论我国证券市场的现状和发展构想,页数:6字数:5614 摘要:开放与发展金融市场,特别是证券市场,对我国城市经济体制改革和市场经济体制的发展具有重要的作用。近年来,我国证券市场有了长足的发展,但由于起步较晚,在发展中也暴露出了不少问题。本文着重从我国证券市场的现状分析入手,剖析证券市场存在的主要问题,并在此基础上提出了...
此文档由会员 cnlula 发布
页数:6 字数:5614
Abstract:Opening and developing the financial market, especially the stock market will play a very important role in the reform of the city economic system and the development of the socialist market economic system. In the past few years, stock market has been developing vigorously in China, but many problems are exposed in the course of its development because of late starting. This paper lays a special emphasis on the analysis of the cur
页数:6 字数:5614
Abstract:Opening and developing the financial market, especially the stock market will play a very important role in the reform of the city economic system and the development of the socialist market economic system. In the past few years, stock market has been developing vigorously in China, but many problems are exposed in the course of its development because of late starting. This paper lays a special emphasis on the analysis of the cur