的指针式电压表功能单一、精度低,不能满足数字化时代的需求,采用单片机的数字电压表,由精度高、抗干扰能力强,可扩展性强、集成方便,还可与PC进行实时通信。目前,由各种单片A/D 转换器构成的数字电压表,已被广泛用于电子及电工测量、工业自动化仪表、自动测试系统等智能化测量领域,示出强大的生命力。与此同时,由DVM扩展而成的各种通用及专用数字仪器仪表,也把电量及非电量测量技术提高到崭新水平。
Abstract : The introduction of a cost-based 89S52 MCU a voltage measurement circuits, the circuits used ICL7135 high-precision, dual-scoring A/D conversion circuits, measuring scope DC 0-2000 volts, the use of LCD that can be carried out with a PC serial communications. The paper focuses on providing a software and hardware system components circuit, introduced double integral circuit theory, 89S52 features ICL7135 functions and applications, LCD1601 functions and applications.
the circuit design innovative, powerful, can be expansionary strong.
Key Words : Digital Voltmeter ICL7135 LCD1601 89S52
数字电压表(Digital Voltmeter)简称DVM,它是采用数字化测量技术,把连续的模拟量(直流输入电压)转换成不连续、离散的数字形式并加以显示的仪表。传统的指针式电压表功能单一、精度低,不能满足数字化时代的需求,采用单片机的数字电压表,由精度高、抗干扰能力强,可扩展性强、集成方便,还可与PC进行实时通信。目前,由各种单片A/D 转换器构成的数字电压表,已被广泛用于电子及电工测量、工业自动化仪表、自动测试系统等智能化测量领域,示出强大的生命力。与此同时,由DVM扩展而成的各种通用及专用数字仪器仪表,也把电量及非电量测量技术提高到崭新水平。
Abstract : The introduction of a cost-based 89S52 MCU a voltage measurement circuits, the circuits used ICL7135 high-precision, dual-scoring A/D conversion circuits, measuring scope DC 0-2000 volts, the use of LCD that can be carried out with a PC serial communications. The paper focuses on providing a software and hardware system components circuit, introduced double integral circuit theory, 89S52 features ICL7135 functions and applications, LCD1601 functions and applications.
the circuit design innovative, powerful, can be expansionary strong.
Key Words : Digital Voltmeter ICL7135 LCD1601 89S52